User Details
- User Since
- Jul 13 2014, 6:44 PM (555 w, 1 d)
Dec 26 2018
Another year, another rabbit told to stop before reaching the road. Confirmed to have survived 2018 as well.
Apr 16 2018
Most notably, from a 3rd person perspective if your cursor is on the flat portion of the stand the addAction applied to the stand will not display. However, if you place your cursor between the legs of the stand, the addAction will display.
Apr 14 2018
Feb 15 2018
Dec 12 2017
Can confirm that the stop sign has survived 2017 -
@Neology Haha, feel free. I largely just stopped answering our community and began directing them to this ticket.
Nov 17 2017
Here's an existing way to do it.
Oct 19 2017
Sep 24 2017
Sep 12 2017
@dedmen I'm specifically looking for a client command that returns the calculated GUID and not the Steam PlayerID.
Aug 17 2017
At a glance, it looks like "レーザー指定子" may be a better fit?
Aug 16 2017
Aug 2 2017
Jul 24 2017
Jul 7 2017
Specific uses would be for something such as a function to add experience (fn_addXP). If malicious players utilizing some BE bypass method were executing this to script-inject themselves experience.
Jun 30 2017
Something worth noting, if you're using a 32bit OS, I'm assuming you're also using a 32bit version of Arma 3. No 32bit executable can actually use 16GB of RAM.
Jun 28 2017
@Wilco Asylum is keeping an eye on this. Seems based on our internal experiments that a hard restart alleviates the issue, but if left unchecked the server will continue to kick every time it fills back up (every 15 mins or so) until it naturally hard restarts.
Jun 12 2017
May 30 2017
Reports from our players that this is still happening post 1.70 (Vanilla with Life Mission)
May 29 2017
Asylum had reconfigured everything in preparation for a move to Headless Client and had subsequently stopped using it prior to the increase in mass BE kicks. (i.e, we've had the issue without using headless client)
May 25 2017
See Related ticket:
May 22 2017
To save @razazel some time:
I'm pretty sure in the history of warfare, air superiority has, and will continue to be, a vastly superior option to ground-based forces.
May 17 2017
If BI ever decided to explore a method for "multiple admins having access to debug", a compromise for security could be done via some method similar to the following:
Gaming-Asylum started having the issue in May/June (more heavily in June).
May 15 2017
Here's a post from one server experiencing the issue that has a touch of detail.
Apr 20 2017
My reaction when I realized what I did......
Also worth noting that (vehicle player isEqualTo "Steerable_Parachute_F") returns false when in a steerable parachute.
Apr 14 2017
Works perfectly fine for me.
Mar 28 2017
Ahh. Well then, my mistake.
Mar 20 2017
Fixed: The BIS_fnc_initRespawn handle disconnect event was returning true and causing units previously controlled by a disconnected player to be transfered to server and become AI (
Have you verified that:
- The building you want is for sure the object being returned by nearestBuilding
- That doors 3-5 are the same doors that they were pre-1.68
Mar 18 2017
Mar 17 2017
Servers owners have to update their own servers. Alternatively, you can roll back to the previous version on Steam by using code "Arma3Legacy166" in the Betas tab.
Mar 16 2017
Tossing a bump into this. Mostly because snakes bypass _this setVariable[format["bis_disabled_Door_%1",_thisDoor],1,true];
Feb 13 2017
I'm pretty sure non-binarized files have to have all instances of double quotes encased in double quotes.
Any word on this one? I haven't tested in RC/Dev in the last few weeks, but I assume it's not yet been resolved.
Dec 26 2016
There may be effects on other vehicles; but I've not noticed any significant changes (i.e, other vehicles don't just stop).
Dec 18 2016
Nov 10 2016
Occurrence is in Vanilla (no mods).