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Thank you, this is a known problem. Having over 36 mods will produce this issue.
We are looking for ways to improve this.
We're running 54 mods plus a mod pack
@Geez PLEASE fix this for the next patch. This zombie is so loud it hurts people's ears. I feel like this is a perfect place to update the female zombie's scream. It's. too. loud.
@Geez This is fixed in the last experimental update We no longer teleport when getting in the passenger seat of a LAV-25.
@Geez This is fixed in the last experimental update - "Fixed: Head clipping with different helmets in LAV-25 driver position".
Same problem
Do you run more than 36 mods at a time?
Resolved in 1.27 stable.
Resolved for todays experimental
+1, same issue here with some mods exceeding this limit
I have the same problem.
Same problem
Server crashed, i have the same problem
Hello Bohemia. Have same problem with my buildings. We have only 5 days to resolve this situation. Help us!
I have the same problems, and the server crashes. The only way out is to wipe the server
Mirror was never implemented, the wiki was wrong, and the wiki has been fixed since then.
5/6 are fixed in 2.20
Resolved for 1.27 stable
Resolved for 1.27 stable
Same problem, needs to be fixed
Resolved in 1.27 stable
Resolved for stable 1.27
Resolved for 1.27 stable.
Resolved for 1.27 stable.
Hello Traqu.
We have tested this but we were unable to find any issues.
Hello oO_SANDM4N_Oo.
This sounds like some sort of network issue as it seems there is a problem in communication between the server and your client.
Thank you!
I have the same issue.
Everything works fine in 1.26, but in 1.27 it doesn't. When I try to install the locker server goes down.
Something you can also add is a boolean that allows/disallows a containers contents to be networked. A good example of something you can apply this to would be a barrel. Opening the barrel would begin the networking the contents to networkRangeNear like it already does, and closing it would clear it up. This would make it so inactive storage doesn't waste server/client resources.
In T189207#2755981, @YouCanCallMeAlex wrote:The exact same happens also on 1.26
Happened to me for weeks with the the tool slot (eg Hatchet) on the one backpack on KarmaKrew where you can attach buttons, a plastic bottle and a small tool. this is also still a thing. I reported it more than 3 years ago and it's super simple to reproduce and probably also to fix
I can confirm, gathered snow with filtering bottle and poured it to water bottle, got cholera after drinking water bottle.
The speed of maneuvering while aiming should be reduced while the left and right movements should not be as sensitive.
The exact same happens also on 1.26
Happened to me for weeks with the the tool slot (eg Hatchet) on the one backpack on KarmaKrew where you can attach buttons, a plastic bottle and a small tool.
In T189196#2755870, @Geez wrote:Re checked, still could not reproduce the issue unfortunately.
Can you please check on experimental as well?
Подтверждаю проблему
I have the same problem with my Base Building mod if the number of SkeletonBones[] in model.cfg exceeds 138
reinstalled Steam and Dayz still same result game playes 2 min then freezes I give up
2 min before crash now, this is from stable 1.27 official server de.
Like @KStrike said. If you know how to rank up fast you will get what you want. New players just rush arsenals and drain resources. The changes coming into 1.3 should not be reverted. Just because you are now being forced to help the team, doesn't make the game less fun. Just because you don't get an optic at the start doesn't mean its less fun. This argument is silly and they all come from console cry babies. If people weren't so stupid they wouldn't be making this change but because we have idiots, its a must.
Это весьма печально((
In T189196#2755849, @YouCanCallMeAlex wrote:@Geez This happens in ALL small train stations. To be sure, I just checked the one in Kamyshovo and there was the same bug. The one from the original video was somewhere elese, I can't tell where anymore.
The Kamyshovo coordinates according to iZurvice are: X: 1.2 Y: 1.18 (11966.92 / 3551.30)
Они ничего править не будут, у них там при определённой смене анимации вообще пропадает юнит.
I'll just agree with this. An idea for the future: a kind of startpage in the workshop where you can see the most recently updated and presented mods. So also new Mods get some views.
@Geez This happens in ALL small train stations. To be sure, I just checked the one in Kamyshovo and there was the same bug. The one from the original video was somewhere elese, I can't tell where anymore.
Hello ArtemDozhd.
Please provide crash dumps from the occurrence.
In T188989#2755806, @Geez wrote:In T188989#2755722, @intenso2891 wrote:on this hosting work 3 servers, and problem only with one.
@Geez pls help, i attach all mdmp, pls tell why server crash...
Hello intenso2891.
Unfortunately this is dependent on the responsible developer to check. Currently there are internal priorities which come first. We understand this might be frustrating and we apologise for the prolonged time it might take to check this.
This is normal behavior.
DE spawned convoy and its items has same lifetime. Once it runs out, all DE spawned items and the convoy itself will despawn.
If player drops their items, the lifetimes will differ and they will not despawn, so the items will float after the convoy disappears.
Hello Rayvex.
This is too trivial of an issue that is not relevant to the tutorial screen - wont fix for now.