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AI units of player's group removed after spawn with MenuPosition enabled and RespawnDelay>0
Closed, ResolvedPublic


After devbranch update from 28-03-2014 (especially the point: "MenuInventory and MenuPosition respawn templates will now force respawn at the scenario start") AI controlled playable units from a player's group are being removed after player is being spawned.

MenuPosition- and MenuInventory-templates should in no way force respawn at scenario start. This option should be toggleable in description.ext via respawnonstart (like it hasn't worked prior to the update anyways).

Because of this error it's even more necessary than before to have respawnonstart properly working!


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce

Create mission with several playable units in a group,
create a marker called respawn_west near playable units,
save mission,
create description.ext with the usual yadda-yadda,
add respawnTemplatesWest[] = {"MenuPosition"};
add respawnDelay of at least 1 second,
save description.ext,
start mission in hosted multiplayer game,
wait for mission load to finish,
see AI pals disappear after first spawn,
wonder where AI pals have gone,
sit down and cry frantically out of loneliness,
repeat last step because AI pals are gone and mission has become unplayable.

Additional Information

The funny thing is: The AI controlled playable units in player's group are placed on mission load, then removed upon respawn of the player and spawned at 000-000 (the south-east corner of the map) again.
If there's land at 000-000 they shoot each other (and the survivor gets to shoot at the player, if present).

So something is really not in place there...

Event Timeline

Belbo edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Apr 1 2014, 7:52 PM
Belbo edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
Belbo set Category to Gameplay.
Belbo set Reproducibility to Always.
Belbo set Severity to None.
Belbo set Resolution to Suspended.
Belbo set Legacy ID to 2275634435.May 7 2016, 6:19 PM
Belbo added a subscriber: Belbo.
Belbo added a comment.Apr 11 2014, 3:01 AM

Issue related to ALiVE-addon and not to vanilla Arma 3. Can be closed.

Fank added a subscriber: Fank.May 7 2016, 6:19 PM
Fank added a comment.May 16 2014, 9:24 PM

Issue closed as obsolete. If you encounter this problem again, please create another ticket. Thank you.