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- User Since
- Mar 5 2013, 6:31 PM (626 w, 4 d)
May 10 2016
hello yes i herd sumtimes tht the game can get currupted n the netcode stops give damage to sum ppl. u need 2 reinstal the game n it will fix it
This type of behavior is to be expected considering you're playing with different versions of the game.
May 9 2016
You don't really focus on the outside of the scope though, even with eye relief, you might be able to see something moving but you'd have to look away from the scope to see what it is.
Go to the helicopter controls binding and rebind the cyclic and turn bindings from mouse up/mouse down the other way around. This will inverse the controls.
Duplicate issue
BI has said they will not be including a 3D editor (at least at launch)
This is a bug tracker, it is assigned a severity identifying it as a bug, not a feature request.
AS for the issue its self... firing a gun while holding your compass in your face?
I think I might just be imagining this but wasn't this a listed feature REALLY early on back when they announced A3?
"If they wanted to avoid "filtering" than they could provide detailed "reporting instructions"
JNC - Scroll all the way up and you'll see a big red link saying "HOW TO GUIDE"
Please, do not post links to such sites.
Send them via PM to a mod on the forum.
I... I think you should do a little more research before trying to bullsh*t.....
Opening the door is generally faster.
The only time I can imagine a door EJECT function coming into play is when you're already underwater and the pressure would be keeping it closed which, if it were modeled, would be quite a nice feature.
A suppressor only acts to dissipate the gasses that cause the crack, they /may/ slow down the bullet by a fraction of it's speed because of friction, but not enough to be noticeable.
"we still have no feedback from any dev on this topic,"
There will be no feedback on any threads except game breaking issues for now, an alpha is about getting the features working, not adding content.
This will be added in by the modding community in short order.
I can think of a thousand other features that could have time spent on them that would otherwise go into this issue, functional changes that would change game play as opposed to visual changes which would change... nothing.
And this certainly isn't a high priority issue.
And then people like you enter the thread. ^
Duplicate Issue
Not to mention, it'll most likely be stored vertically which would unalign it even if the compass didn't lock it.
I sense many people straight from call of duty here...
Also, this looks quite a lot like a troll report.
"Firing a weapon produces the exact same repetitive, generic sound sample every time."
FeralCircus, please remember that this is an alpha, the sound engine is likely not even completed yet and all the sounds will not be in the game yet.
Perhaps because it's a boat?
^ That is how you get your DXDIAG
He means all the files that are inside that folder. (replace <NAME> with your account name on the computer.)
Probably should have tested that more... confirmed above.
Issue can be closed (although weapon recoil for vehicles would still be nice)
As above - this is not a bug and it CERTAINLY isn't a 'major' issue.
There are guides on the wiki, there are guides on the forums, there are guides all over the web. If you want to learn scripting go and look for some materials.