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Error 0x00040031 when trying to join a server (AuthPlayerLoginState)
Reviewed, NormalPublic


Most of the times I tried to join a server (community vanilla server) I get this error 0x00040031.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Steps To Reproduce

I cannot find the steps since it seems random. Sometimes I manage to enter the server after two tries, other after five tries...

Additional Information

I have verified files after the update, cleared settings and logs. It didn't happen before; same computer, server, internet, etc. I am connected via cable to my router, and I have fiber in a developed urban area, ping is low, have SSD NVMe.

Here there is a video of the issue. After four times trying and giving me the error, I finally manage to enter the server in the fifth time. Around three minutes trying to enter the server. First try was directly from the official launcher clicking join in the "recent servers" tab, which is captured in the video already inside the game that it loads but at some point as you can see gets stuck, and after some seconds loads the menu instead and gives the error. Then, the following tries are shown in the video and I joint directly from inside the game.

Event Timeline

Nolhek created this task.Aug 30 2023, 12:10 PM

I've got the same error in 1.21 and more often 8n current 1.22 game build.

I bet that have an issue with DNS cache in Windows because of Steam (sometimes it loses connection to Steam servers and quickly restored ir but don't give any information about it to Game's launcher or already launched game.

Here's my way to sole this:

  1. Stop Steam process
  2. Start Windows CMD (if you wish then as admin) and input next commands one by one:

A) ipconfig /release
B) ipconfig /flushdns
C) ipconfig /renew
After you had been finished you may close the command prompt

  1. Start Steam again, open launcher and join to the server.

I think that's when Steam-client met an issue while working it's not submitted correctly the state of connection to the Steam network,
That's why Game and Game's launcher have an issues with connection and joining to the server:
A) Sometimes favourite server is gray out and no way to connect to it but Quering of Steams Network returned that server is online.
B) Login (aka join) to the server issue like yours.

Please try it out i guess it might help you.

Hey @SidDebian appreciate your effort to write a possible solution. Unfortunately for me, it doesn't work. I just tried it and the error keeps happening. I have no idea what it can be but seems that it is even increasing in frequency, yesterday I just gave up joining a certain server because it kept happening after four or five attempts. Take into account that in between attempts there is a wait of the game in the menu while it does its things of about 30 seconds or so until it pops the error window, and in total it was two to three minutes trying to join. It's getting quite annoying. I am connected via cable to my router, and I have fiber in a developed urban area, ping is low, have SSD NVMe and never happened before.

Nolhek edited Additional Information. (Show Details)Sep 3 2023, 12:01 PM
Nolhek edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Sep 3 2023, 7:09 PM
Nolhek edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
Nolhek updated the task description. (Show Details)

I have this issue as well and it can be quite annoying...
It happens to me on official, community, stable and experimental servers. Usually I have to connect 2-3 times to a server before it will let me join.
I think this problem started around the time that version 1.22 EXP got released. I don't know if it happend to me when I played 1.21.
@Geez Are you around somewhere? :)

Geez changed the task status from New to Reviewed.Sep 7 2023, 11:30 AM

Hello Jordi435.
This error may occur due to a few things - notably:

  • Your computer is too slow to handle the processing time
  • Your internet is too slow to send the data in time
  • The server is too slow to process the received data in time

Or the combination of all above.

We are however checking, if the processes did not become more demanding with the recent updates.

Nolhek added a comment.Sep 7 2023, 4:59 PM

Hello Geez. I just saw this ticket T175275 reported a few hours ago. I have no idea, but maybe that ticket is the same issue or related to the one in here, being that from server perspective and this one from client perspective. Just an idea that you might have already considered. Appreciate this is being looked into. Thanks!

I have similar issue after 1.22 update in vanilla server and i didnt have this issue in pervious patches

For the last month since 1.22 it happens to me randomly whenever I try to enter in the server.

It starts to be annoying!

This also happens to me with every server join attempt.

Whether it's from the Launcher, in-game or with Direct Connect.

Never had any issues before the 1.22 update, just wanted to join the choir!

This has also coincided with incredibly slow loading/refreshing in the launcher for servers as well, unsure if it's related but thought I'd mention it.

This still happens in version 1.23 (EXP).

Nolhek added a comment.EditedNov 3 2023, 11:29 PM

@Geez please we need a fix for this issue, it keeps happening after a couple of months and in 1.23. Never happened before in years playing the game. Depending on the time, it takes even more than three minutes to join. Happens also to my friend from completely different location, Canada and Spain.

Happening to me now, I just opened a ticket for it. 14 hours of playtime, multiple kill son the character. Fully geared and at a total loss. Haven't been able to connect for my whole day off. SIGH

Nolhek added a comment.EditedFeb 3 2024, 5:27 PM

Hello @Geez any news about this issue being resolved in the next 1.24 patch? or any other news of it? Still happening after 5 months.

I've been having this issue too! Always when i try joining a server it happens 2 or 3 times in a row then it works finally

I keep getting this issue after almost a year. Is it the same for the rest of you? Do you keep getting it? Have you found any solution/workaround?

Nolhek added a comment.EditedOct 20 2024, 12:35 PM

Just for the record: it keeps happening in 1.26 update. Really, devs, we need this annoying bug fixed asap, it's been more than a year! @Geez please give us some information. Just to remind that sometimes has taken me more than 15 (yes, FIFTEEN) tries to get to a server, around 20–30 minutes. Happens to my mates too and sometimes it's a nightmare to play together. Imagine how it feels when being in a QUEUE!

By the way, Reddit user Flames_Arisen has a workaround for this for anyone interested. I link his Reddit post here ( and transcript down below his text (Thank you Flames_Arisen!):

This is a reliable fix for anyone who is tired of restarting steam and their PC repeatedly until they can get it.

On the DayZ title screen after a failed login, change your characters name to something different, hit apply.

Change it back and hit apply.

Then click “play” again.

This works every time for me.


If you’re using DZSA Launcher and the previous solution doesn’t fix it then:

4. Close the game 5. In the DZSA launcher settings, change your “Ingame name” away and back again as previously mentioned. 6. Click the arrow of the server you want to play and choose “start DayZ without joining server” 7. Repeat steps 1-3.

Cheers 🍻

Some Reddit posts about the AuthPlayerLoginState I found in a quick search:

Nolhek renamed this task from Error 0x00040031 when trying to join a server to Error 0x00040031 when trying to join a server (AuthPlayerLoginState).Oct 20 2024, 12:52 PM
auxOlives added a subscriber: auxOlives.EditedDec 14 2024, 3:34 PM

Hello Jordi435.
This error may occur due to a few things - notably:

  • Your computer is too slow to handle the processing time
  • Your internet is too slow to send the data in time
  • The server is too slow to process the received data in time

    Or the combination of all above.

    We are however checking, if the processes did not become more demanding with the recent updates.

Hello Geez,

Can you tell if -limitFPS= could have a negative impact on this?