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- User Since
- May 24 2023, 3:07 AM (93 w, 5 d)
Tue, Mar 4
Nov 25 2024
Nov 5 2024
I would love to resolve it with Nitrado, unfortunately, they don't respond, then they close the ticket. It's happened to my last 4 tickets, how do I resolve it with them when they refuse to do anything?
How is a player ID going to help for a server side issue? I rented a 10 slot nearly 24hrs ago and still cannot use it. Same error code.
I've had 15 people try so far, no one can connect.
@Geez Can we get better hosting options yet? I paid for a server nearly 24hrs ago and I still cannot use it.
As you can see by the event log, the server was acting weird from the moment of purchase, duplicates of settings changing at the exact same time when I clicked "save"
Service ID: 16075765
Apr 3 2024
This is pretty accurate to out current circumstances:
Picture a popular diner, known for its juicy, mouthwatering burgers—a favorite among the town's residents. X is like the supplier providing the diner with what's supposed to be "high end" beef, but occasionally, the meat turns out spoiled. When diners bite into their burgers expecting that familiar, satisfying taste, they're met instead with disappointment. Complaints arise, but instead of addressing the issue, X deflects, blaming the diners for their "unrefined palates" and refusing refunds for the tainted meals. Z, the diner's management, is well aware of the X's erratic deliveries but chooses to watch from the sidelines, risking the diner's reputation and the trust of its patrons.
The once bustling diner now faces a dwindling crowd, with regulars contemplating whether they will bother returning for another burger.
Apr 2 2024
Ticket ID: 1897593
Apr 1 2024
@Geez Hows this one for ya then? Is this an April fools joke or something? Seriously.
Mar 29 2024
Started ticket: Nov 17, 2022, 13:05
Issue status: Unresolved (oldest log file is from Dec 08 2021
Ticket ID: 204297
Another Ticket ID: 367775
Mentioned in Ticket ID: 391861
Another Ticket ID: 391925
Mar 28 2024
I've had player reports of it occuring when driving vehicles
@Geez right now at 2:14pm AEDT 28th Mar 2024 I can't even load the web interface to create a ticket.
Mar 22 2024
@Geez any response to my numerous tickets & ticket IDs yet or did you only ask for them to make us feel like you're actually going to pay attention to the neglectful and contemptious way Nitrado treats it customers under your company's name?
Mar 12 2024
14MB logfile - 3 days for a reply.
Ticket ID: 561690
Move locations - 20 hours, 3 minutes for a reply.
Ticket ID: 569050
Restart loop - 5 days, 5 hours, 28 minutes to be threatened for pointing out the law.
Ticket ID: 542879
Can we have the ability to upvote posts???
So Bohemia and Nitrado acknowledge this but ignore that Nitrado blackmailed me when I pointed out how illegal their refusal to refund stolen runtime was.
Mar 6 2024
@Tybro 5 years using them too, that's not the worst one, one server had 3 log files glitched on it for 3 years and they were aware, refused to fix it, I was specifically told "We have more important things to worry about", last month I gave up and closed another server, feels like Bohemia's letting Nitrado kill the game
When's the hotfix #2?
This is the year Nitrado & Bohemia will killl DayZ, it started at Christmas.
Nitrado is the worst. 27 days of random dropouts for all DayZ servers totaling at least 80 hours and 51 minutes of downtime that we customers pay for & when the legalities are pointed out they threaten to close your account.
Mar 5 2024
Ever gonna fix this?
Oct 13 2023
So much was broken in 1.22 I'm still finding issue 😭😭😭
Oct 7 2023
Next update doesn't mention anything about log fixes, I presume that means there won't be any? Again...
Sep 7 2023
Sep 6 2023
15:52:28 | Player "ThatIceBoi" (DEAD) (id=8F9FCD9D872DBD8FEAC54868B26C7E7F774ACD2F pos=<4837.5, 10348.9, 376.2>)[HP: 0] hit by Player "Ceilingbaby" (id=41E4E72B0743EB25DFBF5564858646F449156A4F pos=<4838.2, 10350.9, 376.2>) into Torso(34) for 28.9709 damage (Bullet_556x45) with M4-A1 from 2.11204 meters
15:52:28 | Player "ThatIceBoi" (DEAD) (id=8F9FCD9D872DBD8FEAC54868B26C7E7F774ACD2F pos=<4837.5, 10348.9, 376.2>) killed by Player "Ceilingbaby" (id=41E4E72B0743EB25DFBF5564858646F449156A4F pos=<4838.2, 10350.9, 376.2>) with M4-A1 from 2.11204 meters
Been dead for 5 seconds
15:52:33 | Player "ThatIceBoi" (DEAD) (id=8F9FCD9D872DBD8FEAC54868B26C7E7F774ACD2F pos=<4837.5, 10348.9, 376.2>)[HP: 0] hit by Player "Mikex223" (id=51CAE12B479C4C333CE52350A592AB3D05CFA98F pos=<4837.9, 10350.1, 376.2>) into Torso(24) for 19.3284 damage (Bullet_357) with Deagle from 1.31153 meters
15:52:33 | Player "ThatIceBoi" (DEAD) (id=8F9FCD9D872DBD8FEAC54868B26C7E7F774ACD2F pos=<4837.5, 10348.9, 376.2>)[HP: 0] hit by Player "Mikex223" (id=51CAE12B479C4C333CE52350A592AB3D05CFA98F pos=<4837.9, 10350.1, 376.2>) into Torso(24) for 19.3284 damage (Bullet_357) with Deagle from 1.31153 meters
15:52:33 | Player "ThatIceBoi" (DEAD) (id=8F9FCD9D872DBD8FEAC54868B26C7E7F774ACD2F pos=<4837.5, 10348.9, 376.2>)[HP: 0] hit by Player "Mikex223" (id=51CAE12B479C4C333CE52350A592AB3D05CFA98F pos=<4837.9, 10350.1, 376.2>) into Torso(24) for 19.3284 damage (Bullet_357) with Deagle from 1.31153 meters
Keeps "dying" to a single bullet from a different player
Aug 30 2023
More here
16:14:30 | Player "KugEL TaL F1" (DEAD) (id=EA83A26690EABF542B4BC7FC12150B8C95146EF9 pos=<11936.1, 3487.6, 7.1>)[HP: 0] hit by explosion (M67Grenade_Ammo)
16:14:30 | Player evilbro360 (DEAD) (id=C23E1DE8FCBC8077DB7A5774B37C5ACA81CAEE71 pos=<11929.8, 3489.2, 6.9>)[HP: 0] hit by explosion (M67Grenade_Ammo)
Some with " around player name some without it
Aug 17 2023
No coords:
15:52:40 | Player 'lopexzbased' (id=3203357074A1DDB0052E6708A436919C486CA8B7) committed suicide.
Aug 15 2023
Jun 6 2023
21:16:10 | Player "AboveTheCIouds-_" (id=REMOVED pos=<7056.0, 11192.3, 173.9>)[HP: 43.8829] hit by Player "Jeoxq" (DEAD) (id=REMOVED pos=<7044.4, 11189, 173.9>) into RightHand(47) for 95.5743 damage (Bullet_556x45) with KA-101 from 12.0061 meters
21:16:10 | Player "AboveTheCIouds-_" (id=REMOVED pos=<7056.0, 11192.3, 173.9>)[HP: 16.5547] hit by Player "Jeoxq" (DEAD) (id=REMOVED pos=<7044.4, 11189, 173.9>) into Torso(30) for 27.3283 damage (Bullet_556x45) with KA-101 from 12.0061 meters
- Double Dead Log
21:16:13 | Player "quartrback" (id=REMOVED pos=<2703.9, 7185.6, 240.1>)[HP: 9.96977] hit by Hatchback_02 with TransportHit
21:16:13 | Player "quartrback" (id=REMOVED pos=<2703.9, 7185.6, 240.1>)[HP: 2.84284] hit by Hatchback_02 with TransportHit
21:16:13 | Player "quartrback" (DEAD) (id=REMOVED pos=<2703.9, 7185.6, 240.1>) killed by Player "Jeoxq" (DEAD) (id=REMOVED pos=<7044.4, 11189, 173.9>)
- Killed from nearly 6000m away
- Killed by dead player
Jun 2 2023
Jun 1 2023
But seriously, you should try community servers 😊
May 30 2023
May 28 2023
02:09:21 | Player "REMOVED" (id=REMOVED pos=<REMOVED, REMOVED, 346.6>)[HP: 99.89] hit by Fence with BarbedWireHit
02:10:11 | Player "REMOVED" (id=REMOVED pos=<REMOVED, REMOVED, 343.9>)Player SurvivorBase<1b45a020> Mounted BarbedWire on Watchtower<f1d29850>
02:10:55 | Player "REMOVED" (id=REMOVED pos=<REMOVED, REMOVED, 343.9>)Player SurvivorBase<1b45a020> Mounted BarbedWire on Watchtower<f1d29850>
May 25 2023
When will this be fixed?
Not entirely sure how a message that supposedly has no impact spams the logs and I don't see any benefit in it other than to clutter the log.
@Geez please make it so the "dead" line no longer appears like this:
@Geez Please remove it then? 3500 lines of spam every single time a server restarts, Nitrado advised that the CPU is messed up due to missing configuration files, they told us to bring it to you to get it fixed, below is the cpu usage on 3 servers with players currently on the servers, so is it Bohemia or Nitrado that needs to resolve this issue so our servers we pay for can actually be used properly.
May 24 2023
I was super excited for this update so the logs got better. They're worse now.
Why can't we just have the bullet that killed the player's damage and body hit part on the logged dead line.