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Information shared about gameplay that affects usage needs to be fixed soon.
<a href="">Ragdoll Hit</a> stands out as a captivating and entertaining game that combines realistic physics with engaging combat mechanics.
I don't have video, it's that floor where are 2 story beds located. If you can place it there or anywhere else on the ship means it was glitch on my side, in that case don't bother. But if you can't place it too on that floor - please take a look. Thank you
Im getting same error. Tried everything. Just crap... worked great and then nothing. 15 min same error. Illegal read
What was the solution? Same problem
This happens to me as well in Official servers, mainly with knives and various other tools & items, please fix <3 , it really breaks the immersion of the game, and i can't tell when i take out items.
It appears that this is fixed in 2.19.152675 -- not sure if " Tweaked: inAreaArray/inAreaArrayIndexes array of positions has been unified and can accept positions in format array, object, group, location, marker (while ignoring nils) " in that update was what fixed it or what, but the antistasi code now works fine :)
In T189611#2763784, @bloxi wrote:That sounds really frustrating! 😓 It seems like a possible issue with input lag or frame rate desync between the game and the cursor. Have you tried adjusting your Xbox display settings or lowering the frame rate mode to see if it improves? Hopefully, the devs address this in a future update!
That sounds really frustrating! 😓 It seems like a possible issue with input lag or frame rate desync between the game and the cursor. Have you tried adjusting your Xbox display settings or lowering the frame rate mode to see if it improves? Hopefully, the devs address this in a future update!
Maybe I should contact one of the developers and provide a server machine for a full analysis? This is already "f0сkеd 0p", take the initiative and find the problem!
In T189290#2762499, @Funatic wrote:@Geez What i can confirm so far regarding CLIENT crashes, its related to attitional spawned in items (for our server with Dayz Editor loader), reducing spawned in items will lower the risk of client crashes, so it think it has to do something regarding network and network bubbles, most related to networkRangeFar
@CosmoDayZ Thanks!
@tjensen To uninstall BattlEye
Reason: Access violation. Illegal read by 0x7ff6afd8e1b4 at 0xffffffffffffffff
Why was this ticket merged with ? It looks like a completely different issue.
Game glitch need more servers
Also no, @Funatic it's crashing servers as well. In my cases it was server crash.
modded class YourActionName { //your normal code up here or just nothing if you're overriding it
Yes, the cars are slowly sinking into the ground and then vanishing under the map. It’s really annoying when you have loot and it’s gone.
Also, i think ticket name is sort of wrong "Actions ending with a lambda are crashing the server" just change it to Client crashes :P
Hi There.
I'm new to this so not sure what this means at heart. Is there a solution or direction coming?
I've noticed this aswell. You are currently unable to perform sprinting attacks with LMB + SHIFT. You can perform the "shorter" version, but not the original version.
@Geez it happens again in same area with same teammates during raid of base, one kill through the wall, another from + 400 m in bushes... all another thinks very similar like strange white smoke and bugged trees, I don`t believe that there players didn`t use any cheats. guys came on, we can see that it was not honest kills at many time a row...
Copy and paste from other ticket
I will copy and paste what i found out:
Hi, Any update on this? We currently run HLL servers and this feature is a must have. Please update this ticket we want to add Reforger to our arsenal.
Hello, I have built a base on official 1492DE (Xbox)
Hello, I have built a base on official 1492DE (Xbox)
Server crashing BUG!!
I confirm : when low pop, usually by night, the game is playable, no desynch, no kick but in the afternoon especially in the evening, the red or orange desynch icon pops up. Players are teleporting every meter, cars are bouncing and we get kicked. My friend cannot play the game because it has become too laggy. Please, consider this message or you'll get more bad reviews on steam from all the other players. Also : please, make the vehicule stop so that it doesn't crash & get ruins when we get kicked from the game because the server automatically kicks us and a lot of players at the same time, it's so frustrating. It's urgent.
It seems that all the problems from this ticket have already been fixed and it can be closed.
drivers are ok
scannow found corrupt files and repaired it
the nvidia app? ok i will see
Duplicate T181075
Duplicate T181075
Relates to T183762
Relates to T179982
Relates to T165421
I have 16 AIs in my group.
There is just a limitation due to the capacity of the Mi-8
Relates to T189136
There are two main bases and 37 regular bases on the map
General AILimit - 1024/1500
Active AILimit - xx/256
Relates to T187233
Relates to T189599
Relates to T187233
This can also contribute to a better interface.
Players will see a number and think about what it means and maybe start to figure it out and mark the points they will go to.
Usually via their discord. If you don't know what their discord is, you may be out of luck. It's a shared ban, so it's probably on multiple servers. What's your steam name?