In T181684#2770458, @predator177 wrote:March 13, 2025. Query timeout error is still displayed. it can disappear for a couple of days or appear every 15 minutes for a whole day (like today). the computer meets the minimum system requirements, and I play on low graphics settings. But that's not the point. I used to be able to play for hours and there were no errors, it all started with update 1.25. Update 1.27 has already been released, but the error has not been fixed. Dayz is the main game I play. What do you want me to do? I can't play properly. when will this annoying bug be fixed? is work underway to eliminate it? The cost of the game is 37 dollars, where the appearance of such errors in the game is simply unacceptable.
Recent Activity
Recent Activity
DCMinimum added a comment to T181684: ever since 1.25 ive been getting kicked for query timeout.
OFFSETSYNT4X added a comment to T178403: DayZ Console Init.c breach + Suggestions.
Allowing “any” customizations to server configurations “could” enable server owners to offer unfair advantages for profit and capitalize off said systems. The customization capabilities seem fine for the PC community, why is it an issue for the console community? Is the issue the features themselves or the way they are being achieved currently (scripting)?
byNautiic added a comment to T187341: Everon map & objective menu UI bugged (No background on some objective markers, SEIZE Vernon QUEBEC text in objective menu, supply depot icons gone, "Base name").
Others seem to have experienced it too
Leopard20 updated the task description for T190014: GetInCargo action index is not the same as cargo index.
Leopard20 updated the task description for T190014: GetInCargo action index is not the same as cargo index.
DayzTruth added a comment to T190013: 9650 Official Cherno Server Crashed .
New server crash method is making it's rounds. They plan on patching this specific one (hopefully) in the next update/hot fix.
As you know there is always another method to crash servers without ddos. Sometimes you just need to add lag while combining things lol
Tizzer added a comment to T149563: Hardware antialiasing foliace swoothing on 21: 9 monitor 2560x1080 with AMD card.
It's an AMD card issue. I used to have an Nvidia 1070 before my current build and never had this problem. Ironically my Nvidia 1070 is better suited for DayZ than my AMD 7800xt lol. I've been doing some research on it and apparently it has to do with how AMD cards handle something called "Alpha To Coverage" or ATOC for short. I've found forum threads about this issue going back as far as 2012 for Arma 2. Apparently how Bohemia Interactive do ATOC really messes with AMD cards unfortunately, but there has to be a way to fix it. Maybe they will fix it some day because the game really looks ugly with foliage smoothing turned off :(
DayzTruth added a comment to T190003: Rubberbanding/Skating Glitch.
It's the lack of transparency I'm disgusted by. They never know when anything will be fixed (literally) there is a server crash out right now from building a fireplace on a platform and dismantling the right stairs and they refuse to fix it until the next "hot fix/patch".
DrPastah added a comment to T190011: Adjust Stance + Switch weapon optics = Failure.
A zip of my profile, the setting must be changed to make it stop working.
Anurai_Tawkamiya added a comment to T188438: ALICE Machine Gunner.
Still an error for the version (Exp).
Nate_LapT added a comment to T187701: erro 0x00000001-unable_to_unit_dxgi.
Knolle56 added a comment to T190003: Rubberbanding/Skating Glitch.
hey man cmon stay cool. i get your frustration, im frustrated too.
i dont know how its like to program a game and try to fix bugs etc. but i imagine that it is not an easy task.
yeah im annoyed by all the stuff that is not working properly in this game,really... but for the first time this particular bug makes it impossible to play right now.
DayzTruth added a comment to T190003: Rubberbanding/Skating Glitch.
Geez quit being fucking lazy and trying to blame other sources instead of fixing the game! Why the fuck is the dev team so lazy???
Dugan_Nash updated the task description for T190006: Livonia static gas zones invisible.
DayzTruth added a comment to T190003: Rubberbanding/Skating Glitch.
It's insane they keep asking for more info when the majority of the community is complaining about this issue. Why do they refuse to play the game and test it?
Worst dev team to exist. No wonder the community hates them.
byNautiic added a comment to T190007: How to crash server .
T189318 linking
Claytonorr added a comment to T190007: How to crash server .
Please fix this!
Knolle56 added a comment to T190003: Rubberbanding/Skating Glitch.
ok, so i just tested it on an official chernarus server.
it still happened but it was not as bad as on namalsk. still very annoying, makes you fall off roofs or glitch off of edges.
Dugan_Nash updated the task description for T190006: Livonia static gas zones invisible.
nad25schn added a comment to T187260: Dashboard.
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Whoami added a comment to T189180: Proven Cheaters Playstation 2025.
Duper: PSN: DMR_Duper
CoyoteRogue edited Additional Information on T190004: Unable to Initialize Launcher.
CoyoteRogue edited Additional Information on T190004: Unable to Initialize Launcher.
Geez added a comment to T190003: Rubberbanding/Skating Glitch.
Knolle56 added a comment to T190003: Rubberbanding/Skating Glitch.
I almost never play official servers. i cant think of a mod that could cause this. the servers i play are basically "vanilla"
Geez added a comment to T190003: Rubberbanding/Skating Glitch.
Thank you, do you experience this on an official servers or just community ones? If the latter, are there some mods possibly installed that could cause this?
Knolle56 added a comment to T190003: Rubberbanding/Skating Glitch.
I never play experimental. It started since i updated to the new 1.27 stable patch.
Hello Knolle56,
Has this occurred since 1.27 stable came out? Or has this started to occur since the recent experimental?
ArtemDozhd added a comment to T189876: Server crash when SaveCurrentFSMState is called by engine..
I have the same problem but I also don't have the expansion mod @Geez
Toggy added a comment to T189830: Muzzle error crashing server.
Can confirm, do not have expansion and this shows in crash log. Though im not sure its a crash producing error
Toggy added a comment to T189290: [SERVER CRASH] Access violation. Illegal read by 0x7ff72f24e1b4 at 0xffffffffffffffff.
I take it back
Geez changed the status of T189363: [1.27] Firearms desync when shooting while aiming down sight from Awaiting internal Testing to Confirmed Internally.
Geez changed the status of T189983: (Can maybe be tweaked before stable?) - If using Legacy control preset, helicopter gunship "shoot" button is illogically assigned to RT, same as yaw button from New to Feedback.
krysti99 added a comment to T189973: Gameplay issues/bugs.
What are the major bugs and gameplay issues noticed since the 1.27 update, and how do they impact mechanics like combat, animations, and item interactions?
vkantik added a comment to T189923: SaveCurrentFSMState Crash.
Hello, same situation
Geez changed the status of T189509: Bk 133 shotgun not fully loading from Awaiting internal Testing to Confirmed Internally.
Geez changed the status of T189682: AK suppressor vanished from Awaiting internal Testing to Confirmed Internally.
Resolved for the upcoming hotfix.
Resolved for the upcoming hotfix.
Resolved for the upcoming hotfix.
Resolved for the upcoming hotfix.
Geez changed the status of T189645: Bug with Mini sights from Awaiting internal Testing to Confirmed Internally.
Geez changed the status of T189748: Bug in the Sakhalin model from Awaiting internal Testing to Confirmed Internally.
Geez closed T189734: AmmoBox_12gaBeanbag_10Rnd has unfinished item description and name as Resolved.
Unfinished items not appearing in the vanilla part of the game.
As mentioned in many of your previous tickets, yes it is being worked on.
Geez changed the status of T189987: Oficial Server 5164 South America SP Crash ever single day. from New to Assigned.
Geez changed the status of T189995: Sound of open a boxed nails when Unlocking Code Lock from New to Awaiting internal Testing.
Geez changed the status of T189993: Dismantling watchtower stairs cause tents to fly from New to Awaiting internal Testing.
Geez changed the status of T189998: chemgas granade doest break from New to Awaiting internal Testing.
Thepapercrane updated the task description for T189998: chemgas granade doest break.
Geez added a comment to T189740: Player Built Walls Despawning.
If you're saying the "cheat check" is enabled on Official servers, that makes logical sense. If that's the case, please have my ticket elevated and sent as feedback for the rest of the team to see because that is a lazy fix to something that was never an issue.
@Dugan_Nash It is not a fix, this is not the intended behaviour of said feature but a bug. We are working on fixing the issue and it is currently being considered to disable the feature on official servers as well until the problem gets resolved.
Glad to hear the issue has been resolved! I am going to close this ticket but feel free to submit another one in case you run into any other issues :)
Thank you for the report.
This is a known issue and it has been reported previously. Closing as duplicate.
Geez changed the status of T189982: launcher not displaying servers(including favourites tab) from New to Need More Info.
Hello Cosmicnomad.
Is this on stable or experimental? And would it be possible for you to try another network to see if they are still visible? Also just to confirm, the direct connection through parameter does not work either right?
Maximus_78 added a comment to T187701: erro 0x00000001-unable_to_unit_dxgi.
Geez, you are the BEST! This command sfc/scannow help me. Now All OK Thanks a lot and have a good day!!!!
Thank you for the report.
All hacking incidents are investigated by BattlEye.
Geez changed the status of T189305: Cheat Check Deleting Fences & Watchtowers from Reviewed to Assigned.
Thank you for the report.
This crash is fixed in the upcoming hotfix.
Geez changed the status of T189503: Intel Arc B580 Rendering Issue from Assigned to Confirmed Internally.
ArtemDozhd added a comment to T189923: SaveCurrentFSMState Crash.
This is storage_1 from backups when there were crashes from two servers. If you need more information, I can provide it
RuthWeigel added a comment to T189995: Sound of open a boxed nails when Unlocking Code Lock.
Whoami edited Steps To Reproduce on T189995: Sound of open a boxed nails when Unlocking Code Lock.
ermancelikk added a comment to T189474: Textures loading in slowly or not at all.
Is there any update regarding the matter?
• Esparza added a comment to T174537: error when booting game.
Toggy added a comment to T189290: [SERVER CRASH] Access violation. Illegal read by 0x7ff72f24e1b4 at 0xffffffffffffffff.
Leeroy1021 added a comment to T184946: 7800X3D maxing out at 100 an causing major stutters.