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Dec 23 2013, 3:41 PM (586 w, 2 d)

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May 10 2016

Phugoid added a comment to T93241: Huge Desync. Unable to interact with server..

Can a mod acknowledge this? There are a lot of people having this issues and it's fundamental to the game. More important (in my eyes) than "Flickering weapon attachments"

May 10 2016, 7:11 PM · DayZ
Phugoid added a comment to T93241: Huge Desync. Unable to interact with server..

Yeah I haven't been able to play again for a few days. I had about an hour today where it worked but since then no joy.

Also, why has someone down-voted this issue? If you're not having the same issue it does not mean it doesn't exist.

May 10 2016, 7:11 PM · DayZ
Phugoid added a comment to T93241: Huge Desync. Unable to interact with server..

Conspire posted this on a duplicate thread:

It seems then that the desync issue is due to Battleye

Other thread:

May 10 2016, 7:11 PM · DayZ
Phugoid edited Steps To Reproduce on T93241: Huge Desync. Unable to interact with server..
May 10 2016, 7:11 PM · DayZ
Phugoid added a comment to T93240: No interaction with game when friends join near me.

Search before posting.


and here:

as well as numerous other posts on the issue. Up vote the already existing threads so the devs actually acknowledge them instead of creating your own.

Regardless: +1

May 10 2016, 7:11 PM · DayZ
Phugoid added a comment to T93237: Suppressor loudness.

These are suppressors, not "silencers".


A suppressed M4 compared to standard.

Although a rifle will certainly not be silent with a suppressor attached, I do believe the change in sound levels has yet to be implemented.

May 10 2016, 7:11 PM · DayZ
Phugoid added a comment to T93218: Night "Settings" not working anymore.

You're not supposed to be able to see at night by turning up your gamma.

May 10 2016, 7:03 PM · DayZ
Phugoid added a comment to T93215: No interaction with game when friends join near me.

Search before posting.


and here:

as well as numerous other posts on the issue. Up vote the already existing threads so the devs actually acknowledge them instead of creating your own.

Regardless: +1

May 10 2016, 7:03 PM · DayZ
Phugoid added a comment to T93004: WTF? Unable to do anything.

Try searching first :)

May 10 2016, 6:57 PM · DayZ
Phugoid added a comment to T92852: 100000 Desync.


Yes, this is a big issue. Still waiting on a dev to even acknowledge this issue.

May 10 2016, 6:52 PM · DayZ
Phugoid added a comment to T92852: 100000 Desync.

Yes, will a dev even just acknowledge that this exists?

May 10 2016, 6:52 PM · DayZ
Phugoid edited Steps To Reproduce on T92621: Russian Roulette.
May 10 2016, 6:45 PM · DayZ
Phugoid added a comment to T92611: Gun shot noises are extremely unreliable.

Confirmed. I would also like to add that when playing with a squad, sometime half the squad will hear gunfire and run for cover, while other will hear no report.

May 10 2016, 6:44 PM · DayZ
Phugoid added a comment to T91744: Improvement: Make use of those books.

You don't learn to fly helicopters from reading old books.

May 10 2016, 6:17 PM · DayZ
Phugoid added a comment to T91742: Inability to use items. Period..

It's due to total desync. I cannot play DayZ at the moment because of it. Every server I join will be ok for 1 - 2 mins then become unplayable.

May 10 2016, 6:17 PM · DayZ
Phugoid added a comment to T91683: Using all Water purification tablets for one Bottle.


May 10 2016, 6:15 PM · DayZ
Phugoid added a comment to T91682: Huge Desync. Unable to interact with server..

Conspire posted this on a duplicate thread:

It seems then that the desync issue is due to Battleye

Other thread:

May 10 2016, 6:15 PM · DayZ
Phugoid added a comment to T91682: Huge Desync. Unable to interact with server..

Yeah I haven't been able to play again for a few days. I had about an hour today where it worked but since then no joy.

Also, why has someone down-voted this issue? If you're not having the same issue it does not mean it doesn't exist.

May 10 2016, 6:15 PM · DayZ
Phugoid added a comment to T91682: Huge Desync. Unable to interact with server..

Can a mod acknowledge this? There are a lot of people having this issues and it's fundamental to the game. More important (in my eyes) than "Flickering weapon attachments"

May 10 2016, 6:15 PM · DayZ
Phugoid edited Steps To Reproduce on T91682: Huge Desync. Unable to interact with server..
May 10 2016, 6:15 PM · DayZ
Phugoid edited Steps To Reproduce on T91680: Huge texture issue in Krasnostav.
May 10 2016, 6:15 PM · DayZ
Phugoid added a comment to T91663: Main weapon fires on my back when klicked as soon as axe was grabbed from my back but not fully ready yet.

I had a similar issue. I clicked while an m4 was on my back and it went off full-auto.

Gave me the fright of my life.

May 10 2016, 6:15 PM · DayZ
Phugoid added a comment to T91484: Feedback: Allow guns to spawn anywhere, nerf Military spawns..

Elwo, you beat me to it.

I'm not sure why M4s would be doing in an ex-soviet bloc country either, perhaps due to a Western policing action or maybe outside help against the zombie outbreak?

Anyway, I agree with the logic behind weapons spawning more randomly, e.g. a random AK-47 in the middle of the woods after some poor bastard shot himself with it. Beans too.

May 10 2016, 6:08 PM · DayZ
Phugoid added a comment to T91448: 60 bullet stacks of M4 ammunition.


May 10 2016, 6:06 PM · DayZ
Phugoid added a comment to T91050: Refund money.

This site is for reporting bugs, not your failure to read the multiple warning messages regarding the purchase of this game.

May 10 2016, 5:53 PM · DayZ
Phugoid added a comment to T90628: Can't Interact in game -- d/c in 2 minutes.

May 10 2016, 5:39 PM · DayZ
Phugoid added a comment to T90546: Summary of every building where items are burried/invisible.

Barns sometimes have loot buried in the muck, maybe this is a feature though...

May 10 2016, 5:36 PM · DayZ
Phugoid added a comment to T89977: Brown screen when joining server..


This has not re-occurred since the last patch. Thanks for the fix!

May 10 2016, 5:17 PM · DayZ
Phugoid edited Steps To Reproduce on T89977: Brown screen when joining server..
May 10 2016, 5:17 PM · DayZ
Phugoid edited Steps To Reproduce on T89974: Floating shadows.
May 10 2016, 5:17 PM · DayZ
Phugoid edited Steps To Reproduce on T89945: Walking through water sound play when NEAR water..
May 10 2016, 5:16 PM · DayZ
Phugoid edited Steps To Reproduce on T89940: Blurry vision on login. Change graphics settings to solve..
May 10 2016, 5:16 PM · DayZ
Phugoid added a comment to T88417: [Alcohol] When cleaning your wounds with alcohol you get sick.

Confirmed. The same happens when taking Tetracycline antibiotics.

May 10 2016, 4:20 PM · DayZ
Phugoid added a comment to T88209: FNX 45, .45ACP ammo don't work (Wiki says it should).

Why can't people understand that magazines (NOT clips, clips are something very different) are not part of the gun. You can get different mags for the same weapon produced by different companies.

As to why a pistol would come without a magazine? Perhaps someone who already had a pistol took the magazine out of it, and loaded it with loose rounds and kept it for himself.

What do you think happens in real life when a magazine is empty? They are not thrown away normally (that's what a "dump pouch" is for. It's not for shitting in).

A magazine is kept for a number of reasons:

  1. It can be refilled later with loose rounds.
  2. It might not be empty, in RL it can be difficult to keep track of how many rounds were expended if you're under stress.
May 10 2016, 4:12 PM · DayZ
Phugoid added a comment to T87552: Performance is poor on AMD rigs..

Turn all post processing and the to low. I'm running a 7950 + i5 3570k OC'd and I'm having no performance issues.

May 10 2016, 3:42 PM · DayZ
Phugoid added a comment to T87525: Suppressor loudness.

These are suppressors, not "silencers".


A suppressed M4 compared to standard.

Although a rifle will certainly not be silent with a suppressor attached, I do believe the change in sound levels has yet to be implemented.

May 10 2016, 3:41 PM · DayZ
Phugoid added a comment to T87500: Handcuff key disappears after one time use..

Yep this is total nonsense. What kind of a key disappears? You don't have to take a trip to the locksmith every time you open your front door.

May 10 2016, 3:40 PM · DayZ
Phugoid added a comment to T87246: Bringing up the inventory on dual monitor setup causes mouse cursor to move outside of the game monitor.

Just to add. I also play with dual monitors but have not noticed this. Having said that, I use a program called Actual Multiple Monitors (which I recommend if you haven't tried it!)

May 10 2016, 3:29 PM · DayZ
Phugoid added a comment to T86979: No loot in deer-stands.

This is like reporting "no vehicles spawning".

I'm fairly certain that the devs know where they have and have not placed loot spawns.

+1 regardless since it is true.

May 10 2016, 3:11 PM · DayZ
Phugoid added a comment to T86791: GHOSTING.

Yeah a timer would work great but only if it was a timer that prevented you entering the SAME server.

Otherwise if you we're having connection issues you'd have to wait ages to play.

May 10 2016, 2:44 PM · DayZ
Phugoid added a comment to T86782: quick swap 1-9 doesn't work correctly 100% of the time.

Confirmed. It seems to be due to desync.

May 10 2016, 2:39 PM · DayZ
Phugoid added a comment to T86431: Weapon attachments become invisible..

Why is this under "need more info"? I heard Rocket state that the dev team already know why this is happening.

May 10 2016, 1:07 PM · DayZ