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- Oct 6 2020, 11:25 PM (232 w, 6 d)
Nov 22 2024
Happened to me before. It might be because since some updates ago (2 or so) when opening the DayZ Official Launcher, the game starts searching for every server possible (Official and Community) and there are thousands and thousands, so if you have your steam parameter in the "In game" section "Server pings per minute" setting too high, it might break you internet. The solution for me was to lower that setting in Steam to 1500.
Oct 20 2024
Just for the record: it keeps happening in 1.26 update. Really, devs, we need this annoying bug fixed asap, it's been more than a year! @Geez please give us some information. Just to remind that sometimes has taken me more than 15 (yes, FIFTEEN) tries to get to a server, around 20–30 minutes. Happens to my mates too and sometimes it's a nightmare to play together. Imagine how it feels when being in a QUEUE!
Jun 19 2024
I keep getting this issue after almost a year. Is it the same for the rest of you? Do you keep getting it? Have you found any solution/workaround?
Feb 17 2024
Same issue 0x00040031 as in report ticket T175043 more people are experiencing it since 5-6 months ago when they introduced 1.22 update is when started happening same computer, server, internet provider, connected via cable to router, SSD NVMe drive. If it didn't happen before, why started happening to people after 1.22? Still 1.24 is supposed to bring fixes as first update of the new 2024 year but still no fix keeps happening, could seem as a minor issue but gets annoying pretty fast since sometimes you need more than 3 minutes to join a server or cannot get into the queue in time and give up playing for the day.
That screenshot looks fine to me, Livonia, I suppose. If it was like that I think it would be good, unfortunately - at least in Chernarus sky - it gets a lot more purple. For reference look at the screenshot I posted in a comment above on February 4th. Also vanilla, not a mod on it.
Feb 10 2024
Oh! and about what you write:
@Osdaeus OP shared empiric data, real life examples, and even a link to the solution to fix the overwhelming purple sky at dawn/sunset, and all you have to argument is:
Feb 4 2024
Here I upload a screenshot showing how bad the purple tint is from a few minutes ago, at sunset. Vanilla, not mods.
Feb 3 2024
Hello @Geez any news about this issue being resolved in the next 1.24 patch? or any other news of it? Still happening after 5 months.
Nov 13 2023
Very interesting report and link to solution. I noticed it these days and was wondering because I have never seen such purple skies around where I live, so was wondering if that was accurate. Good to know it has been assigned already.
Nov 3 2023
Good idea, I support it. I infinitely prefer the 3D map over the full screen 2D overlay. It's immersive. As @WeirdXone I also use alt and zoom in to read/look at the corners of the map and I don't have any problem to read any part of the maps in either Livonia or Chernarus.
@Geez please we need a fix for this issue, it keeps happening after a couple of months and in 1.23. Never happened before in years playing the game. Depending on the time, it takes even more than three minutes to join. Happens also to my friend from completely different location, Canada and Spain.
This has been an issue since 1.22 released a couple of months ago. I reported already in the ticket below. Hopefully it is fixed because it is still happening and to play I have to try multiple times, taking some of them even three or more minutes to finally enter the server.
Sep 7 2023
Maybe related to T175043?, that being from client perspective and this one from server perpective? @Norealname, do you know what error code shows to the player. Is it error 0x00040031?
Hello Geez. I just saw this ticket T175275 reported a few hours ago. I have no idea, but maybe that ticket is the same issue or related to the one in here, being that from server perspective and this one from client perspective. Just an idea that you might have already considered. Appreciate this is being looked into. Thanks!
Sep 3 2023
Hey @SidDebian appreciate your effort to write a possible solution. Unfortunately for me, it doesn't work. I just tried it and the error keeps happening. I have no idea what it can be but seems that it is even increasing in frequency, yesterday I just gave up joining a certain server because it kept happening after four or five attempts. Take into account that in between attempts there is a wait of the game in the menu while it does its things of about 30 seconds or so until it pops the error window, and in total it was two to three minutes trying to join. It's getting quite annoying. I am connected via cable to my router, and I have fiber in a developed urban area, ping is low, have SSD NVMe and never happened before.
Aug 30 2023
Jun 18 2023
@JerryK Yeah, that's what I mean, 0.62 wasn't perfect, but it was closer to what I think DayZ is, against what we have now. We need the authentic and hardcore weapon experience for DayZ.
Jun 17 2023
May 28 2023
Nov 11 2022
I was about to create the ticket! You were faster, Mike. Thank you! Now that Wobo has enlightened all of us, I personally think that it is a big issue, and this probably explains why sometimes the shot didn't seem to have any effect. I think everyone that has played DayZ for a while has experienced it. Devs, these hit boxes need to be aligned!
Nov 9 2022
Today I played on the same server with the same settings and found a Livonia map, this time was not badly damaged but worn instead. It was not blurry at all, so visually fine as it used to be before the update.
Nov 2 2022
I take this opportunity to say that these maps are very nice made, and I always like to have them in my inventory and use them to travel. I don't like to actually use outside game maps. Congratulations to whoever devs make them.
Perfectly described. As a player that has suffered this bug multiple times, I can't thank you enough.
Oct 10 2022
Oct 2 2021
Hello Darnie. Unfortunately I have no idea why your favorites are getting wiped, although I know that they are saved in the following file together with server history.
Sep 12 2021
Sep 2 2021
Same here. For half an hour I have been trying to play experimental, and got kick or server crashed each 5 minutes. Cannot do any actions, or there's a delay of 10 seconds for them to take effect. I played stable straight after and had no problems.
Aug 16 2021
After more playing time, I found that what I posted was not perfect... still getting kicked, although a lot less frequent. There was one last thing I could try. I bought a long RJ45 cable and set it as a temporary makeshift for testing purposes. I have been using it for enough time to post here that I haven't had a single kick.
Aug 13 2021
I thought that it could be because the server I usually play on was set to be winter, but I see that it also happens in April... This is an issue. I think the same.
Aug 8 2021
After these past weeks trying many things (try and failure) I think I have come up with a workaround that I hope serves to as many people as possible. I have done several tests applying this or not, and when applied I haven't had any issues and when not, I have been kicked off just like before. Today I have been applying it and playing straight for a few hours with no issues at all, so I think I can call it a solution, at least for me and hopefully also for you.
Jul 25 2021
It happens to me even if I join again and again. Keeps kicking me. @NAyRAM is this only since the last 1.13 update?