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May 7 2013, 12:49 AM (619 w, 3 d)

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May 11 2016

Nothun set Category to category:structures on T109361: Berezino Bush penetrates house wall.
May 11 2016, 4:42 AM · DayZ
Nothun edited Steps To Reproduce on T109321: Prison island main building: Footsteps make a metal sound on the floor.
May 11 2016, 4:41 AM · DayZ
Nothun added a comment to T108958: Reloading bolt-action rifles, shotguns...

You just stated how it works right now...

I thought we wanted to get over the clunky inventory bull and face reality, as in

"I have a few bullets in my chest-pocket and want to load a single one to finish of that other survivor slowly dying infront of me"


"I have fired a single round and want to fill the gun again, oh look I placed my bullets conveniently into my chest-pocket and can easily load it into the gun"

May 11 2016, 4:29 AM · DayZ
Nothun added a comment to T108958: Reloading bolt-action rifles, shotguns...

Here is my suggestion:

For bolt-action rifles like the mosin or CR527, the .22 sporter and repeater, as well as all shotguns.

If your ammo is 0<current<max, you should be able to add a single bullet to the internal magazine by hitting "R".

Why a single? To balance the fact that you do not need a magazine for these rifles.

May 11 2016, 4:29 AM · DayZ
Nothun edited Steps To Reproduce on T108910: AKM 75rnd Drum cannot reload unless completely empty.
May 11 2016, 4:27 AM · DayZ
Nothun added a comment to T108816: Floating hay bales.

Found one, see attached for location

May 11 2016, 4:24 AM · DayZ
Nothun added a comment to T107627: Fence penetrates prison wall.

On the floor above the fence the tree is also clipping through the wall of the Prison.The attached Pictures show the fence and tree, as well as the location on the island

May 11 2016, 3:42 AM · DayZ

May 10 2016

Nothun added a comment to T99882: Prone (fractured leg) trying to go upstairs is impossible.

I have noticed this too.

What seems to be working well is to roll sideways by pressing Q or E, this rolls you up the stairs.

A problem with broken legs are also the sheds. Most of them have a step to get into, however if you are prone, you cannot roll over this obstacle as the door is not wide enough.

Imagine having a broken leg and you want to craft a splint. In order to do so you need an axe. This axe is in the shed you cannot access. Bummer, you are stuck with a broken leg.

May 10 2016, 11:02 PM · DayZ
Nothun added a comment to T95412: Damaged dressing material in pristine medkit.

Same here. Just thought that some stuff might have been swaped, but if you found multiple like this, it should be fixed.

Seems only right to have pristine medical stuff in pristine medkit.

Edit: who downvotes this? I mean without reasoning?

May 10 2016, 8:30 PM · DayZ
Nothun added a comment to T95412: Damaged dressing material in pristine medkit.

If they do spawn like this, it is a problem.

However, I usually swap out damaged bandages and other medical stuff from a pristine medkit if I found another one before, so it is possible that someone did that with the medkit you found. are you sure you where the first one to get to it?

I upvotet to check if this is really a problem.

May 10 2016, 8:30 PM · DayZ
Nothun added a comment to T95175: Hunting for food/skinning/cooking.

As far as I know this is going to be possible. Just hold on thight...

May 10 2016, 8:21 PM · DayZ
Nothun added a comment to T94489: Water textures everywhere blocking line of sight.

Had the same problem just logging in, but with some other Textures I think. Attached my files and DXDiag.

Edit: I believe those are Tree textures with my problem

May 10 2016, 7:55 PM · DayZ
Nothun added a comment to T93138: Visual keeps being almost in black and white even if i stopped bleeding and i healed my sickness hours ago..

Your character has lost to much blood. Blood only regenerates if your water and hunger aka energy levels are high (almost full for fast regen). keep eating and drinking and your blood levels will return to normal, as will your colors.

A grey screen is an indicator of high blood loss, your game is not broken, this is not a bug.

May 10 2016, 7:01 PM · DayZ
Nothun added a comment to T92937: Appartment building rooftop ladders.

Duplicate of 0006094

Sorry, saw it to late.
This thread suggest the ladders being to short.

May 10 2016, 6:55 PM · DayZ
Nothun edited Steps To Reproduce on T92937: Appartment building rooftop ladders.
May 10 2016, 6:55 PM · DayZ
Nothun edited Steps To Reproduce on T92201: Eating (Drinking) while sitting causes character to stand up.
May 10 2016, 6:32 PM · DayZ
Nothun added a comment to T92199: Server with NO PVP policy.

You do know this is a bug report/feedback/idea site? how is this helping the development of the game? Please post stuff like this in the forums.


May 10 2016, 6:32 PM · DayZ
Nothun added a comment to T92196: Rubber Banding since patch 0.30.113953 - much worse now.

Server: Player location rubberbanding (ongoing)

It says ongoing. Your idea is not that bad though...

May 10 2016, 6:31 PM · DayZ
Nothun added a comment to T92196: Rubber Banding since patch 0.30.113953 - much worse now.

This is the latest Changelog: Check the second from bottom, they are working on it.

Change Log - 0.30.113953

  1. JANUAR - HICKS_206


Design: Balancing of player spawns (ongoing)
Server: Dead player cleanup (time based)
Design: M9130 Bayonet can now open cans
Server: BattlEye Anti-Cheat (Client as well)
Server: Initial implementation for Sub-Private Hives (ongoing)
Server: Initial implementation for regular & hardcore Public Hive


Server: Dedicated Server crash related to player skeleton
Server: Player location rubberbanding (ongoing)
Server: Large delay in item manipulation and "inventory tetris"

May 10 2016, 6:31 PM · DayZ
Nothun added a comment to T92186: pushing from server lagg or hacking?.

They call it "Rubberbanding" player position. it's a known bug, not a hacker. and they are working on it.

May 10 2016, 6:31 PM · DayZ
Nothun added a comment to T91203: Red lights at northern Air Filed west side of Grishino.

You can find them on both sides of the runway,it would be ok if they are on.

HOWEVER: The WAY they glow is unnatural. They look like big orbs. It just looks fake.

May 10 2016, 5:58 PM · DayZ
Nothun added a comment to T88199: SERVER HOPPERS [Feedback].

I would find the easiest solution to be having no logout zones. These should be all the Towns/ Airfields/ Bases/ Ships.
Basically this means one cannot logout in loot spawns, only in woods etc...

Furthermore add a 30(?) sec delay before the character is taken off the server upon hitting logout, but during this time, you can still watch your character and intervene if needed. Your character sits down and a timer is displayed till logout. If you hit any(!) key, the logout is canceled.

May 10 2016, 4:11 PM · DayZ
Nothun edited Steps To Reproduce on T66432: Aiming (Switching Optics Mode) while leaning on the ground displays "false" sight.
May 10 2016, 2:41 AM · Arma 3
Nothun added a comment to T66155: Add parallax effect to aiming view - aim the rifle with a mouse but align sights with TrackIR.

Well Armapirx,

Although I normaly wouldn't revoke a vote, you do have very good arguments, and as I would also love to see this feature, but only if you can toggle it on/off. since this is where you are going, I am now with you on this.
One Up!

May 10 2016, 2:30 AM · Arma 3
Nothun added a comment to T66155: Add parallax effect to aiming view - aim the rifle with a mouse but align sights with TrackIR.


Don't get me wrong on the subject, I love Arma since Arma 1 the way you do, because of the non Call of Duty style. Pushing the boundaries of the gaming engine even more so.

"With that in mind, all that could be demanded from a player, would be to only hold W and left mouse button, because he plays a trained soldier, whow knows when to move and when to shoot." -Armapirx

This is not what Arma is about, you are right. The skill in Arma lies in the abillity to learn the skill of doing what, where and when, and this is what is so amazing, players that can fly a arma helicopter to unbelievable precision, because they LEARNED it.
Your idea to be able to toggle it on or off (which I didn't read out in your desc. I am sorry) is great, and yes, for those who can and want to a very nice feature.

I have a lot of experience with rifles, as I worked for a weaponsmith for two years, and i am a hunting guide. Anybody using a rifle (or assault rifles) with iron sights or improved sights like Reflex, Scopes or other, can compensate the effects of parallax simply by pratice and it becomes second nature. Soldiers do not think about the parallex effect since they have the experience with it, thus being able to think about more critical things like the tactical situation or scanning for enemies.
I myself would be so focused on the parallax, that I would completely neglegt my surroundings. Headtracking in my opinion is not as precise as it should be to accomodate this feature.

May 10 2016, 2:30 AM · Arma 3
Nothun added a comment to T66155: Add parallax effect to aiming view - aim the rifle with a mouse but align sights with TrackIR.

Well AD2001, I do not own a TrackIR kit, but I use a Headtracking device similar to TrackIR and you do have freelook when aiming with Headtracking devices. Since this is already implemented (but only for players with such devices) it is possible to add a parallax effect.
I would also love to see this in a simulation, but the fact is that modern scopes and sights have a "counter-parallax" adjustment screw to counter this to a great extent. Also, the parallax effect is of great importance to snipers/scouts/marksman, but of little relevance to CQB, since it's effect is neglible for small distances.
I have to vote this one down, since we play "soldiers", which are trained in aiming and countering this effect.

May 10 2016, 2:29 AM · Arma 3
Nothun added a comment to T64291: Proper glass reflections.


Agreed. High quality scopes even have a anti-relection layer, as reflection would interfere with the soldiers aiming and picture quality.
But making the game future capable by implementing this as a setting, is a very good argument. The idea from BloonerNL is also very good, using different textures.

Upvoted for consideration by BIS

May 10 2016, 1:20 AM · Arma 3