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I have been trying to log onto servers for the last 4 days. Everytime I try I get the error code 0x00010001 and the message cannot connect to server as it is unreachable. I have checked the connection and there is nothing wrong at that end, I can play other games online without any issues. I have uninstalled and reinstalled the game numerous times. I have reset everything, tried a hotspot and still cannot get onto any server.
@arthur.morgan Having more stamina lying down for sniping would actually be a great addition to the game. Though part of me thinks it’ll some how turn into an exploit if not properly coded.
I feel this on a deep level! 😂 Some spawns just make you question life choices. They seriously need to rework the spawn system or at least give us a way to reroll bad ones. Which spawn annoys you the most?
That sounds incredibly frustrating, especially with how often players are getting kicked and experiencing severe desync issues. The teleporting, lag, and vehicle crashes make it nearly unplayable at high server populations. Your suggestion about stopping the car when a driver is kicked makes a lot of sense and could help prevent unnecessary crashes. Hopefully, the devs acknowledge this issue and provide a fix soon. Have they given any response or updates on a potential patch?
Hi @Geez this may be of some help, this was pulled from the RPT logs of my server:
Agreed. Maybe even some smaller scopes?
For sure you’re right it must be fixed, just a temporary solution I mentioned 👍
Relates to T175368
@Geez hi :)
Also, I remove and install game 3 times, batteeye, mods ant other. I just doesn't reinstall Windows :-)
Hi, help me please. I see this problem too. my comp configuration: CPU AMD Ryzen 5 3500X 6-Core Processor 3.59 GHz, GPU GTX1060, RAM 80Gb. After latest update I can not play in the game. TNX
Now "Harness - Standart" is in the arsenal and there is no point in using it.
Relates to T172032
@Geez hi :)
Added sometime earlier
Relates to T189821
Relates to T189820
I think it makes sense that you can have for example multiple radio stations, like a "safety"
Agreed. I was hoping I'd get used to it, but after 2 weeks of trying on Stable (and some time on Experimental) I don't think I will. It seems to not matter whether the source of the steps is right next to you or 20 meters away, they sound the same, which is very irritating.
Disagree. Keep it.
In my previous game sessions (single player mission: "Elimination") the AI sometimes threw hand grenades in my direction. It could be more frequent but they do it.
Relates to T187629
The interface should not contain debugging information
Relates to T181789
I noticed this yesterday on exp too. A lot of empty FIA bases in the beginning, then after a while there was suddenly a lot of them spawncamping you pretty much.
So resize bar seems to be the culprit here somehow, as theres been a few similar and connecting problems, fps drop with resize bar off hasnt been a problem for me atleast not on reforger, some games still do benefit having it on.
Well, it looks pretty funny. Was this you, Ponezun? Hehe.
We are seing this regularly on a slightly modded server. Using an admin backpack with 1000 slots crashes sooner or later for sure. Also picking up crates (mmg in this case) seems to trigger it.
Looks like it happens randomly on Xbox exp aswell. Had it happen maybe one instance in 10 hours playing.
I don't quite remember but I believe the car was spawned at MOB, brought to Le Moule, I took supplies from the big barn with supplies nearby, built a radio tower at the base, took more supplies from barn and then drove to Morton and tried to unload but it just said "No Storage Nearby". We blew up shortly after so couldn't test more.
Also happens sometimes on experimental it seems