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- User Since
- Sep 19 2014, 1:23 AM (549 w, 1 d)
Dec 1 2016
Cool, cheers
Really? Doubled checked it in two browsers with two different IP addresses
Nov 14 2016
Nov 12 2016
Nov 8 2016
Nov 7 2016
May 11 2016
Encountered this with the original compass. Could not see it in radius inventory.
Reported this a while back #27011 if it helps - With the old UI, you can see the inventory but you can't access it. The new UI does allow you to access and re-equip from you past character.
Just double checked and had no problem binding move forward to it, worked as expected.
Appears to be if you change the state of any item (opening food, splitting logs, tearing rags)and your inventory is full but your hands are empty, the item will become invisible in your hands and your inventory. (The option to use, if their is any, eg. 'place fireplace on ground', 'bandage myself', will still be available)
If you have something in your hands when you change the items state, the interaction will work as normally and the item will appear on the ground, or in your inventory if you have space.
Hey JS, yes that cleared the warning, but I actually jumped the gun and deleted the entire directory instead of just that file. Sorry if that's an inconvenience but thank you either way.
There you go Geez!
Will do Geez, my bad on that one - can see now why abort was the right option in terms of reporting.
Keep ya posted if I see it again.
My experience with it.
Went AFK to roll a smoke with my gun raised
I was keeping an eye on my screen and eventually my character puts his weapon away - No input from me for a good 3-5 minutes.
Similar to what others are saying, I was waiting for a player to leave the church, aiming at door waiting for them to finally come out - the moment they open the door to the church they were in, my character puts his gun away.
I just tried again as a fresh spawn and could make it no problem - might have been surface related
It's been around since December at the least - Bigger fish to fry as they say
Already reported/related #0015299
I also had this, second iteration of .56
Experienced this today in .59 exp
Chiming in on this, I've been getting this too as of the latest update.
It seems to be in certain pocketed regions, looking at them or while in them texture quality falls and FPS drop to unplayable.
I've uploaded two screens, one showing while looking away from on of the areas and the other looking at it.
Buildings in these area are rendered differently but are still accessible, walls will flicker on or off or just stay off.
GFX: NVIDIA GeForce 550 Ti
Added 3rd screen showing buildings not rendering
@Kadardes - This was only introduced in .49, 1 month ago - sure it's the same issue you're having?
I played exp for about an hour and didn't hit this issue yet.
Think it looks promising! Thank's for looking into it!
"seems to be server dependant" - have to disagree with that, your the first person to mention it might be server related. If you changed server and then it seemed better its because you've reloaded the environment.
I can play fine on another machine, so it really does feel like a hardware issue at the clients end.
Any news on this?
So I managed to finally get out of it -> I set my resolution to 125% and forced 'Overall Quality' back to low and/or very low and I managed to bump the textures up a bit but it seems to fall over pretty quickly if I customise anymore than that.
So aim for overall quality to not be 'Custom', this pretty much completely solved it for me.
I should point out I had many settings maxed out or on high prior to the update with no issues.
I'm having these rendering and fps issues too, they appear to be in certain areas as once you've gotten out you can continue on in bigger more detailed environments and play as normal.
Character and environment quality drops, simply looking away or running out of the area will return the textures back to normal.
Seems very random but it happens in a lot of areas for me. No amount of res settings changed made a difference and it only began since the latest update.
Hope this is patched soon as it can render the game unplayable at points.
New update is great other than that for me.
Same issues with textures not rendering, I uploaded to screens one looking in one direction, resulting in my character and environment quality and FPS dropping. The second is just looking away from that spot and textures and rendering is returned to normal, FPS too.
Buildings render on and off also.
Seems to be in certain areas for me
Similar to #0017013