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- Mar 15 2013, 5:06 PM (624 w, 3 d)
May 10 2016
@ProGamer I still upvoted :)
We have always been told than BISimulations is a completely different company than BIStudio, so I find it hard to believe that something like this may happen. It would be a great addition but I am pretty sure they will leave this kind of stuff in hands of the modding community.
I think I have this problem too. I was playing the campaign (on normal branch not dev), and in the mission "Crossing Paths" the squad stopped about 250mts before LZ Connor, we took some enemies from there and since the squad wasn't moving I advanced and secured LZ Connor. Now I am supposed to continue to secure Agios Cephas, but the squad is just standing there, the leader gave the order to move 300mts to the front but he or any other squad member wont move. And if I try to advance the mission will fail when I get far from the squad. Saving and resuming didn't work. I can't continue the campaign without reverting, and not sure if it would happen again after reverting, will try it if I get some free time tomorrow.
UPDATE: Tried reverting and replaying the mission and this time it worked fine.
I never had this problem before the final release. I have been playing since the first days of alpha and up until recently I never had a crash or lag at all.
The lag I, and others I have talked to, are having doesn't looks like network lag. The screen would freeze every 10 seconds or so for a few milliseconds or a second, when the game resume it does exactly at the same position where it froze. The crash doesn't happen always but the lag does, even in single player.
I hate the new stance indicator added in the dev version, the silhouette thing is horrible. I think it should be much more abstract, I made a script version of what I think it should kinda look like:
I know it interferes with the hud when you use tracers, but is not intended as a final version it's just a proof of concept.
Related to this is that you cannot move at all if you are reloading while in prone position, at least moving should cancel the reloading. Not being able to go prone while reloading is not such big of a deal because you can still run to cover and dodge some bullets, but reloading while prone completely immobilizes, you have no other option to wait there for someone to shoot you.
The problem is your CPU, amd sucks for arma.
May 9 2016
I had similar issues, and on some rocks also my body goy half into the rock.
I am sure the final release will have much more stuff like modules in the editor, but anyway I think it's very good the way it is, you just have to get used to it. 3D editor already exist and it's a little better than in A2.
B00tsy: Do you think they started Arma 3 from scratch? They have been working on the same engine for like 10 years, arma 3 is the evolution of arma 2, it's not something completely new, and from my point of view i do think it's really different than arma 2 in lot of ways.
Arma 3 helicopters needs more weight, right now you can be going straight to the ground, but if you put the nose of the heli up at 2mts from the ground you will be safe, a real helicopter would keep going down for quite some distance.
This must be fixed on Arma 3 final, we have it since the first Arma versions.
This is alpha, they haven't added the kitchens yet.
The new inventory is really nice, im still getting used to it but it definitely needs a few tweaks like this one.
Please fix this, dont make the compass bigger, make the bearings easier to read. I play at 1920x1080 res and I find myself staring at 10cm from the monitor trying to read the bearings, and most of the time I can't.
Kid18120: Is there any screenshot available of that?
The image @tarciop shared is really good imo. I even though about doing a smaller version which would fit on the top left corner of the weapon/ammo hud, on the blank space left on the opposite side where the weapon name is. But I havent had time yet to do it.
I think our comments show that this kind of stuff should be left to modders, devs should be working on more important things.
I hate the new stance indicator added in the dev version, the silhouette thing is horrible. I think it should be much more abstract, I made a script version of what I think it should kinda look like:
I know it interferes with the hud when you use tracers, but is not intended as a final version it's just a proof of concept.
I discovered the same issue today while remapping my "collective lower" to LCTRL, it's impossible to land in 1st person with the mouse like this, because you can't turn. Holding LCTRL in 1st person in a heli and moving the mouse change views, and I couldn't find a way to prevent that.