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- User Since
- Mar 6 2013, 6:59 AM (629 w, 1 d)
May 10 2016
In post-apocalyptic world full of zombies and enemies while surviving, you would be happy for any kind of happyness.
Especially when you were a smoker before, you would search for cigaretes and most people for alcohol bewerages and those would become matter of trade.
Also this behaviour has another dimension too - it adds immersion to game - its one of those little things that makes game more interesting and gives players human behaviour. (and opens new opportunities for gaming situations - for example - detected by smoking, throwed cigarette could possibly get wood (building, anything) into fire, you could use gas and lighter to burn something on purpose, torture captured player with lighted - make him wounds or "tattoos"......)
Player would held it in hands and use right click to use - same way as weapons work.
Binocular should work the same way, just with a difference, that scopes would be monoculars.
Am not saying unrealistically, but for example pen in reality when i look at it from 1.8m height is bigger then that funny tiny slime stick from game.
On the other hand that box with food that can be found in shops sometimes is oversized.
Items do not display every time when i hit tab when am close to them - it takes steps back and forth sometimes if i want to pick it up. In reality it takes much less time if i want to take something that i see.
Same thing happened to me. After fully geared up, i quit near some trees and after i got back i'v received that message and respawned on the coast.
Best would be to have wind indicator similar to stance so snipers could counter it.
Winding they should affect standard non sniping weapons at longer distances aswell.
Well, still law should kill everything in close range from impact.
So what you lie down 1-2m from rocket impact you cant be harmed?
Also anti-material weapons are underpowered against vehicles and especially helicopters.
AI heli can stand 20-30 shots from anti material rifle and will fly without any issues.
Vehicles are like a tanks too - only wheels can be destroyed with 1-2 accurate shots.
After latest patch it seems to be working fine.
I posted this issue, because it was creating logfiles, so i thought its a crash
nope, it can be closed
May 9 2016
Same also applies to enemy AI cars. They are able to shoot you from far distance with 100% accurancy and spot easily even if hidden under tree.
Also when you start shooting with silencer, they are able to identify your exact location even from far distance in seconds.
The issue is fine now and game works fine.
Most of the time i crash on wasteland mission with a lot of people on server.
Then it happends quite often - usually after mission gets loaded an i choose side and hit the button.
Well, conflicting yet functional = not conflicting.
Game should recognize keys in cases when one key is bound to heli inside and another used by walking (as an example).
Now it's showed as conflict, but in reality it isn't, ergo its not completely correct.
Another disadvantage is move settings between profiles - you have to set all keys again manually.
Nope, now its fine and issue can be closed
you need to have another application running before you try that ALT+Tab, otherwise it wont switch,.
run notepad or calculator and then run game.
What i'v found - how to fix it in windows is ALT TAB out of game to other application and then back. Then mouse cursor is accurate again.
Yes i still can reproduce it easily.
I dont use highest resolution on my fullhd lcd and until i use ALT+TAB after game is loaded and switch back to game, cursor is off target.
I run latest dev build
I can check later in the afternoon what are my exact settings
Attaching my screenshot where you can see that cursor is off - you cant see the cursor but its above all menus when one of the menu items is selected. When i use alt+tab to get to windows and go back to game then its fixed.
my resolution: physical monitor: fullhd
ingame: 1600x900x32 16:9
interface size: normal
rendering res 1600x900 - the rest of the fields are disabled or low