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- Mar 6 2013, 12:38 PM (628 w, 6 d)
May 10 2016
DX12? yes, but first make a 64bits product.
Same bug in all my community.
Actually, the AI of the games and simulators is the most forgotten feature. Graphics, physics, sound, all this has improved since the beginning of the games, but the AI has stalled, not advanced almost nothing. If we start seeing a jump in the simulation, we have to understand that we must first put the AI to date. We have a clumsy AI, based on preset movements, which is not able to assess the situation one bit.
Since I play as much as possible OFP/ArmA1/ArmA2 avoid having to use the AI in missions, because it is very frustrating to see how something as simple as follow, are unable to do so. Or view as a single enemy soldier, if he sees you, attacks you, but you bring 4 tanks and 50 soldiers.
Not that can not be improved, I have seen other productes, with reactions more logical AI.
Therefore, if BIS wants the arma3 a step forward, you will work on a far more advanced AI, dynamic, using the ground, he react to their environment (fear of enemy fire, evaluation of the situation. ..)
With the new patch some branches show geometric shrubs. Depending on the distance, the bush LOD changes from normal to a kind of pocket.
Please look the screenshot.
IL-2 Sturmovik: Battle of Stalingrad
DCS World
War Thunder
Star Citizen
All Valve games and other AAA and indie games is confirmed for Oculus Rift. ArmA series is more prepared for OR than others, please, add native OR support for ArmA 3 (and i hope ArmA 2), Thanks.
May 9 2016
I set 2xG for launch grenade, and Ctrl+G for cycle grenades. If i pulse Ctrl+G two times, i launch a granade, and is the same for all controls. ArmA 3 not discriminates between normal key, and key with Shift, Ctrl or Alt.
This severely limits the configurable keys, especially with the addons.
Yes, thanks for clarify my point Byter.
+1, use PhysX for fix this ;)
Every time loading appear this screen, and you need wait, in multiplayer i die some time for wait in this unnecessary screen appear when loading is finished, sorry for my english.
People claim deploy weapons feature, because it is realistic, claim shot from the helicopter and vehicles for infantry, because it is realistic, and woman in the armys is realistic, not need more reasons.
No matter if it is easy to implement, or not, is to improve the realism of the simulator. And include female soldiers, is realistic.
Sorry, the videos i say.
Yes, i think is good idea add two controls for stance up and down, and whit this can apply stance in CTRL+F, CTRL+V o Mousewheel, or other if i need.
Yes, with last DEV still remain. The screenshot is in pier (jetty) of Stratis Air Base, not Agia Marina, but in Agia Marina also appears, although with less intensity. I saw that depends on the direction of the sun appears more or less, if you have something i above that makes shadow looks better.
Helicopters with wheels can taxi, if you play DCS: Blackshark, the best actual helicopter simulator, you con see the Ka-50 can taxi.
The impuls of the main rotor can push the helicopter in ground. The helicopters have two tipus of taxi in ground, touching the terrain, and in a low taxi height, using the air mattress is formed by ground bounce air blown by the blades to the ground.
Off course helicopters can taxi in the ground.
DCS: Blackshark Taxi start at minut 5:20 Taxi start at minut 1:05
Real helicopters second 26
This is my old profile.
MB: Asus P8H67
CPU: Intel i7-2600 3,4 Ghz
Graphic: Nvidia GTX 560 Ti 1GB
RAM: 16 GB G.Skill
I get, with medium graphics, 30 FPS avg in ArmA 3, 35 FPS avg in BF4, Farcry 4, DCS World, 4 FPS avg in Assessins Creed 4 Unity.
I bought a Geforce GTX 970 4GB, and now i get more than 60 FPS in all games with graphics in ULTRA, including Assessins Creed 4,... but ArmA 3 still remain in 30 avg FPS.
Please Bohemia, rework the ArmA enginge, use CUDA, optimize the simulator.
Same for here, i set my squad url and uppercase cause not work
ACE2 have this feature, of course is easy implement in ArmA3, please add this feature by default in the simulator.
I recomend add indicator same of HMM Stance Indicator addon.