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- User Since
- Mar 12 2013, 4:39 PM (625 w, 4 d)
May 10 2016
Could you please rephrase your issue? I am totally unable to understand it.
Animations contain NO memory points.
Camera position is fixed and calculated based on location of hips at first and last keyframe of the animation.
Floating rifle is a glitch that can be easily fixed.
Prone launcher animations were dropped. They were left ingame for modders.
Healing animations will be addressed within following 2 months.
I have fixed that a few days ago.
It has fixed itself or i am too stupid to reproduce. Please wait for nearest dev version and confirm.
Right, thanks.
I have fixed this issue.
This issue is already under my scope, programmers are aware and looking for fix, awaiting green light to fix it.
For now resolved by forcing into kneel state instead of standing.
The current solution is the only compromise i could find. What you suggest is impossible with current system.
This has been fixed and will be available
There is literally no map reading animation as of yet.
I have no problems with understanding your point. Please dont treat devs as mindless cows (even if we seem like ones ;) ) - for 95% of tickets its not that we do not know what to do but if its not being taken care of - that means it involves too many resources to be considered at given moment (or that the resources unavailable). So let me explain this one more time - this is not doable within the scope of the current animation system. In order to make this BF-like system work, there is programmers support needed which is rather unrelated to the animation crew itself.
BTW turning in adjusted stances is being worked on.
So do you suggest something like "delayed" crosshair motion? (vide Worlds of Tanks - please check videos) I am afraid this might hurt the game itself (also requires reworking the system).
Freelooking is still available with default ALT key (i am using SPACE in my personal preset).
I dont think you understood my message. Its not that easy because:
(option1) If we force aiming deadzone by default, it might be very confusing for newcomers from other games (who the series tries to open for) who did not experience anything like it before. Might lead to a lot of frustration.
(option2) If we wish to make sure the crosshair stays in the center all the time, we would essentialy go for Battlefield system (BF3 for instance) - where the animation itself has no effect on the way the crosshair behaves. This is however pretty much impossible at this stage within the engine.
Please dont get me wrong. I would like ALL things, especially this, but this doesnt sound doable at this point.
This is not easy to implement. You can either force aiming deadzone by default or rework animation system entirely.
May 9 2016
This has been fixed. Additionaly new surface diving (less flying nazi) animations are IP
Not present/not reproducable in current version.
Can anyone reproduce it?
I am indeed working on this. I have improved the handling and movement but still working out the transitions. As for right-click to bring up optics - I want to do this but its currently nice to have due to time shortage.
I cannot promise anything in this field. It seems like its a major design decision and I dont think it will be implemented.
What you are forgetting is what happens after you swapped the pistol. Lets say we want to sprint and hit the dirt and crawl fast 25 meters. To keep it realistic, the weapon should be at least pushed to the rear in order not to hurt yourself and not to damage the weapon (dirt, fall impact etc.). It would be rather uneasy for common players to acknowledge addditional procedure before initiating fast reaction motion.
Also, if you would see a GM6 Lynx or a GPMG hanging on the sling you would also be probably irritated. A compromise is needed.
Regardless, to make up for it, as i already wrote in the forums one day, please note that the time difference between real-life rifle to pistol swap by a common soldier is only 1/8 s faster than it is happening now. This was speeded up to compensate for these simplifications that we do.
It's not that we dont know about things :)
Yo, this has been fixorzd. Will be up in dev version as soon as its ready.
Impossible at this stage. I will return to this the moment it is.
Please check whether this still exists. I was unable to address this issue.