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- Mar 6 2013, 12:09 AM (627 w, 1 d)
May 10 2016
Some reference for FR tools.
But Bees and Butterflies is the part of environment. That's why this games is simulator. Maybe you want to have bullets without bulletdrop? Or disable everything that you can't "handle"?
Wake up. Shadows on High works faster then on Low because of soft-shadows. And shadows don't half you fps on the normal rig. Never.
And when they FIX shadows, you think something changes? Nothing. Because people like cheating. WINNERS. So. We need to asking this right now. I saw Arma3 tutorial on YouTube about video-settings and the guy say: "you need to turn off the shadows because you start to see enemy under the bush". It's not even funny.
Take it easy. You're talking a lot of nonsense. How do you even know what kind of video I watched? He say: "I recommend for multiplayer turn off the shadow because you find hostiles faster"
Sky - another side of this stupid medal.
The soldier who not only commands the shadows, but also destroy the clouds. Realism. Balance.
Funny, but shadows and sky is very low players in perfomance issue.
But without shadows render looks ugly. People turn it off only for one reason. Everything else is just an excuse to fraud.
The host should have the option to configure the server. And the players have to choose a server that suits them. Opportunities. Now it is the uncontrolled fraud and imbalance.
"Zeroing up\down" for elevation.
"Switch gunner weapon" for the range mode.(But i think we don't need this range modes without computer)
Yes. Slightly. Just simple scale. Merkava must be taller than t-100.
He is not so-so! small, but small.
Atleast 2600m in height.
Must be noticeable taller than T-100.
He is talking about fake debris on the ground.
@plutoto74 i mean - scroll left and scroll right
instead ctrl+A\D by default.
Also, would be great to use X and Y on trackIR for adjustments..but this is another story...
Adjustments for Whee is good idea. But what about Adjust left and Adjust right& Game is don't now about this buttons.
C4 can be exploded only by electric detonator for proper chemical reaction.
You can even burn RDX or throw him, push him - nothing happens.
You can even watch MYTHBUSTERS for this.
Small effect, but he exist.
Yes, depend on model and icon this is HE. Just need to rename it for inventory\world.
rpg-32 "hashim" is real "predecessor" of rpg-42.
EXE rev. 09399
I think now it's work fine.
I think grenades flying good enough - looks realistic. But reticle is not calibrated. You need to use 300m marks(as you can see it depend to vehicle width) to hit in 300m range. That's all we need.
You can test on 360 meters in game and see that projectile trajectory quite close to real.
I think it's possible. Soldiers in the closed cargo space become "friendly"(don't change AI behavior).
I think this feature is closed for restyling. Like many others. Work nice but need more working scripts around.
It's possible or must be possible. Like option. Playing PvP(ctf) recently and use this to distract hostiles.
AI kill hostiles by fraction tag? I haven't notice that they "think" about appearance.
I know what you mean. But this ticket about overall problem.
Better to say that reticle calibrated for long distance. And not affect by zeroing. His only change along Y.
But this camera can be moved by game\gunners abilities or must to be calibrated?
But camera moves with turret in this mode.
For coriolis you don't need to make landcurve in so small square of land. It's are very unnoticable curve.
But. Vertical effect is more.. so even 15%
This issue can be fixed by 10 seconds.
-->I thought it could just as Physx could.
Apex is name of GPU-oriented part of physx. He can't eventually. But you can force it sometime and see slideshow in Borderlands2, for example. Btw, BF3 use Hawok Destruction 3.0 on CPU and feel good. Just are tools.
Yes, also bus, vram, vrm, pci-e bridge, sli bridge..
-->wtf? Seriously Apex works on AMD. Its just the Nvidia pin that made APEX and PHysx work better on Nvidia cards. Do you understand now?
Realy. You need are doctor or belt-actions(if you know what i mean). God sake, just ask this on special forum. Let them laugh too.
-->No, you don't understand. You can have your GPU do most of the processing as usual but assign your CPU to perform its normal duties as well as Physx calculations. Having your CPU process Physx does not mean that you can't use a GPU or multiple GPUs as well.
Basic physics always work on CPU. But for such destructions we need ONLY GPU MULTITHREADING? So AMD's can't work with that. The game should have the same functionality. Regardless of the vendors and the number of cards.
-->They're already using Physx
Main got. They use simple physic engine like PhysX that work on CPU's. Any CPU's. But APEX not working on AMD GPU's. That's mean unique.
-->It isn't just about fractures, as you can see in this video.
But it's still concrete destructions. And still demo. Away of target.
-->And when you say that there's no pin on NVidia cards it's totally wrong.
Show me this pin, or something about this pin. He exist only in you small brain.
--> [^]
What i'm saying? "can be accelerated by either a PhysX PPU or a CUDA-enabled GeForce GPU"
-->NVidia buy the tech, do yo think that they reveal all of it! And I have always my 8800 gtx, I'm not a lyer for the info that I give. Yes in the option I can see the sony pin for PhysX. With this tech NVidia bring it into the card, it's an enhancement of PPU cards, but it's working with the GPU to render a scene.
You just an idiot. Nvidia NEVER use nothing from Apex PPU except software. Because USA that was coming with G80 much better than any PPU.
Yes, you live in the World where apex works on AMD gpu, and NV have are special pin. Lucy in the sky.
Everyone it's only people with same level of intellect as you. I live long enough to not pay attention to it.
-->can run on CPUs even if your GPU doesn't support it
We talking only about GPU. CPU can't handle this sim.
-->Are you saying that Apex won't make the game
I mean, not only Apex can do that. And hard to believe that BIS will use this unique SDK. And realistic destruction in ArmA represented with particles. Its all you can see. Smoke mushrooms, dust, etc. GPU assist for particles - maybe.But OpenCL.
-->really nice to have.
Idea is not in the APEX. Idea in GPGPU. And again it's not are secret. I don't see any reallife reference for conrete, for windows destructions. Anything usefull.
ArmA not needed in simple fractals because its not are kid platformer. Arma need some realistic simulation.
-->And he knows English than you.
I missed the apostrophe. It's not scary and usual thing.Unless someone decided to change the topic of conversation. Due to the total defeat.
Examples of low-quality UE3 demos do not represent required perfomance and quality.(Technical)
The assertion that the game needs apex.(Logical)
This is enough to ignore these suggestions.Given that APEX is not a secret for anybody.
Anyone would say that this ticket about APEX and its ridiculous presentation. And not related to the subject game.
-->propper english
Thats right.
-->no no no its not right because i say its not
It's not right because I have explained why. This ticket is filled with technical and logical errors.
-->PPU integrated
You need are doctor. 8800 dont have any PPU. Like others cards. They have USA and CUDA support. Thats all.
I don't like stupid peoples who spread false information. NVIDIA buy APEX only for SOWTWARE! All Apex hardware were sent to the recycle because they already have G80 and Unified Shading Architecture. Its mean - calculate everything what you want. G80 have NVIO but this chip works in I\O operations. Another story. You got it?
But any educated person know that i'm right. You are not only knowledgeless, but also stubborn.
@pluto Stop talking about fantastic Pin, that not exist, hybrid modes, etc. First. Use Sli\Cross\Hybrid - it's just a waste of watts. One top card is enough. Second. You can't force people to buy something.
Apex don't need any pin's. G80 was released in 2006. Nvidia buy Apex in 2008. But people can use 8800 for apex. PPU name is just marketing. Nvidia don't need any pin's to work with GPGPU.
Working for throwing 10000 teapots in 3dmax viewports.
I see such fakes for games too. Just are fakes.
@Raoul i don't need google. I know that is not - just forwarding to CPU with interations loss. Only Hybrid mode but this is still Nvidia GPU. This is makes this feature unpresentable.
I use only Nvidia because render on CUDA but i don't want to see frustrated and diminishing community. So it's probably OpenCL way. But again - its not are mistery for game developers.
So better to report something specific: what objects, what buildings, found reference video of destruction, etc.
I am asking again - show me the game! that use Apex directly on AMD GPU.
You collect money for this? ^)
Education of stupid insults? You don't even see simple sense in simple words.
Ok, for special humans.
1.I don't agreed with something.
2.You hate me.
1.More arguments.
2.I'm childish.
Funny, isn't it.
-->It's easy behind a keyboard but facing me...
Isolation of human faces makes you dumber? You want to talk about this?
Adult and clever humans don't have such behavior like you do. Its more like 'Old in Web'! Go ahead.
-->Wtf is wrong woth you do you like it when people hate you? you are so fucking childish.
So if you hate someone who told something unliked for you he is childish?Not you? Education loss(c)
I can't respect you anymore, and for anything. Your behavior is humiliates you.
@Dave Zember
Its not are Hot feature. But yes - this is more important. Enviroment destructions in Arma2+mods looks better than anything else. Apex cannot help in this fact.
-->Are you a teenager? I think so!
You think like teenager? Agree. It's funny how fast you run out of arguments and began a verbal diarrhea.
You can be old, but you definetly not are brain-gifted.
-->you got outnumbered. Over 82% of people
Idon't care numbers. Especially when 82% is 42 kids who like fancy glistening toys.
--->they will release some DLC
Even 3 or 4 DLC's can not contain all requested stuff. And believe me, wounding systems, extented vehicles, etc. is more important.
ArmA needs alot of features. More important than this useless trash. So, when they get to this ticket - it will be ArmA 4.
Baby's are those who load the tracker with questionable features.
But i understand childrens who want to play with this toys.
Best implementation of destruction in this game - the smoke and fire. Rest is particle adjustments. From tons of documentary video I concluded that you'll rarely see the destruction. Just what the building was, soot.smoke.dust.explosion, and then ruins. Everything else is not worth it.
Also, about AMD. Borderlands 2. Switch to CPU. Finish.
So, OpenCL? Yes.
mr.Stepan, go home. $)
You are tired because raised too much. Are you sure that in addition to this topic they didnt have a chance to learn about APEX? Guys who can ask support directly from nvidia? Thank God they know now.
The fact that a person who understands the issue will not push the technology he had seen on pamphlets.
He will talk in a broader sense. The fact that you made some crap in the SDK does not make you an expert. Keyholes masterclass. Bravo!
Oh hello, mister Bidlo.
Bla bla bla. You, you, you again. Go and buy ticket for Prague. Or use something more than "oh my, just look this video on youtube". You type nothing about How. Doesn't look like you know what to say about.So. Just rewrite engine. Go on.
Today we have dynamic tesselation. Work nice in GT6 on PS3. But. Its just are cars. But we must live in real world and subject renders, human resourses, etc.
BIS can make destruction but its alot of time to add this in oldschool engine without apex crutches.
I know about this more than you think. But apex is gpu, and almost used like crutches - engine extention.
I hope you "check info on sites" before this publication....
PN-triangle is PS and just are crap maked by ATI. This is old and heavy technology. Dx11 about HS-Tesselation-DS. Almost all stages is programmable.
You not learn. You try to learn. And have failed.
And again. If they optimize render - they have what to do with "empty space" except this almost usefull simulations. At least in this version of the game that's impossible.
You don't realize that this game and this features can not live together. And this crap ticket just extra load for tracker. If you find something in google it's not are reason to made ticket about your fantasy or demo-games what used this.And if they have excess resources - there is alot useful thing to add. Not funny unrealistic walls, or simulated cloth.
->a dedicated pin to PhysX
Nvidia have architectures designed for precise calculations. And APEX is just SDK's.
And no reasons to make TitanSLI-biased games just because some idiot wants something.
50% mean nothing. PC pipeline work with CPU,GPU,RAM,VRAM so bottlenecks everywhere.
It is not enough to see the numbers. Your tests tell nothing usefull for subject engine.
->But you don't that APEX
Thats why i used word "usual".
GPU have work in that game - you realize that? And apex is almost is extention. So, good bye optimizations. And if you make calc of basic thing on GPU this game do not drive anywhere. Even Sli of titans not handle that. Destructions in Arma is not are coats or demo with two blocks.
Drug can help people to imagine how that APEX would work in ArmA. Like in other cases - just extention crap what eat gpu and slow down frames.
Good thing is we dont need cloth simulations, or hollywood debris fountain. All we need can be done with usual! physX. Without crutches.
So yes. Sky of diamonds.
Another lucy in the sky of diamonds.
Question of optimizing keybords. But i see connection between G(Throw) and ctrl-G(Type)..I(Inventory)and ctrl+I(quickPockets) but its are personal choice. Just need the function. Very important.
shift/ctrl/alt+inventory key, i think, will work fine.
"Quick pockets".