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- User Since
- Jan 21 2014, 7:29 AM (583 w, 3 d)
Dec 12 2017
Car more left and Car more right have a distinctly different behaviour than car right and car left. I state again: I know that it's intended behaviour - I'm not that daft.
The problem is that this intention is in the way of the direct control system to work properly if Car Left and Car Right are used for mouse steering.
It's been no problem to control vehicles with your mouse before. There's no conflict between controls (as the problem is the intended behaviour - "Car Left" and "Car Right" are part of the direct control system).
The problem is that controlling your vehicles with a mouse (i.e. the steering) is now no longer possible without a major hassle, as turrets are controlled with the mouse as well.
You can now either control your vehicle with the mouse or your turret - but you can't have both, because you will automatically steer your vehicle when you move your commander or gunner turret with the mouse.
May 23 2017
May 10 2016
- Happens even without 'server hopping': If I join the same server with a couple of hours intermediate time, I lose all my gear.
- Certainly can't be 'just' related to the mentioned whitelist- or connection-issue. I play on the same server with a couple of friends and they have their characters saved properly, even on other servers.
- Respawn with this feature is no longer randomly: I respawn at the same spot everytime. Even the view angle is the exact same one every time, so some sort of fixed save data seems to be retrieved every time.
[SOLVED] (or at least for me): Joining a server via Play withSix somehow manages to overwrite some sort of log-in procedure that's necessary to retrieve the character save data. Joining a server via the in-game server browser does not make any problems - or at least not for me.
Of course an indicator for the different firemodes must be added. But an audible sound would be at least a step in the right direction. :)
I'm highly in favor of removing 3rd person-view. Not because it's a question of realism or not, but because it deprives players from an immerse experience, in my opinion.
Yes, I know that fps's aren't giving you the same sensations as the real world does. Yes, I know that the 1st person-movement is kind of chunky right now.
But the 1st person in DayZ (and Arma-games in general) is a limitation that adds indefinitely to the experience. I'd like to compare it to shortage of resources in other games: Imagine a strategy game where the developers tend to give you all resources right from the start. Yes, you could play it and yes, it may even be funny for some time. But by limiting your resources, they offer you a possibility to struggle, to overbear. And that is the experience that should be made.
DayZ is game about struggle, about being immersed into a massive game world. 3rd person is the opposite of that.
I think a general regulation for official servers to be 1st person-only, with some exceptions, would offer players a great deal more enjoyment, if they'd be willing to take the risk and move out of their comfort zone.
- Happens even without 'server hopping': If I join the same server with a couple of hours intermediate time, I lose all my gear.
- Certainly can't be 'just' related to the mentioned whitelist- or connection-issue. I play on the same server with a couple of friends and they have their characters saved properly, even on other servers.
- Respawn with this feature is no longer randomly: I respawn at the same spot everytime. Even the view angle is the exact same one every time, so some sort of fixed save data seems to be retrieved every time.
[SOLVED] (or at least for me): Joining a server via Play withSix somehow manages to overwrite some sort of log-in procedure that's necessary to retrieve the character save data. Joining a server via the in-game server browser does not make any problems - or at least not for me.
#edit: I'm currently in contact with the withSix-Team (great guys!) to look into this problem. To calm the waves: Starting the game via withSix is no problem, only joining a server directly seems to be causing trouble. If you start DayZ via Play withSix you get to the starting screen and then you can join a server via the in-game server browser. That way you can use Play withSix without loosing your gear. It surely will get fixed, so you can join servers via withSix too.
That's not actually a bad idea.
(Although an explicit command would still be better.)
That's not a problem for Zeus gamemodes only. If by any chance a respawn script (creating a respawn point in proximity to the player) places a respawn point inside the Ghost Hotel, you're screwed, if no Zeus is around.
There's got to be a better solution to it, the problem as such is not resolved.
Issue related to ALiVE-addon and not to vanilla Arma 3. Can be closed.
Yes, confirmed. Unsubscribing and deleting all steam subscribed MP missions helps to fix this problem.
Ah! That explains a lot! That's a nice idea to implement these features, making them less menu-like and more immersive (but without a correspondent tooltip less intuitive unfortunately. ;))
Looking forward to the next update.
I take everything back... The fog always comes back... But that leads to another issue: Overriding the fog settings from the mission is impossible within Zeus view. :D
@Lala14: No. The problem only occurs with a playable zeus unit, not with the playable zeus game logic. That's what this issue is about.
I just made a check to see what happens if I predefine a respawn marker in the editor: Zeus goes directly to the respawn menu as well, having the one respawn marker to choose from.
Zeus is not being placed at the predefined position from the menu, but rather removed from the map and then placed at the respawn position. By that each AI team member of Zeus is being wiped from the map and not being respawned.
I currently don't know how it works with other players (no opportunity to test it yet), I presume they can choose the predefined respawn point and respawn after that. Can't tell if the grouping is intact afterwards or not, though.
It'd be great to be able to actually modify the loadouts and not having to fall back to the standard loadouts per class.
Still no fix in sight?