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- User Since
- Jun 20 2016, 11:57 PM (451 w, 6 d)
Dec 4 2020
Nov 26 2020
This was fixed, can be closed.
This can be closed.
Yes, this is major client-server synchronization issue impacting everyone, reported in many bugreports like this yours. Developers are already working on fix. T155184 seems to have most attention.
Nov 23 2020
Hell of a knifework there
Nov 22 2020
Must be T155184
There is major lag issue with current version, see T155184
You spin the engine only in safe (non-red) speeds, right?
I takes time to get hydrated and energized regardless of how full your stomach is. If you get stuffed by low-calorie food to the point you vomit you lose even this little energy. Energize and hydrate yourself gradually - it really takes surprisingly long time to get the apple and flask icons full.
Happens on strong-specced home/LAN server with single player logged in. Also there was no problem with previous versions on the same server and client machines, right?
Can very well be related to T155244 BTW I wouldn't say it is resource-related, my home server demonstrating this problem is hardly at 20% of CPU load, memory also pretty empty and network latency negligible. This must be a bug, not resources/load issue.
Seen these in police stations (village type - yellow with circular tower on top), but in some rural houses too. Must have something to do with zombie spawning positions. Also all those poor zombies stranded on roofs! (Announcing your stealth presence far and wide)
This happens to Gunter2 and Olga too. Luckily nobody died in incidents I experienced - but it was close call each time. I suspect it is related to lag and the effect always accumulates/worsens over time (or distance traveled?). While driving the car, it would start to behave erratic - not reacting to keys for steering/acceleration/breaking or overreacting or even doing steering or acceleration changes on its own. This same can happen even when driving flattest straightest and widest roads. It happened to me repeatedly that the car started to roll (rotate along front-back axis) sometimes elevated over the ground, then (when breaking super hard to save the car and people in it) car would stop and sit back on all it's wheels but would wiggle or shake. This of course is easy recipe for crash at speeds beyond 40 km/h and the environment clearly designed against all basic rules of transportation safety (yes I mean all those concrete or wooden pillars close to roads, or little stone walls hidden mostly in grass or other solid obstacles dangerously close to roads - all cunningly placed on trajectories you would travel if you lost control of your vehicle for a slightest moment - like during lag you are not able to control. Roads like this would never be allowed to exist in real world, but ok this is Chernarus and we want to make game challenging by both clever means and cheap ones too...). I believe the problem occurs when game is not able to keep-up with fast changes of player's/car's position. I was running my own home server on 1G LAN (separate physical machine), just one gigabit switch away from game PC, both PC and the server with pretty overkill specs, not running anything else - just server running DayZ Expermiental server and client PC running only DayZ client on steam (OK Firefox with single tab of iZurvive map). Same behavior observed also on random remote community server with decent low ping. So I think it is reasonable to say that issue is unrelated to computing resources available being it CPU, RAM or network latency+throughput. Interesting here is how issue gets worse over time as you play and move. Without real insight into what happens with the running code I can only speculate this has something to do with loading and releasing game data as you travel longer distances and get new areas activated around you. Maybe player uses more and more resources as he rapidly moves through many new areas and game engine does not keep up. I even heard sound getting worse over time - getting choppy at some point. I did not experiment with restarting either client or server to see which of them causes it. But I will try to gather more info and open separate ticket on it if I get better quality data to hand over to Bohemia Interactive to work with. As for now I would summarize:
Nov 8 2020
Although I did not see fix listed, Gunter does not have this problem anymore - can be re-fueled normal way. (as of 1.10.153546)
Nov 4 2020
Sarka too can be refueled - stand in open door.
Oct 27 2020
Hm... I ruined perfectly fine Beef steaks by drying them, got stuffed, still without any problems.
Oct 26 2020
Not happening to me still. I dried two chicken steaks (fresh ones), let them cool, ate them right away (but nothing else) and I was OK. BTW I was fully energized and hydrated - no adverse modifiers active.
Oct 25 2020
Sure :)
And for Olga similar way possible:
- Open closest door (rear-left for Olga)
- Stand in the opening (you'll get little lifted)
- Aim at fuel lid, maybe little bit away from car
Alright I found how to refuel Gunter:
- Open door next to fuel lid (rear-right door)
- Walk as close as possible to rear-right seat while standing
- Aim cursor at fuel lid - refuel action shows
Could not reproduce with dried meat of Wild Boar. (Ate two, running around for hours - no problem). Maybe bloody hands while eating?
Yes I saw the known issues item. It is not "difficult to find", it is impossible - simply not working at all. I spent with it good hour, all the gymnastics around fuel lid and other spots on the car. Standing, crouching, proning, bottles, pots, one car, other car, doors open/closed, engine on/off... When devs/testers call it "difficult" one would expect that with reasonable effort you would hit it and refuel. Not really. And so here goes my bugreport to get it more attention. If there is way to refuel the car - lets hear it.
Oct 24 2020
Can it be same as T154557 ?
Sep 16 2020
Sorry but I cant, I am mere paying customer nice enough to report bugs. What about finding watch tower in closest military base (or climb industrial chimney - bug occurs there too) and see for yourself?
Sep 3 2020
This seems resolved in experimental 1.09.153372
Aug 29 2020
Aug 22 2020
Anyone cares about this one? It is pretty dangerous bug.
Jun 21 2020
Hey Mauser,
I am player like you and I am sorry to hear the game does not bring you as much fun and joy as it brings to me - and it surely can once you overcome certain basic obstacles. If you are interested I can give you couple practical tips that helped me. Lets start saying that the game is tough no matter if you just started to explore it or you are seasoned player - you can die by accident or negligence (falling from roof, getting surprised by hostile player or animal, get hurt by zombie and not having items to treat your condition, etc etc), most of this risk can be effectively reduced with careful planning and prioritizing (you don't go miles after weapon if you are thirsty and have nothing to drink for example). As far as realism goes we have to somehow accept that if game would wait for you 6 days to dehydrate or 30 to critically starve it would be pointless to bother with hydration and energy mechanics at all, right? I however strongly agree some tuning towards players is still in order here - for example I don't see how you break military boots in less than a day by running in woods and smashing couple zombies with an axe... I have my own ticket opened on it :-)
Jun 20 2020
In the meantime you can run your own server, password-lock it and have it all for yourself! Steam offers both Stable and Experimental versions of the server, if you have PC with normal specs (I think enough RAM is important here) you can even run both sever and game client on the same machine. This is nice guide to follow:
Jun 19 2020
Jun 18 2020
Jun 17 2020
Descriptions use words like "Highly durable" or "Versatile" - one would expect they would survive a day of light walking or stepping on zombie's feet here and there.
Try wearing more synthetic textiles - it would take them longer to chew through or discourage them completely. Not sure about hens though - they eat everything.
Hello Geez, I was driving long distances avoiding any violent confrontation. The result is that only by driving and little walking shoes don't get damaged. Still some tuning is needed - condition of strong tourist or military shoes should not deteriorate this fast.
Can you guys please assign this under "Dayz" tag, since this was opened by mistake for "Arma 3"
Yes, it is possible that I encountered and fought few zombies between my rides. I will try to get another pristine shoes and drive long distance for some time If I get impact on shoes durability by that alone.
Jun 16 2020
Same for frying pan and cooker - they stay hot indefinitely once heated.
Jun 15 2020
Jun 14 2020
Jun 30 2016
I noticed that also Alt-Tabbing out and back in to game also resolves this issue.
Jun 29 2016
Jun 28 2016
Jun 24 2016
Jun 23 2016
Jun 22 2016
Yup :)
Hm.. the char did not change in customization dialog, but when I enterred the game, it looked like I changed it.
Erm... how do I close my own ticket?
OK after a while I got my char and all the possessions back. Prolly data wasnt synced this early after new version deployment. Closing