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- Mar 8 2013, 7:11 PM (626 w, 4 d)
Jan 13 2021
Nov 15 2018
Sorry but what's the point on keep this? How I can test all the features if every time I start from same state (same equipment) since I can't play for long hours?
Nov 12 2018
May 11 2016
I'm on it. And that makes me think it's a way to the game tell that has people coming, but I guess not.
I even made an issue about it, because when you see the distance in game, can see the moving objects (people, animals and zombies) more easily - which should not happen because there is still a ground cover by weeds , shrubs and bushes that anyone would try to go unnoticed by crawling. But this makes no sense as is
Some update make this process work. Closed!
Hello! Sorry for took too long. Here's the SC:
May 10 2016
These days I played a game called "This War of Mine", I advise everyone to check out! Man, this game is exactly what a survivor must feel when you kill a person, from a banal form even for survival. Should really think about it, because the very hack and gamer who lives chasing the other, is not in the comics (obviously the game in alpha, there is not much to do, I understand)
Can confirm this too
Good one!
Detail: edges of trees, vertical walls, vehicles also show the same problem
I'll try to post a video that does not exceed the upload limit
@papy.rabbit.08: Which version of ArmA?
I have the same.
A good one! Or we wil force to hunt down some mods in that purpose.
Same for AI in buildings that were manning it, but do not run a single shot from the inside out. Have I stumbled several times with enemy bots that are paralyzed with gun-toting half expecting the player (I) passing in front of him to shoot. The same applies to the effects of explosions, which should alarm you - or even kill them - when inside buildings, but they act as if a flock of birds were walking in the sky.
May 9 2016
Thanks Noodle!
Thanks Helperman! I think some indicator in this direction would be feasible. Maybe blood, maybe the impact of the shot. Extrapolating the idea also can create variable depending on the weapon impact.
Note: the pistols even give any indication effect. I even didn't get any downs with it. It would be interesting developers verify that too.
@Kid18120: I think it's a little more complicated you control the recoil of the weapon in mouse than using arms in real life, don't you think?
The recoil of the G36 is slightly even above normal. Still have not tested other weapons. I agree that the game should be realistic and we are not asking anything like COD, but should keep interest in the game to shoot.
Another thing is the action of holding the grenade after pulling the pin. I could not do, if this system already exists.
@FrankHH humm ... did not know that! Thank you!