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Jun 13 2013, 12:38 PM (614 w, 5 d)

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May 10 2016

punkatux added a comment to T80709: AI don't keep up, and do not respond well to "move" or "get in" commands when in "danger" mode. (New movement command suggested).

There is huge difference when you tell single AI to move somewhere and when you simultaneously order it group of two or more soldiers, because they will actually form group and try to move in formation or bounding fashion. Also "hold fire" command helps them to make it quick. They will abort "hold fire" command when immediate threat pops up so it is also quite safe to do so. I don't say it's easy to master them, but hey, practice and you will get better :)

May 10 2016, 10:02 AM · Arma 3
punkatux added a comment to T80709: AI don't keep up, and do not respond well to "move" or "get in" commands when in "danger" mode. (New movement command suggested).

No offence, but I am always able to make AI do what I want guys or at least I don't have any of problem you are reffering here. It's discutable whether the interface is perfect but as I say, good control over behaviour of AI is achievable.

@Spycho: For example order medic to hold fire, order only him to come to you, and then tell him to heal you. He will do it pretty quick. The reason why it takes him so long is because he is trying to get to you while keeping formation with others and while engaging targets that are threat for him.

Mode (combat, aware, stealth, safe) itself doesn't tell them stance they should be in, you can force their stance althougth.

@tyl3r99: According what wiki says, they should not move the same in STEALTH and DANGER, not even when contacts are not known. When stealth, they behave more paranoid and it greatly works against snipers.

And yes they are stuck in danger mode unless you clear all spotted contacts or unless you get out of range. That's documented feature.

May 10 2016, 10:02 AM · Arma 3
punkatux added a comment to T79836: Current implementation of gun scopes allows cheating.

scopes should be rather implemented in PiP manner or it should fallback to black screen outside of scope, but leaving this as-is (which I guess BI will do =/) is unacceptable

May 10 2016, 9:34 AM · Arma 3
punkatux edited Steps To Reproduce on T79836: Current implementation of gun scopes allows cheating.
May 10 2016, 9:34 AM · Arma 3
punkatux added a comment to T72247: Missing dialog of AI's gear on map screen.

Maybe, but I want it back. What's not real about it? At least on brefing screen you should be able to customize AI's gear. That's normal that leader of operation will decide what equipment his guys will carry isn't it? Of course mission designer specify the gear available in the briefing screen. Not complaining a single word about this.

May 10 2016, 6:08 AM · Arma 3
punkatux edited Steps To Reproduce on T72246: AI ignores slope of the terrain they are standing on.
May 10 2016, 6:08 AM · Arma 3
punkatux edited Steps To Reproduce on T72247: Missing dialog of AI's gear on map screen.
May 10 2016, 6:08 AM · Arma 3
punkatux edited Steps To Reproduce on T72232: Revealing works only for local units.
May 10 2016, 6:07 AM · Arma 3
punkatux added a comment to T71552: Radio Protocol: You cannot check status of all units by issuing the "All, report status" command.

only the leader of subgroup responds which means everybody with him is okay

May 10 2016, 5:48 AM · Arma 3
punkatux added a comment to T71136: Remove "open door" order from actions orders menu.

Its priority is based on distance of soldier receiving the command to the object which action should be done with. So if you want to heal some soldier, make sure medic is next to wounded soldier and then healing option should be first in priority. Same with opening the door and any other action.

May 10 2016, 5:36 AM · Arma 3
punkatux added a comment to T71136: Remove "open door" order from actions orders menu.

so as I said, move medic to him and then issue him the healing command, he will tell you when he arrives by "2: READY" message so what's the problem?

May 10 2016, 5:36 AM · Arma 3
punkatux added a comment to T70464: Cannot tell AI to rearm at ammo bearer or assistant gunners nor will AI tell other AI this.

I have a little trick for this, I put down magazine, move soldier to it and order him "6 -> Gear" and then I can edit his gear. But it would be better to have access on map screen in units section (I made post about it, ID: 0013888)

May 10 2016, 5:13 AM · Arma 3
punkatux added a comment to T70464: Cannot tell AI to rearm at ammo bearer or assistant gunners nor will AI tell other AI this.

I am pretty sure you need to get the soldier into close range of the crate (actually whatever object you want to do action with), then the command should appear. At least it works for me.

May 10 2016, 5:13 AM · Arma 3
punkatux added a comment to T69862: lack of "command menu - action options" to quickly setup the gear for AI units.

move ai to the crate you want to take gear from, then the most priority command (first in menu) is the right one for you

May 10 2016, 4:51 AM · Arma 3
punkatux added a comment to T69751: absolut directions for spoted units.

you CAN check the direction, in targets menu (key - 2) when commanding AIs

plus you can set easier difficulty to see enemies assumed position on the map

May 10 2016, 4:47 AM · Arma 3
punkatux added a comment to T69686: GPS display has to be re-opened after using scope.

@MulleDK19: You should train to memorize the path instead. If you can't make a step without GPS, suffer from turning it on manually after looking through scope. I either shoot or I am on the move, so I really don't see the point.

May 10 2016, 4:44 AM · Arma 3
punkatux added a comment to T69511: Grouped AI refuse to disembark MH-9 in wooded areas or close to trees when ordered to.

This happens when objects around are blocking pathway to the destination.

May 10 2016, 4:37 AM · Arma 3
punkatux added a comment to T69431: A.i detection/awareness control.

There's no slider for that however there is scripting command for this purpose.

May 10 2016, 4:35 AM · Arma 3
punkatux added a comment to T69147: toggle walk/run.

There is walk/run and run/sprint already in the controls option. As you only want this to skip "boring" (It's boring cause you don't play it properly) parts, I downvote this.

May 10 2016, 4:25 AM · Arma 3
punkatux added a comment to T68632: Ability to instantly disable VON whit specialties to Side and Global chat to not be bother by people screaming over the mics..

As I remember it was already implemented in ArmA 2, isn't it in ArmA 3 too? If yes, " open map ---> Players " and mute everyone individually

May 10 2016, 4:01 AM · Arma 3
punkatux added a comment to T68351: No Quick Command menu available when selecting teams with 9-9-#.

you can assing a team by CTRL + F1, F2, ... and you can select the team by SHIFT + F1, F2, ...

What I suggest you is open quick command menu and then select team with Shift + Fx

May 10 2016, 3:51 AM · Arma 3
punkatux added a comment to T67033: AI Indoor Awareness including Windows/Doors.

Be the leader and command them to do so, or be grunt and do as your leader says. There are so many questions about this...

Should they do it everytime? What if I don't have enough of men to do it? What if I don't have enough time? What if one of my guys have silenced weapon? Should he utilize it? What if that's exactly what I don't want for wahtever reason?

May 10 2016, 3:04 AM · Arma 3
punkatux added a comment to T66621: AI won't advance after "stop" or "find cover".

commands advance as documentation says make AI to move 50 meters ahead of group (can be ordered more times, then the effect is cummulative, 50, 100, 150 m ...) same with get back and flank orders

May 10 2016, 2:49 AM · Arma 3
punkatux added a comment to T65916: AI passengers automatically get off the car, if ordered "all stop".

Isn't the command 1-7 for what you want to do?

May 10 2016, 2:19 AM · Arma 3
punkatux added a comment to T63839: AI should use more suppressive fire and hold position when defending.

OK, understood now, thx AD2001. What about setting speed limit of their waypoint to SLOW? It should force them to move strictly in formation, I am not sure how it works under combat now actually, but it seems as option to me at least for a try. But I think this issue is not defined anyhow good to be taken seriously by developers. While the guy who made the post seems to have real military experience I think his statement can't be taken as "always wanted". What if I want to do a charge wave onto my position or what if enemy gets out of ammo too soon because of heavy surpressive fire? He should either better define circumstances during AI should do it or I would rather leave it as it is now.

May 10 2016, 1:00 AM · Arma 3
punkatux added a comment to T63839: AI should use more suppressive fire and hold position when defending.

@AD2001: What's the point of controlling enemy squad and how is it related to the topic? Either I completely misunderstood your post or I don't know what you want to achieve. Of course as mission designer, you can issue enemies whatever API allows. I really hope you meant it like this.

May 10 2016, 1:00 AM · Arma 3
punkatux added a comment to T63839: AI should use more suppressive fire and hold position when defending.

There is command for stopping them, even for suppressing fire. Issue them the right commands and you have what you want.

May 10 2016, 1:00 AM · Arma 3

May 9 2016

punkatux added a comment to T62287: AI don't keep up, and do not respond well to "move" or "get in" commands when in "danger" mode. (New movement command suggested).

There is huge difference when you tell single AI to move somewhere and when you simultaneously order it group of two or more soldiers, because they will actually form group and try to move in formation or bounding fashion. Also "hold fire" command helps them to make it quick. They will abort "hold fire" command when immediate threat pops up so it is also quite safe to do so. I don't say it's easy to master them, but hey, practice and you will get better :)

May 9 2016, 11:54 PM · Arma 3
punkatux added a comment to T62287: AI don't keep up, and do not respond well to "move" or "get in" commands when in "danger" mode. (New movement command suggested).

No offence, but I am always able to make AI do what I want guys or at least I don't have any of problem you are reffering here. It's discutable whether the interface is perfect but as I say, good control over behaviour of AI is achievable.

@Spycho: For example order medic to hold fire, order only him to come to you, and then tell him to heal you. He will do it pretty quick. The reason why it takes him so long is because he is trying to get to you while keeping formation with others and while engaging targets that are threat for him.

Mode (combat, aware, stealth, safe) itself doesn't tell them stance they should be in, you can force their stance althougth.

@tyl3r99: According what wiki says, they should not move the same in STEALTH and DANGER, not even when contacts are not known. When stealth, they behave more paranoid and it greatly works against snipers.

And yes they are stuck in danger mode unless you clear all spotted contacts or unless you get out of range. That's documented feature.

May 9 2016, 11:54 PM · Arma 3
punkatux added a comment to T61847: AI has to high awareness and too high accuracy at long ranges.

@EmperorJon: are you aware that they use radios? I don't see anything bad about that one man spot you and whole squad engage you simultaneously.

@noah895: Maybe he silouhetted against ocean or sky, or maybe you have big ratio Friendly skill / Enemy skill. What were your options during the mission?

For me it's playable and balanced when I set skill 1.0 to both sides.

May 9 2016, 11:28 PM · Arma 3
punkatux added a comment to T61600: Horrible convoy driving of AI vehicles.

Actually I think people who haven't even read what safe behaviour changes about pathways in BIS documentation are douchebags in my view, cause it's them flooding bugreports with complaining about things that already work, but okay I won't as you wish SGTIce. I helped as I could with my long post.

It works for me so I don't have any reason to update this anymore.

And when I said it's about ranks, I meant the order of convoy, not anything related to pathways.

May 9 2016, 11:14 PM · Arma 3
punkatux added a comment to T61600: Horrible convoy driving of AI vehicles.

Okay here it is again...

  1. Add units you want to be in convoy on map.
  1. Group them together, make sure they are all in one group. You can achieve this either by dragging a line from each to other while in group mode (F2) or by JOIN and JOIN AND LEAD waypoints, which has to be synchronized together (F5). Since ranks are important in convoy, I recommend to start experiment with simpler convoys first and use first method. If you want them start in formation, you should already have it set (default is special: IN FORMATION). If you want them positioned exactly as you tell, give them special: NONE.
  1. Now you need to tell what posisitons should vehicles in convoy take. It's not so black and white here and needs little experimenting sometimes. I found out that sometimes it's not enough that unit is a rank higher than previous one. I had to switch them to SAERGANT vs PRIVATE to achieve one of them to be in front of convoy, but as far as I can tell, I always managed it to the state I wanted the convoy to look like. Goal here is to get comfortable with convoy order.
  1. To make convoy start to move, place simple MOVE waypoint with SAFE behaviour to the destination place. This will force them to move in tight collumn (formation is not applied in SAFE behaviour). But once they get under contact, they will change it's behaviour to AWARE or DANGER.
  1. When they come under contact, that's the moment they start to apply formation and change their combat behaviour. I suggest STAGGERED COLLUMN or WEDGE so they start to move by bounds. But maybe more important is its combat mode. If you want them to spread out and hunt actively for threats, use FIRE AT WILL, ENGAGE AT WILL. If you want them to only defend as they can, but continue to move as group use FIRE AT WILL. If you want them to flee, regroup somewhere and continue, set all units in the convoy "unit allowFleeing 0.75" or finetune the value to your needs. This can be done easily by writing this command into leader's init field: "{_x allowFleeing 0.75} forEach units group this;"
  1. If or after they survive the ambush, they should regroup, switch to SAFE behaviour again and continue to waypoint automatically. But they won't if there are still contacts in the area. They have to engage, stay pinned down or flee, no other possibility. For this I recommend some sort of support for them. Easiest it to put quick reaction force team or some CAS helicopter on map and give it GUARD waypoint. It should come automatically to reinforce ambushed enemy. Things may change dramatically when enemy chopper gets to the ambushed area before the convoy is completely destroyed.

That's how I do it. When this doesn't work, I'll admit that it's bugged, but for me, it works like a charm. It's just not so easy to handle all of that without knowing some details about how things work in ArmA.

P.S. it became my habit too just now

May 9 2016, 11:14 PM · Arma 3
punkatux added a comment to T61600: Horrible convoy driving of AI vehicles.

and I forgot to mention waypoint speed setting and possibility of using "unit forceSpeed 5" to force unit's speed to be 5 m/s (don't mix up with km/h)

Generally it can be said:
SLOW - they don't advance untill everybody is in formation
NORMAL - this is default, if there's gap, front vehicles will slow down, others tries to catch them, then they will move fast again
FAST - they don't wait for others to keep the formation

so I think about it like it changes group behaviour more, speed can always be set by other way

May 9 2016, 11:14 PM · Arma 3
punkatux added a comment to T61600: Horrible convoy driving of AI vehicles.

jesus.... I just made a long post and lost it because of session timeout

May 9 2016, 11:14 PM · Arma 3
punkatux added a comment to T61600: Horrible convoy driving of AI vehicles.

only I can say to you is that IT IS all about these things, either keep crying it's not working or do some investigation. Meanwhile, I'll enjoy next convoy ambush today

May 9 2016, 11:14 PM · Arma 3
punkatux added a comment to T61600: Horrible convoy driving of AI vehicles.

I thougth it was messed up also in ArmA 2 until I discovered that all my issues I had were about ranks and who is in what position in formation/convoy. Once I had mastered that things, convoys started to do their jobs. Same in ArmA 3 thus I downvoted this. I found AI pathfinding not perfect, but even nor so horrible as you describe.

May 9 2016, 11:14 PM · Arma 3