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- User Since
- Dec 29 2013, 7:45 PM (578 w, 6 d)
May 10 2016
people can take a 7.62X54R round and not immediatly get knocked out. they should get knocked down, but that's entirely different.
as a person who primarily loots towns, i agree entirely, though i do love the satisfying thud of putting my axe into a zeds skull, it's not the best way to dispatch the undead, not right now at least. I have a magnum and a .45 on my current life, plenty of ammo too, but whenever i loot residential, i can go one shot one kill on zeds, and still not come close to breaking even, when it comes to rounds found/rounds used. it's really annoying that i can go through 3 pretty large towns and see no hide nor hair of a gun.
he IS still hurt,
- cut yourself with a knife, deeply.
- patch yourself up with a rag.
- still hurts like all hell.
- rub salt on the wound.
- don't actually cut yourself.
They take time to work.
This is true, but i think the boxes may just be placeholders right now, there's no boxes of .45 ACP.
if they aren't then it needs to be fixed.
probably just a missing sound file, if they're working on it they should label it as such.
you've obviously never fired a real gun in your life. trained snipers in the service can make shots on targets 2000 meters away.
press numpad + to zoom in
press numpad - to zoom out
Zeroing is accomplished using the knobs typically on the top of the middle and the side of the middle of the scope, and have NOTHING to do with zooming.
look for an answer before reporting a bug
this "bug" is resolved.
it's full bright without actually emitting light, yes, that's a better way to say it.
and the power's out isn't it? i know some of the street lights still work, but it's not a large stretch to imagine that they are solar powered, but the soda machines shouldn't be lit at all, it remains lit as though it's still working. hence the rubles joke.
it's a minor immersion breaking bug that needs to be addressed at some point
It's actually the office building, there is an room that's decorated with a non functioning door, easy to get trapped in.
Infection doesn't seem to cause the status indicator until you attempt to treat it.
confirmed with 40 round magazine, though i think they are only supposed to stack in 20s for the 5.56.
Not exactly a bug,
having an Infection does not activate your Sick-O-Meter until you attempt to treat it. as soon as you attempt to treat it, it will let you know that you actually have the infection in the first place, which is kind of realistic, as you typically don't notice a wound is infected unless the wound itself starts to get bigger than it initially was.
related to 0000016
this is not a bug, close the issue
this game will never get finished if people keep abusing the feed back tracker.
look up ladders, or loadout in the search bar, it's getting rediculous
Gotten lost several times because of this, there are a few on the east side of the map that had me going around in circles for a couple hours, they're out in the sicks, if i find them again i'll post them
okay, 1)it is too dark at night, I've been under the impression that the whole of society has fallen, which means no light Pollution, which means the nights should be much brighter, for there's no outgoing light offset the light given off by the stars and the moon, the light pollution would have been decreased by 99.99% at least because off all the lights that are out.
- until flashlights are fixed, there is no point in fixing this, and i don't mean just flashlights going through walls. IRL when i want to use a flashlight and try to remain undetected, i put my hand or a piece of cloth over the beam to help cut down the amount of light given off, so i can see without alerting whoever i'm trying to get past.
- I have had monitors where i could turn up the brightness and gamma all the way in a game and it still barely helped.
- you still can't really see shit with them both turned up all the way anyway. everything's grey-scale, and when you're inside (where the loot is) you still can't see loot. (it's more the clouds than anything)
Still works, my buddy just tried it, he can't stop laughing.
this is actually really annoying, but it's a minor issue that can be fixed later.
down voting for grammar alone.
accidenty made a dupe of this when reporting that the deadzones aren't working either.