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Geez changed the status of T189677: Cheater from New to Feedback.
Thu, Mar 6, 10:17 AM · DayZ
Geez closed T189664: Sniper in DayZ as Resolved.

Hello Rodrigo.
This is a known issue and it is scheduled for a fix.
Closing this ticket as it is a duplicate.

Thu, Mar 6, 10:15 AM · DayZ Xbox
Geez merged task T189678: crash illegal instruction into T189680: crash illegal instruction.
Thu, Mar 6, 10:14 AM · DayZ
Geez merged task T189679: crash illegal instruction into T189680: crash illegal instruction.
Thu, Mar 6, 10:14 AM · DayZ
Geez merged tasks T189679: crash illegal instruction, T189678: crash illegal instruction into T189680: crash illegal instruction.
Thu, Mar 6, 10:14 AM · DayZ
tr1ckyv2 created T189694: threw an exception.
Thu, Mar 6, 9:28 AM · Arma 3
R34P3R created T189693: Exp. - Strange Tile rebuild on "Eden" Navmesh.
Thu, Mar 6, 8:40 AM · Arma Reforger Modding
TravisKihn added a comment to T189099: Mission with Unkillable antenna R 404 - Weird things in the game..

Among us is a very good game, I enjoy playing it.

Thu, Mar 6, 8:18 AM · Arma Reforger
Jeannelemanee created T189692: Downsides of Mitolyn – What Users Don’t Like.
Thu, Mar 6, 7:24 AM · Arma 3
caramoor created T189691: Died running down stairs and falling through the map.
Thu, Mar 6, 4:49 AM · DayZ
Stillchillyeas updated the task description for T189689: P1 Pistol makes incorrect sound.
Thu, Mar 6, 3:38 AM · DayZ
xD_E_N_I_Z- created T189690: Several Bugz & Spikes.
Thu, Mar 6, 3:10 AM · DayZ PlayStation
Paraflax added a comment to T189464: Watchtower Obstruction.

I am having this issue as well since update. Invisible wall in the center of our watchtowers.

Thu, Mar 6, 1:34 AM · DayZ Xbox
BIS_fnc_KK claimed T189559: Duplicate hitpoints selection name on the CH-67 Huron..
Thu, Mar 6, 12:22 AM · Arma 3
BIS_fnc_KK added a comment to T189559: Duplicate hitpoints selection name on the CH-67 Huron..

it is programmed in the engine to destroy second rotor if first is destroyed, I will look at config to see if it actually gonna make any difference

Thu, Mar 6, 12:22 AM · Arma 3
BIS_fnc_KK claimed T186947: Heli_Light_02_F - broken TextureSources for OPF_F textures.
Thu, Mar 6, 12:12 AM · Arma 3
Stillchillyeas updated the task description for T189689: P1 Pistol makes incorrect sound.
Thu, Mar 6, 12:05 AM · DayZ


BIS_fnc_KK set Ref Ticket to AIII-56805 on T188547: Laser designator target vertical position is inconsistent for targets in/near water.
Wed, Mar 5, 11:38 PM · Arma 3
Stillchillyeas created T189689: P1 Pistol makes incorrect sound.
Wed, Mar 5, 11:35 PM · DayZ
iNTERCEPT18 changed Severity from severity:major to severity:minor on T189296: Sakhal Water Spring asset missing.
Wed, Mar 5, 11:29 PM · DayZ
KINGALOBAR added a comment to T189296: Sakhal Water Spring asset missing.

It's empty, just refill it.

Wed, Mar 5, 11:13 PM · DayZ
gabriel931314 created T189688: DayZ keeps crashing.
Wed, Mar 5, 10:09 PM · DayZ
berkut_8 edited Steps To Reproduce on T189687: Fuel objects (USA/USSR) are not displayed.
Wed, Mar 5, 9:51 PM · Arma Reforger
berkut_8 created T189687: Fuel objects (USA/USSR) are not displayed.
Wed, Mar 5, 9:50 PM · Arma Reforger
Cyborgmatt created T189686: [] BRDM-2 & BTR-70 Wreckages Have Leftover Components Inside.
Wed, Mar 5, 9:48 PM · Arma Reforger
Lemonly420 created T189683: 0x0001000F.
Wed, Mar 5, 9:09 PM · DayZ PlayStation
1c4ru5 added a comment to T189665: CONSOLE BUGS.

I’ve had this issue too.

Wed, Mar 5, 9:00 PM · DayZ Xbox
BIS_fnc_KK changed the status of T177680: In Spectator mode, the animated character icon does not match the color of his faction and it does not disappear after the animation is over. from New to Feedback.
Wed, Mar 5, 8:31 PM · Arma 3
BIS_fnc_KK added a comment to T177680: In Spectator mode, the animated character icon does not match the color of his faction and it does not disappear after the animation is over..

fixed in future update

Wed, Mar 5, 8:31 PM · Arma 3
BIS_fnc_KK added a comment to T177680: In Spectator mode, the animated character icon does not match the color of his faction and it does not disappear after the animation is over..


Wed, Mar 5, 8:26 PM · Arma 3
Gae4ka added a comment to T189119: PlayerProxy.p3d.

Please correct the error

Wed, Mar 5, 8:26 PM · DayZ
Sprangbalk created T189682: AK suppressor vanished .
Wed, Mar 5, 8:19 PM · DayZ PlayStation
BIS_fnc_KK claimed T177680: In Spectator mode, the animated character icon does not match the color of his faction and it does not disappear after the animation is over..
Wed, Mar 5, 8:18 PM · Arma 3
PR9INICHEK added a comment to T188751: [] Destroyed objects appear intact in the distance.

I'll try to check in the new version

Wed, Mar 5, 8:14 PM · Arma Reforger
muratcansimsek added a comment to T163465: Cannot connect to any server - Error 0x0004031 (WaitAuthPlayerLoginState).

So here are some of my observations regarding this issue:

  • For me it never happens when I just fresh started steam/dayz, found a server I want to play (that I knew could throw an error)
  • However it can be quite often reproduced when I jump out of a game on a community server A and trying to reconnect to server B
  • Restarting Steam fully resolves it (not just restarting DayZ). BTW those that do full PC restart - can you try to just get out of steam and go back?
  • It feels almost like a timeout occurs while / when the game tries to resolve character state differences
  • Retrying after a timeout often triggers another random error (most often a mod/add-ons mismatch error and its kinda clear that Dayz expects mods from thenew server I am joining while my client still points at previous server mod (I realized that by seeing which mods the game thinks I am missing)
  • So the game incorrectly remembers the server’s mod setup, as if it kinda not flushing previous server stuff.
Wed, Mar 5, 7:50 PM · DayZ
Travmat created T189680: crash illegal instruction.
Wed, Mar 5, 7:45 PM · DayZ
Travmat created T189679: crash illegal instruction.
Wed, Mar 5, 7:41 PM · DayZ
bhaal added a comment to T163465: Cannot connect to any server - Error 0x0004031 (WaitAuthPlayerLoginState).

So here are some of my observations regarding this issue:

  • For me it never happens when I just fresh started steam/dayz, found a server I want to play (that I knew could throw an error)
  • However it can be quite often reproduced when I jump out of a game on a community server A and trying to reconnect to server B
  • Restarting Steam fully resolves it (not just restarting DayZ). BTW those that do full PC restart - can you try to just get out of steam and go back?
  • It feels almost like a timeout occurs while / when the game tries to resolve character state differences
  • Retrying after a timeout often triggers another random error (most often a mod/add-ons mismatch error and its kinda clear that Dayz expects mods from thenew server I am joining while my client still points at previous server mod (I realized that by seeing which mods the game thinks I am missing)
  • So the game incorrectly remembers the server’s mod setup, as if it kinda not flushing previous server stuff.
Wed, Mar 5, 7:40 PM · DayZ
Travmat added a comment to T189678: crash illegal instruction.

пожалуйста помогите решить эту проблему

Wed, Mar 5, 7:38 PM · DayZ
Travmat created T189678: crash illegal instruction.
Wed, Mar 5, 7:37 PM · DayZ