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Nov 30 2014, 11:46 PM (535 w, 1 d)

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May 11 2016

sp0ng3_m0nk3y set Category to category:characters on T115481: Spawning with invisible clothes on.
May 11 2016, 1:57 PM · DayZ
sp0ng3_m0nk3y added a comment to T114964: Spawned naked in Chernogorsk, could not take any clothes.

i posted a ticket about this too.

Only relog make your clothes visible. Happened with NewUI for me, with the old one it never happened

May 11 2016, 1:39 PM · DayZ
sp0ng3_m0nk3y edited Steps To Reproduce on T114393: Server Restart Notification.
May 11 2016, 7:29 AM · DayZ
sp0ng3_m0nk3y added a comment to T114303: Major lag in Severograd.

same happened to me and my friend on NWAF.

3 People was in the Group, 2 of us had Major fps drop down to one, the 3rd guy was fine (his PC is worse than mine just to mention).

But not happens every time, once it Drops and on another Server it doesn't.

May 11 2016, 7:26 AM · DayZ
sp0ng3_m0nk3y added a comment to T114296: Cant Swap Gun when it is in my hand with the gun that is in my the back.

that was never been in the game.

You can swap between weapons if you have enough space in your inventory for it.

  • Example: You have an AKS-74U in your backpack, and an M4 on your back.

In this case the AKS goes back to your backpack, and the M4 goes to your Hand.

  • If you have an M4 on your back, and a mosin in your Hand, you can't swap them without dropping one of them on the floor. This is how it works and how it worked since i play the game. (started with 0.35 i guess)

What you talking about would require a completely new animation mate, and it has never been in the game.

May 11 2016, 7:26 AM · DayZ
sp0ng3_m0nk3y added a comment to T114292: "Failed to install BattlEye service".

Try this.

Go to

Download the files to the Folder they tell you and replace the old ones with These. Start the game again and try to log in to a Server.

Usually works if i have BE Problem.

May 11 2016, 7:26 AM · DayZ
sp0ng3_m0nk3y added a comment to T114290: The PSO-1 scope's functions (illuminated reticle, IR filter) are not represented ingame..

+1 from me too.

Illuminated optics can make easier to track moving Targets at distance, and the IR Filter can make Night Time gameplay more fun.

An Optic with IR filter can work as a Night Vision Google but with reduced visibility when aiming.

May 11 2016, 7:25 AM · DayZ
sp0ng3_m0nk3y added a comment to T114289: I got killed by spawning in a truck.

dude once again...characters has no can always start again, that's not a new Thing. If you don't like the system, then this game is not for you :D

May 11 2016, 7:25 AM · DayZ
sp0ng3_m0nk3y added a comment to T114289: I got killed by spawning in a truck.

the devs are not giving back lost characters or loot.
You can always start again, not a big deal, a shotgun is a common weapon ;)

One tip...never Exit the game in buildings, or next to anything. Log out in bushes, no one will find you there. Much safer.

May 11 2016, 7:25 AM · DayZ
sp0ng3_m0nk3y added a comment to T114196: PSO-1 Scope is too rare..

you know "should be rare in eastern military loot zones" is not equal with "should be spawning on it's own"

if you want to communicate this way then -> learn to express yourself then come back.

Dude i don't want to start an arguement but some of your statements are against the others. But to cut things short, PSO should be more common, and should spawn in Military loot Areas, like the NWAF.

May 11 2016, 7:22 AM · DayZ
sp0ng3_m0nk3y added a comment to T114196: PSO-1 Scope is too rare..

you can attach the kashtan scope on the AKM...PSO-1 and Kashtan are the available optics for the AK variants but both of these are rare.
An additional railing System would be good so we would be able to attach US optics on AKs :D

In the recent patch you can find more US loot than Russian.

Mp5 with the red dot Optik is what i use now...3 character, 3 spawn, 3 mp5 after 30 minutes, so atm no Point for me to search for PSO or Kashtan :D

May 11 2016, 7:22 AM · DayZ
sp0ng3_m0nk3y added a comment to T114196: PSO-1 Scope is too rare..

you said "PSO-1 scope should be a rare spawn"...Spawning on SVD only is not rare enough?

you wanted to say "should NOT be a rare spawn" i guess. I know it's not spawning on it's own but you should check what you write in a ticket ;)

May 11 2016, 7:22 AM · DayZ
sp0ng3_m0nk3y added a comment to T114196: PSO-1 Scope is too rare..

You come here to say that the PSO scope is rare, and you want the devs to make it more rare? U wot mate?

PSO is a russian weapon attachment, Chernarus is some sort of Russian countryside, it would make more sense that Russian attachments spawn more often at Military Locations and maybe at the russian crashed choppers.

May 11 2016, 7:22 AM · DayZ
sp0ng3_m0nk3y added a comment to T114186: No loot.

It seem People still don't know this game or where to possibly find loot.

Everybody spawns on the coast that's where they first start to look for supplies. Head Inland.

  • If you spawn near Berezino, go towards Gorka.
  • IF you spawn near Cherno or Elektro, then go up the Skyscraper Hill (Dubky). Office building, 3 stores etc.

Going towards Gorka for me took like 30 minutes to gear up, get a weapon and enough Food to start my way up to the west.

May 11 2016, 7:22 AM · DayZ
sp0ng3_m0nk3y added a comment to T114182: Randomly running into invisible targets and character stops..

Not easy to reproduce the issue but i will try today.
Im always recording while playing the game if it happens once i will post it here for sure

May 11 2016, 7:22 AM · DayZ
sp0ng3_m0nk3y added a comment to T114182: Randomly running into invisible targets and character stops..


Character seem to stuck on invisible object, stops for a second and goes on.
What is more annoying that when this happens the character ADS with the weapon in Hands and one simple right click not always leads back to 3rd Person view

May 11 2016, 7:22 AM · DayZ
sp0ng3_m0nk3y added a comment to T114110: Un friggin believeable! >:O(.

what about posting your Problem normally without tons of useless Emoticons and words like "grrrr"?

  • Thrown items dissapearing problem has it's own ticket
  • Desync experienced in passenger seat in a car is a known problem and the devs are working on to fix it.
  • "fix this shite devs"...??? really? be respectful with the devs man. Asking politely can work better than demanding ;)
May 11 2016, 7:19 AM · DayZ
sp0ng3_m0nk3y added a comment to T114107: key assignement for toggling light.

or maybe add a specific button to toggle every light emitting objects like car headlights, lanterns, flashlight, weapon flashlight etc.

If you are in a car, or the object is in your hands and you press 'L' you can light them up/out :D

May 11 2016, 7:19 AM · DayZ
sp0ng3_m0nk3y added a comment to T114093: Different door status for different players.

it's rare but still in the game.

May 11 2016, 7:19 AM · DayZ
sp0ng3_m0nk3y added a comment to T114074: First Aid Kit can hold every item.

no, it's not a Problem at all, it is one plus Container for loot.
I was just curious if it's a bug or a Change :D but it seems that it was a bug until this point :D

May 11 2016, 7:18 AM · DayZ
sp0ng3_m0nk3y edited Steps To Reproduce on T114074: First Aid Kit can hold every item.
May 11 2016, 7:18 AM · DayZ
sp0ng3_m0nk3y added a comment to T114060: floating hay balls in and all around the metal barn in Dobroe.

Floating hay balls in Novy Sobor at the Long Barns next to the church as well

May 11 2016, 7:17 AM · DayZ
sp0ng3_m0nk3y added a comment to T114035: items set to the #1 and #2 slots in the hotkey bar do not stay there.

I guess i know what is the cause of this Problem.

When you take the Primary weapon to your hands, it dissapears from the inventory (of course it reappears when you put it on your back).
So...after you respawn, the weapon is in your hands again, and the game doesn't detect the weapon in your inventory thats why it gets deleted from the hotbar.

It's the same when you drop an item on the floor which was previously placed on your hotbar (like morphine, Saline bag etc)gets deleted from it.

I prefer the previous inventory where clothes and weapon were in a specific order, and not this one where the latest piece of gear you pick up takes place on the bottom. that inventory was much easier to see through, and haven't had this problem. :D

May 11 2016, 7:17 AM · DayZ
sp0ng3_m0nk3y added a comment to T114035: items set to the #1 and #2 slots in the hotkey bar do not stay there.

it is still there on stable branch.
But for me only the first Slot gets deleted after respawn.

May 11 2016, 7:17 AM · DayZ
sp0ng3_m0nk3y added a comment to T113966: can't attach bipod.

same with mp5...foregrip can't be removed or changed just by dragging the new one over the stock. And you can't even take off the stock foregrip as well it seems that mp5 and AK has the same issue

May 11 2016, 7:14 AM · DayZ
sp0ng3_m0nk3y added a comment to T112039: New inventory or something (not pristine gear) causing players to survive way more damage (not pristine gear).

I have noticed some of these but not as serious as some you experienced, but maybe that depends on the Server.

SO, in my case the guy became unconcious after i put half a mag from an mp5 into him. We took him hostage and rob him kind of...another guy after this incident died from nearly the same amount of mp5 bullets. strange...

May 11 2016, 6:12 AM · DayZ
sp0ng3_m0nk3y added a comment to T106408: Hackers - Server owners are powerless.

yesterday i was in the ATC at NWAF. Standing behind the staircase, then suddenly one hit, black screen, and the "You are dead" message.
My friend was on the upper level, and we both died at the same time.

We killed many teleport hackers, bug-users, glitchers but i can't do anything about an Instant kill hack.

It was a low-pop server with around 8 people on (night time server)...
Until this date, most of the hackers were on the coast, around the pvp zones, but they are going more inland recently...

The west of the map was a "safe" part of Chernarus...

May 11 2016, 2:58 AM · DayZ
sp0ng3_m0nk3y added a comment to T106408: Hackers - Server owners are powerless.

If the devs will include the suicide animation, hackers will use that against players for sure...

If they can access your inventory, can force feed you and take bullets out of your weapon, it will be a piece of cake to kill them with that.

May 11 2016, 2:58 AM · DayZ
sp0ng3_m0nk3y added a comment to T106400: way too many hackers.

instant kill, taking out weapons from your hand, having access to your inventory and can make anything they want (force feed/drink, ejecting ammo from weapon etc.)
shooting through wall...

these are the ones i experienced or saw on a video.

May 11 2016, 2:57 AM · DayZ
sp0ng3_m0nk3y added a comment to T106391: Reports of gunshot sound bug is still present but is a "sometimes happens" case.

yesterday's session:

5 men surrounded me with SKS, M4 and possibly AK. The gun sounds were barely audible. I saw the muzzle flash and smoke, but the guns sounded like someone is shooting me from like 100 meters...

It was starnge because the V3S engine sound and noise level was normal...

May 11 2016, 2:57 AM · DayZ
sp0ng3_m0nk3y added a comment to T106375: Phantom Broken Arm.

yes, some dark tone color with "injured" text would be good in inventory and a message in the bottom left corner, like "my limb is hurt"

May 11 2016, 2:56 AM · DayZ
sp0ng3_m0nk3y added a comment to T106375: Phantom Broken Arm.

no fracture indicator because your arm is not broken just injured. Use a splint (as i see you did)to fix up your limb. Check you weapon sway everytime you get hit by a zombie, if it's big your arm might be injured.

This is the method i use to keep my aim as steady as possible...

May 11 2016, 2:56 AM · DayZ
sp0ng3_m0nk3y edited Steps To Reproduce on T106343: Character stuck in running/standing animation.
May 11 2016, 2:55 AM · DayZ
sp0ng3_m0nk3y added a comment to T106338: 1911 mags/ ak74 mags not spawning.

i can confirm it...i saw a 1911 mag a few dayz ago, and did find some Ak74 mags as well, unfortunately they were ruined. Vybor military base is a good place to find AK least AK74 and AKM mags, i can't say the same about AK 101 mags because i haven't seen any in a long time.

May 11 2016, 2:55 AM · DayZ
sp0ng3_m0nk3y added a comment to T106167: Military Toxicity (High-End Civilian Loot).

variety of loots won't stop KoS :D Is someone wants to use a gun...well they will.
Adding more lott, it can be good, but if it's new, people gonna be interested in it to see how it looks can increase the amount of KoS.

I know that KoS can be frustrating but let's just think about it. How can you be killed on sight?

Are you walking on the middle of the road? if you see people, just stop in front of them and say "hi" with raised hands? if yes then we have nothing to talk about :D Most of the KoS victims are just way too friendly...

May 11 2016, 2:49 AM · DayZ
sp0ng3_m0nk3y added a comment to T106105: Game Crash When logging into server.

occured with me aswell. wen to the hangar on NWAF and game crashed...only for me, 2 of my friends were in the same hangar and they could play normally.

Rejoined the same server, and game crashed again.

I will try to delete the AppData folder, will see if it helps.

May 11 2016, 2:47 AM · DayZ
sp0ng3_m0nk3y added a comment to T105844: Netting Spawns 1 per server every restart? .

Private server is not a good way to find netting. You best chance to find one is to get on a server which has this insane super-loot "bug". In that fishing town next to svetlojarsk you might find netting under one of the 16-17 boats if the loot is respawning constantly.

This is the only way i guess, although as i said before this is encouraging server jumping, and when the devs can fix the super-loot issue, ghillie suits will be super rare again.

I guess we need another hive wipe with 0.52 :D

May 11 2016, 2:37 AM · DayZ
sp0ng3_m0nk3y added a comment to T105844: Netting Spawns 1 per server every restart? .

if they don't wipe the hive after the super-loot fix people can keep crafted ghillie suits (most likely find due to super-loot)

To make it fair, they wipe all gear so everyone starts with a new character...sound fair for me :D

May 11 2016, 2:37 AM · DayZ
sp0ng3_m0nk3y added a comment to T105844: Netting Spawns 1 per server every restart? .

it should be 2-3 stacks of netting per server and should not be persistant if that is possible to make. 1/server is so rare and just makes people jump servers even more.

I agree that Ghillie suits should not be that common but this is super rare :D I hope the devs change the amount of netting later.

May 11 2016, 2:37 AM · DayZ
sp0ng3_m0nk3y added a comment to T105800: Weapon sway to big in 0.50 and 0.51.

if the sway is too big after a long time, use a splint on your limb. your arm must be damaged when a zombie hit you.

May 11 2016, 2:35 AM · DayZ
sp0ng3_m0nk3y added a comment to T105410: Game crash randomly.

Verify game files, that solved for me. The game still crashes but the amount is very small now (1-2 crashes in a week). Before i did this my game crashed like in every 5 minutes.

May 11 2016, 2:19 AM · DayZ

May 10 2016

sp0ng3_m0nk3y added a comment to T100347: Helicopter crash sites not respawning.

5.56 ammo can be found in military loot places. I found this type of ammo at Zelenogorsk/Vybor Military camps many times. And sometimes you can find in simple towns or perhaps police stations.

Bright brown/beige boxes (but i guess you know that).

It's on stable, rare but you can find with some search..for experimental i can't say the same but i don't play too much experimental since they messed up the loot spawn. If the loot spawn is still not working normally it's not unexpected that no ones finds it.

May 10 2016, 11:17 PM · DayZ
sp0ng3_m0nk3y added a comment to T86666: Massive FPS drop when looking into city..

A 7850 and an AMD 975 nowhere near a high-end PC, it's more like a mid range PC now but what is more important that it doesn't matters what PC you have, cities will drop Frames massively.

I play the game almost maxed out (only postprocess Quality is disabled) and still get around 20fps in towns, 40-70 fps in the Woods, with a 2500K (@4.2GHz) and an R9 290, 4GB VGA.

Problem is in Arma3 as well, cities decreases FPS, not to mention the random framedrops.

May 10 2016, 2:30 PM · DayZ