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- User Since
- Aug 15 2014, 8:56 AM (553 w, 4 d)
Sep 19 2018
Sep 7 2018
Aug 22 2018
this issue seems to be caused by a bug in the underlying technology. Most likely the font system can't be initialized, usually due to "windir" environment variable not being set correctly. We'll try to create a workaround for this issue in the next update. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Mar 2 2018
Download from Steam workshop is managed by Steam client itself and it downloads the files to the drive where the game is installed and as game developers, we can't change that. Arma 3 Launcher can only affect mod location for legacy Steam mods (as noted in the dialog).
Feb 10 2018
As noted on the leaderboards page, only score from Clash, Link and Raid game modes are included in total score in leaderboards (points you've gained in Combat Patrol together with your points from Witch Hunt mode it accounts for the difference).
Jan 18 2018
We do not support this scenario, one workshop item should contain exactly one mod. Optional mods can authors publish as separate workshop items dependent on the main one.
Nov 7 2017
Oct 31 2017
Oct 25 2017
Oct 9 2017
Hello AussieWookie,
open folder "%localappdata%\Arma 3 Launcher" and delete the configuration files.
Oct 6 2017
Sep 25 2017
could you please run this command from Command Prompt tracert ( and post the result here?
I'd also like to ask you where are you from?
Sep 20 2017
@celticalliance: wasn't there a big red banner in the window with server mods before, by any chance?
@celticalliance: Arma 3 Launcher is actually comparing the list of signatures required by the server with signature and pbo files present in the mod folder, it shouldn't matter whether the mod is from Steam Workshop or not. It comes to me that only explanation for the behavior you describe that is that Launcher either didn't detect change in the local files or gets stuck somewhere in the process. I've multiple local mod packs here and they work just fine for me, it's definitely not intended for this scenario to not work correctly.
Sep 19 2017
Hello @mojucy,
could you please ask your friend whether he has some special software to process photo or video? Launcher crashes when it decodes an icon and we've run into a similar issue some time ago when one of our users had his system decoders replaced with some custom decoders that didn't work correctly.
Sep 14 2017
did the installer actually installed something or quit without doing anything? In any case, please try to run Microsoft .NET Framework Repair Tool
Sep 10 2017
one of files that are part of Microsoft .NET Framework is either missing or is corrupted. Please re-install Microsoft .NET Framework with the latest compatible version to fix the issue:
Sep 7 2017
Sep 4 2017
please re-install the latest version of Microsoft .NET Framework
Sep 2 2017
Sep 1 2017
try to re-install Microsoft .NET Framework with the latest compatible version:
Aug 15 2017
Hello Shaurmist,
the error report should be stored directly on your desktop as a text file. If there's none, you can check Event Viewer:
- Start Launcher and make it crash.
- Open program called Event Viewer from your start menu.
- In the Event Viewer navigate to Windows Logs / Application in the tree on the left.
- In the list in the middle there should be two consecutive errors (one with source 'Application Error' and one with '.NET Runtime'), the details from General tab for both of them is needed to diagnose the issue.
Aug 14 2017
It's because how Steam distributes the updates. To reduce amount of data that has to be downloaded, Steam client only download the changes in those files. To update the game files it creates a copy of the each updated game file, apply the changes thus it gets the new version of that file.
Aug 12 2017
you're missing one or more system files: please re-install .NET Framework ( or and run the system file check to repair the files.
could you please check your desktop for a text file with an error report specific for Launcher?
please re-install your Microsoft .NET Framework: or It seems that you have old version of some of its files on your computer and that causes the error.
Aug 1 2017
game updates are handled solely by Steam client, please contact their support team for any question related to Steam client:
Jul 24 2017
Arma 3 Launcher has not used that version of library for years now. Could you please let Steam verify the integrity of the game cache to re-download the correct files. Also could you please upload the error log that was created on your desktop? The file you've attached contains only logs related to the game.
I'm afraid we can't do nothing about this error. According to the log the error occured when one of .NET Framework's libraries attempted to load another. This might be related to this issue with .NET Framework 4.7 on Windows 7:
Jul 17 2017
Jul 12 2017
When the meta.cpp file is present in the mod on the server, the steam id is broadcasted together with the mod name and it is the primary method to match the mods in Launcher (actually we've created meta.cpp mechanism only because of Launcher), heuristic matching over mod name is one of the fallback solutions.
As I said before the real issue is the limitation of the amount of data that can be transferred from the server. Renaming the mod to a shorter name reduces the amount of data that has to be transferred from the server and that increases the chance that it will fit in the packet and get through the network from server to client.
Jul 10 2017
your graphic card can't render the main window correctly, please try to update to graphic card driver and start the game launcher in safe-mode:
Jul 9 2017
What you've uploaded is not a correct machine.config file, but in contains a content of another file - web.config. The correct machine.config file should look like this:
Jun 19 2017
Hello Gespenter,
could you please locate a text file with a crash report on your desktop and upload it, so we can determine what is the cause? If there's none then please upload the logs:
Jun 9 2017
Glad to hear that! Enjoy the game.
some of the files you have are from the old version. Please delete C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\Launcher\ and then verify integrity of the game in Steam client to re-download the files.
Jun 5 2017
sorry for the inconvenience, the issue with your account should be fixed now.
Jun 3 2017
Hello Waglagon_09,
you're missing a system library PresentationFramework.dll that is part of Microsoft .NET Framework on your computer. Please try to re-install the Microsoft .NET Framework: , run a repair utility or repair your operating system.
Hello Syso,
you're missing a system/.NET Framework file mentioned in the log: C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\WPF\wpfgfx_v0400.dll. Please try to re-install the Microsoft .NET Framework: , run a repair utility or repair your operating system.
the configuration file for .NET Framework that is shared by all applications based on .NET Framework on your computer is corrupted. You can try to run Microsoft .NET Framework Repair Tool or restore the machine.config file from a backup manually:
- make sure you can see file name extensions in your file explorer;
- go to the folder C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\Config;
- there should be these 2 files: machine.config, machine.config.default;
- rename machine.config to something else (for example to old_machine.config);
- make a copy of machine.config.default and rename it to machine.config.
Apr 25 2017
Hello Shmurda,
could you please upload your Launcher logs here? Here's how you can gather them manually:
Hello kitfox,
we're still trying to make some sense out of the error, but unfortunately it points to the core of .NET Framework (so deep that we can't reverse engineer it to see what could possible go wrong) and we haven't been able to find out any similar issues anywhere on the internet.
Apr 24 2017
Apr 16 2017
Could you please try to start it in the safe-mode and disable HW acceleration for Launcher?
Apr 15 2017
Hello kitfox,
could you please send met all Launcher logs?
Apr 10 2017
Hello guys,
we've released a workaround for the issue to the main branch (as part of 1.68 hotfix):
We've released the workaround to the main branch (as part of 1.68) hotfix
Apr 3 2017
Hello Drift_91,
thank your reporting the issue, we'll fix it as soon as possible.
Mar 31 2017
It depends on your Steam settings, but by default it should. Check Downloads in Steam client.
Today's dev branch update should be on its way.
Mar 30 2017
@Hikky: the update will be released tomorrow.
Would it be possible for you to switch to the development branch and try it?
sorry for the late response, we had to mediate over the logs. It seems that the workaround we indented for the issue is not powerful enough to beat the bug in the driver entirely. We've prepped a new and more powerful workaround that will be release to the development branch tomorrow.
your PC has a corrupted DLL library. Since update 1.68 the game defaults to 64-bit version that uses a different set of system libraries that 32-bit game, so that's why you didn't experienced the issue before.
sorry for the late reply. We've take a long meditation about your error, and the only sensible conclusion we came so far is that the following file on your PC is corrupted: C:\Windows\Microsoft.Net\assembly\GAC_32\PresentationCore\v4.0_4.0.0.0__31bf3856ad364e35\PresentationCore.dll. You might try to run .NET Framework repair tool from If that doesn't help, try to replace the with a same file from another folder C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\WPF\PresentationCore.dll.
Fixed in 1.68 hotfix. The undead folders won't be causing the trouble again.
Mar 29 2017
did you done something with your Arma 3 files? There a lot of corrupted files in the root of the game that don't belong there and the game executable 'arma3.exe' for which you've uploaded DWI report looks like renamed 'arma3_x64.exe' judging by the files it loads.
it looks like you didn't select anything in the API filter panel on the left, so the log is empty, unfortunately.
the issue has been fixed in today's update.
Thank you very much, Google Drive is fine. Could you please run diagnostic tool as described in the this document:
and upload the result?Hello,
could you please upload the report from crash after the hotfix? Thank you.
Hi psychosiss,
the error means 'Access denied'. Can you please try to run "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Tools\Binarize\binarize.exe" directly? Also, please check the properties of the binarize.exe if there's a compatibility option to "Run as administrator" if you're not running AB as admin?
Thank you for reporting the issue. The log is actually an error that happens if you close Launcher under certain conditions and won't cause any harm. It will be fixed in the upcoming hotfix.
Mar 28 2017
the cause of your error is a bug in old version of Intel Graphic Driver. To fix the issue, please update your drivers:
The parameter is in the correct category, because it's related to other memory related settings in the same category. Also it applies to both server and client versions of the game.
Hello @Deathlyrage,
here's preview build of Addon Builder (BISclaimer: this build didn't pass QA yet, download/use at your own risk):