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- User Since
- Sep 14 2014, 5:48 AM (543 w, 6 d)
May 11 2016
I actually swapped the PSO-1 out from my SVD to my AKM and use the Kashtan on the SVD just because I tend to use semi-automatic rifles at medium range and automatics at long range (tap firing) I can easily nail 400m shots with the SVD and Kashtan scope though, but prefer the 30rnd magazines of the AK74 and AKM
My friend and I found a campsite near Kamenka comprised of tents, barrels and V3S's all hoarded and spaced a few hundred meters apart, full of AKMs, M4s and other high end loot. Meanwhile none of those said high end items were spawning on the map anywhere.
Using rope to hold the stick and stone together would be a great way to kind of gate it so hatchets aren't too easy to make... we do need a natural method of rope creation though, maybe grass fibers dried over a fire and twined?
When you pay for a server, NBPone, you agree to Bohemia Interactive's terms and conditions that you won't mistreat their player base, nor will you use the server for anything other than hosting for other players to play on. If you pay for the server and whitelist it for your clan only, that's fine, but if you are kicking players off the server for whatever reason and cannot explain or prove why, then you're abusing the player base which is wrong and bad for Bohemia.
NBPone you're missing the point. Administrators of servers, even if they overpay for their server, aren't allowed to kick DayZ SA players just because they want to play alone and get easy gear (though that's not how the loot economy works now thankfully)
Bohemia have already written rules regarding this, it's causing Bohemia Interactive bad public reputation when server administrators are kicking players from servers for an early access game that critically needs more player data. They are also not allowed to "pay to win" by buying into a server you aren't paying to get free or easy loot or an advantage in fighting players on your server, you are dedicating your time to raising a community that will play with you on your server.
This is poor sportsmanship for one, and your attitude towards the entire topic is very poor as well.
Vomiting doesn't help the sickness at all and actually harms you by draining your energy and hydration.
They've already addressed the issue internally.. now we're just waiting for the hotfix patch they promised us which might take another month to finally be released for whatever reason (dunno why... the stable branch really needs this hotfix right now, a lot of the servers I play on are simply becoming empty again because no one can build camps for groups over the size of two or three.)
The issue does occur with tents too but it seems sporadic and some servers can handle up to 15 tents before the problem arises. Barrels cause the problem the most consistently.
The developers have also already explained that the loot economy works by spawning only up to certain amounts of weapons and every other item based on defined thresholds and I've found that a lot of greedy players loot places and dump guns in the forest/bushes/deep grass so they can grab them another time for their camps.
For instance, on several servers in Australia I was able to loot several M4's various civilian/hunting rifles and an AUG, AK74/101 from the treelines around Myshkino military camp.
Don't know why it's "useless" the downside is without the proposed HUD shown on the dev blogs, the status indicators aren't available except for text-based ones.
Accessing items in the inventory is actually easier and you can access the full contents of big military tents and vehicle tents unlike the old interface.
It's more intuitive and responsive as well, it just lacks the fancy look and feel that I'm sure the graphics designers and user interface designers will add in coming updates. All I hope is the HUD is put in ASAP as -newui is really good and my entire group uses it.
Some ideas for solutions to this issue:
Jerry cans could have their overall inventory size reduced to half (3x3) and make it impossible to put them into backpacks for storage (can do that via an additional data flag?)
Make it so players either carry them in their hands (which we do already) or combine a rope to it and sling it under/over your shoulder in the backpack slot, like how those camping tents take up the backpack slot.
Additionall for the vehicle storage, there's a frame for an extra fuel take, I take it that is the V3S long range/distance tank expansion, either add on frames for two Jerrycan's for storage as well, or have them as a separate vehicle upgrade like how you attach wheels/engine parts.
This could also work for two spare tires/wheels as there are two holding frames for truck tires behind the cabin.
This has already been addressed by the developers as confirmed and is fixed internally and will be added to their .58 stable hotfix:
The tests concluded the range was 300m and the issue is most prevelant with barrels and less with the trucks and tents. Try to spread your camps out over a 300m radius to keep it safe for now.
This applies to hypothermia as well. I am stage two hypothermia and sitting on a fire "I am rapidly warming up" I am completely dry, but the hypothermia won't go away and I'm bleeding to death even though there are no negative effects of hypothermia until stage 3.
I've had this issue where I'll look directly at a camp fire in the night and won't even look away yet the entire world renders as black except the camp fire, glowsticks that are 'broken' and flares, there won't be any light, the objects themselves glow though and are the only visible items for a few seconds to a minute (or if you run far enough away) and by completely black, I mean that I took a screenshot and tested the colour values (RGB) and it returned 0,0,0 across the entire screen except where there were glowing objects.
While I agree that looking at a light source should force the character's eyes to adjust (camera exposure and all that) I doubt the entire world turning to perfect black is intended. I tested this with HDR set to 16-bit (low) as oppoosed to 8-bit (very low)
Gamma was default value (1.0)
I went back to the camp about an hour ago with a new V3S we salvaged and checked around camp. We had exactly these items all within 300m of the original tent and barrel:
- 1x tent (first placed) filled with items
- 2x barrel (second and third placed) filled with items
- 1x Cargo V3S filled with items
- 1x camp fire with tripod (seems to smolder forever)
- 1x empty barrel approximately 90m away from tent
We also had a SPOSN Tortilla backpack that I dropped before a friend euthanased me so I could fresh spawn after getting food poisoning and we scoured seven towns for charcoal tabs with no luck. When I returned I crouched beside the backpack which I had just relocated (we all believed it despawned during a server restart) and added it to my character. I had to wait 15 minutes before it actually went on my back and when it did the desync stopped immediately. I took the empty barrel and ran with it out about 400m and stashed it safely before returning to clean up some of the storage inventories before logging off.
Maybe check around camp to see if any of your group members have just lazily dumped a backpack somewhere. We were able to have three barrels within 100m of each other without desync but... I can't confirm anymore than that as we decided we would not take any more barrels there.
A few buddies and I have set up a camp with a tent and a barrel, but when we added a second barrel and logged back in later on in the day we had 30-400 seconds desync localised to the camp with the barrels. I added a third barrel (as I hadn't been warned of the desync bug yet, and when I was told the about the bug I tried to move the new barrel away, however the desync was so bad I could not even use any items up to 300m away, when I wen t back and tried to pick up the new barrel a third time, the server crashed with my friends on it (as we were luckily the only other people online at the time.)
Far too little damage. I've shot three rounds into a geared player from 100 meters with the sawn off IZH-18 and all it did was ruin their top and pants, no blood loss or loss of consciousness, they turned around and plugged me with the AUG twice and I dropped dead, even though I had a plate carrier.
I seem to get these invisible zombies while mainly inland about 2km all the way up to the NW Airfield. They are silent until they hit you and cannot be killed (tried by spamming an entire AKM mag where the zombie was attacking me from)
They've been a bother since 0.42 but are far worse now in the new zombie update of 0.55, much faster, can attack from any direction and cannot be avoided by sneaking because you can walk right into them.
On top of the pre-existing teleporting zombie bug, this makes 0.55 close to unplayable for me, and I'm almost kitted out with the best weapons and gear in the game so far... kind of frustrating.
It seems the bug doesn't happen as much after a restart, most of us end up respawning on the coast if we die shortly after a server restart, but after about an hour or two, everyone begins spawning at that bridge. It's frustrating because by that time, Vybor, NW and all the places in the immediate vicinity are already picked clean of supplies... all I can find are wrenches, pliers and ducttape
I'm still alive right now so I don't want my account to be messed up (I have a lot of good loot and stuff for once) but my friend who also got the same issue, died after two abrupt server restarts and the glitch stopped happening to him (he spawns on the coast now) I'll keep you updated for when I die next as to whether it happens or not.
@macbain: I searched five crash sites last night alone and only found two 10rnd CMAGs for the AR-15 platform. I've search twenty since the update and I've only ever found helmets or stray ammo. Are they just that exceedingly rare?