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May 10 2016

smaddeus added a comment to T93235: Character save loss.

I kinda don't have such problem, only when server is resetting or lost connection and got dropped out before I made to exit myself, then I lost all my gear. When I usually went in and out with my own decisions, like "exit server" or something, then my gear is saved and I can get back in some other server and continue.

Btw, you have to place game version, current version is 30.113860 that you can write in, longer numbers somehow cannot be written, so write game version 30.113860 in which the problem exists.

May 10 2016, 7:06 PM · DayZ
smaddeus added a comment to T93235: Character save loss.

I once posted here my answer where I said that it didn't have had happened to me since I first time started this game, which was 2 - 3 days ago. It was when I had connection problems and I kept playing, then I got dropped out and switched servers for that reason, and I lost my stuff. Now...since then I haven't experienced such thing and I'm playing in same server continuing my yesterdays gameplay/exploration.

May 10 2016, 7:05 PM · DayZ
smaddeus updated subscribers of T93235: Character save loss.

@contemplativity is a bug...server went down and that made me to fall unconscious, cause then I couldn't connect back to that server...are you even reading and paying attention to what I was saying ? + fell unconscious from nothing...that's second bug, but reason was because of server shutdown, and this is Alpha, not even a Beta, nothing is stable in here, so I can easily blame bug in any scenario, I even streamed my gameplay and still 'em, there is visible, that I couldn't connect to that server anymore.

May 10 2016, 7:05 PM · DayZ
smaddeus added a comment to T93235: Character save loss.

Could be the problem, it was something similar in Mod if I remember correctly, that in each serer there was a different character. Developers said, that they are working on servers, changing them so that servers could produce more zombies and let more people play, they are working on protection on servers too, but currently not on VAC, but mainly on strong game...forgot what they said, but on strong game functionality or something, so that it would be hard to bypass something and make some injectors to work, then they will strongly aim for VAC security. Mainly all major things regarding game itself will come in early 2014, only something about zombies and servers we can wait in near New Year.

Hah, I just got it too, second time through my entire gameplay at the moment.
I fell unconscious and I had to exit game, I didn't wanted to restart, so I exited, when I wanted to continue it dropped server list, so I assumed that server got shut down in which result I fell unconscious, practically the same as being dead, cause I saw that I was bleeding for no reason. Well, I'm optimistic person, so I'll say that at least I can play again back in color not all the time in gray :D but I lost mountain backpack that has 35 slots, two ammo mags on M4, main M4, military full gear, three masks from Pay Day game, Noxton, Wolf and Dallas (only mask that was a bit damaged), pistol and few other things...what a shame.

May 10 2016, 7:05 PM · DayZ
smaddeus updated subscribers of T93235: Character save loss.

@surrealalucard - nope, cause you just found one :D which isn't anything new, but still :D

May 10 2016, 7:05 PM · DayZ
smaddeus added a comment to T93235: Character save loss.

@StychizGriM - :D you just said it yourself "It exists for bug fixes." :D well, some people are whining too much, but it shows how major this issue is, and it should be fixed no matter if server jumping or what, that's why this place was created, for developers to see results of our gameplay, what problems we have encountered etc.
As I said, some or maybe whining, but without whining nobody will understand how big some problem can be, that ruins specific gameplay, so it's kinda useless for you to say, what you just said, no offense. I understand you, but not everyone is like you and me, being patient about this and keep playing even after we lost enough precious things without raging over it. I reported and agree to them, but I'm not spamming here, I already commented my conformation a long time ago, but I do not check names of how many people already repeated their messages just because they are mad and angry, but it's good for someone to remind, that we were warned. Only thing that annoys me, that there were no new updates whatsoever, not even minor, even if some members of developers are making servers better, some are making more stuff etc. but there is a group, that can fix things too, maybe...

May 10 2016, 7:04 PM · DayZ
smaddeus updated subscribers of T93235: Character save loss.

@guest - that's right, it gets annoying that people keep posting notes/comments saying "I get this too..." etc. It's no use + there's already 1000+ people posted their comments and approvals. Just...stop people...okey ? What's the reason to add another comment saying "I have the same blah blah..." to 1000+ another same going nowhere...only spamming.

May 10 2016, 7:04 PM · DayZ
smaddeus added a comment to T90871: Climbing down some ladder sometimes results in sliding off a building and dieing from impact.

I had similar issue, but that was when I was already climbing down, the I stopped to go into steam via Shift+Tab to chat with buddy, then suddenly black screen in background, so I went to check what's wrong and it showed "You are dead"...I thought that it was the result of going into steam somehow, cause I pressed Shift and Tab, which could result some action in-game, but after some minute or two when I talked to buddy, telling what happened, I suddenly heard gunshots from rifle, he thought that it was possible that I got shot, but I didn't want to believe it, so I said that I didn't heard any gunshot back then nor sound that I was being shot at, so I'm still sticking to my version, that some key combinations resulted in releasing ladders.

May 10 2016, 5:47 PM · DayZ
smaddeus added a comment to T90869: Bad visual bug upon logging into a server.

There are always texture/graphical issues in main menu, but personally, I just need few second for it to load it all, but I haven't got this one, but I had similar, so called "plastic" models, the ones before texture is applied on them, those are the usual ones that occur often, other one was when I had black screen, happens randomly.
You don't have to name your specifications regarding this...cause this is Alpha have to take that in mind, that no matter what components you have, you will always have graphical or any other problems regarding Alpha stage games, even Beta sometimes.
P.s. there is no use naming CPU regarding graphical issues, only thing is RAM, GPU and HDD, mostly and always at fault is GPU, but it only happens then, when your GPU is 5-6 years old that can't run such games.

May 10 2016, 5:47 PM · DayZ
smaddeus edited Steps To Reproduce on T90514: Unconscious body is moving around..
May 10 2016, 5:35 PM · DayZ
smaddeus edited Steps To Reproduce on T90512: Can't "respawn", getting stuck at "Please wait..." sign..
May 10 2016, 5:35 PM · DayZ
smaddeus added a comment to T90511: Climbing Ladders + Steam Overlay Chat = Instant Death.

I had this issue yesterday, was talking with my partner and and I noticed in background that screen turned black, so I went to check and it was said that "You are dead" , at first partner said I got shot...I was skeptical about it, so I said "no", cause there were no bullet hit nor that someone actually shot me cause no sound of it, but later on after some minutes 3 or 4 I heard gunshots, I informed my buddy cause he was coming to search for my corpse for loot, but it wasn't there, enemy must have hidden it or it vanished when I went out from server, cause respawn did not work.

May 10 2016, 5:35 PM · DayZ
smaddeus added a comment to T90507: When recovered from unconscious can't move..

Try to exit server and then go back, it works, but better try to remember in which server you were just in case, or just join server through "friend" server list where is your friend playing, you will spawn at the same spot, one meter away from your spot depending if you were stuck while dead or something.

May 10 2016, 5:35 PM · DayZ
smaddeus added a comment to T90209: Shovels knock players out in one shot..

I usually have to hit many times, I once tried to kill enemy dude with a gun, obviously tried to kill me, so I started without hesitation hit him, dunno if I punched him, but had a mask from Pay Day game and military helmet if I'm not mistaken, but I don't know if it's possible to knock out someone with single hit with shovel, kinda makes sense if you can, cause DayZ items works in "sense" way, some logic factors are working there.

May 10 2016, 5:25 PM · DayZ
smaddeus added a comment to T89675: character deleted when join other servers.

There's already and issue about it

May 10 2016, 5:05 PM · DayZ
smaddeus added a comment to T89675: character deleted when join other servers.

Server hopping you say, huh... I won't say that I fell unconscious and exited server, then I wanted to get back in that server, but instead it showed server list not automatically joined, and then I went to another server and I lost everything, I have even streamed my gamaplay, both 20th and 21st, and now I'm streaming current gameplay in 22nd december.

May 10 2016, 5:05 PM · DayZ
smaddeus added a comment to T89673: Zombies, light, sound, roof/ladder falling, etc....

@contemplativity - Where is sense in that ?
Cause I can't hear other player footsteps at all, only about 5m away from me, sooo basically he is talking about own footsteps...I'm pretty sure about that, cause it makes all the sense.

May 10 2016, 5:05 PM · DayZ
smaddeus added a comment to T89673: Zombies, light, sound, roof/ladder falling, etc....
Sorry that it got that small, still understandable. Any other sounds are normal ?

May 10 2016, 5:05 PM · DayZ
smaddeus added a comment to T89673: Zombies, light, sound, roof/ladder falling, etc....

One or two issues per report pal :)
+ I can agree about few first lines, but I'll say "nope" to your sound problems, change some audio settings, it's at your end, cause I really have no big issues, I can still hear even my footsteps while being near sea/ocean.

May 10 2016, 5:05 PM · DayZ
smaddeus added a comment to T89662: No other channels than Direct...why ?.

Well, that was my intention, to have it for problem solving and such, easier communication, but I don't care if it'll be turned off or stayed, there are always options to choose from, there could be such option for server hosting at server setup, either make available all, few or one chat channel, that's all, and make for players to filter servers by these conditions too, like Battlelog if anyone here is playing Battlefield, cause it has amazing server filters.

May 10 2016, 5:05 PM · DayZ
smaddeus added a comment to T89662: No other channels than Direct...why ?.

@DJPorter - There are walkie-talkie things, it was mentioned when someone asked some question about something, they will work in some medium or short radius, I think he mentioned about...1 km at the moment.

May 10 2016, 5:05 PM · DayZ
smaddeus added a comment to T89662: No other channels than Direct...why ?.

@wirher, you should read carefully what main developers are even saying lol :D
"DayZ Standalone utilizes the Take On Helicopter engine, which is a branch of the Arma II Operation Arrowhead engine Real Virtuality. The engine has been heavily modified even including code from ARMA III. "

Please, do some research yourself.

@ everyone - option to turn off if you don't want to hear...who is making you to read btw ? Don't read if you don't have to, don't answer if you don't have to.
And where's written that it is a bug ? It's not, from where do you guys taking info that I'm stating that it's a bug ? :D dafuq.

May 10 2016, 5:05 PM · DayZ
smaddeus added a comment to T89662: No other channels than Direct...why ?.

@wirher It's not ArmA's 2 engine, it's Arrowhead Engine, more likely the same as Take on Helicopters, only heavily modified specifically to DayZ standards.
It is minor problem, and I'm not bragging about, I only wish that somebody would notice this thing and implant it as soon as possible, not in a hurry, but when possible, cause what's so hard to implant a chat channel ? one of the easiest codes, so that's why I'm wondering and wrote this "issue"... if you can call it one.
Easiest stuff should be implanted/coded from the start, but they are not, kinda weird from one side, at least they made one channel, which is enough, but without global chat and no action DayZ seems boooooring as hell.

Just run, search for items that 20% is guaranteed to be in town at all. Simply booring, but I kinda play sometimes, but I wont play till there wont be newer patch than current ---> 30.113860. Maybe there is already, have to check, but I won't play, if this number will be shown above, cause I literally see all issues here and read most popular and newest issues that mostly are the same as older ones, there is no use of playing and testing while there isn't new patch.
+ It's weird that they fixed the way you take out your weapon, now it's possible to run at take it out, before you couldn't, and people reported about it, but such thing as normal chat is still missing, why ? I see it awkward and weird.

May 10 2016, 5:05 PM · DayZ
smaddeus added a comment to T89662: No other channels than Direct...why ?.

Then...should I change title and info to "add other channels" ? :D seems legit to do so.

May 10 2016, 5:05 PM · DayZ
smaddeus edited Steps To Reproduce on T89662: No other channels than Direct...why ?.
May 10 2016, 5:05 PM · DayZ
smaddeus added a comment to T89402: Cannot attach battery to flashlight..

Try other servers, try to re-open game, close steam completely and re-open it, then start game again and check for issue, only if you haven't done one of those that I mentioned. Try without drag, maybe there is a battery already inside, who knows, try everything, even drop batter y out, walk around and then pick up and place it back in if it allows.

May 10 2016, 4:56 PM · DayZ
smaddeus added a comment to T89306: Drinking from well/pond doesn't help your thirst..

K, gonna try next time to take that much and will edit my issue here after that.

May 10 2016, 4:53 PM · DayZ
smaddeus added a comment to T89306: Drinking from well/pond doesn't help your thirst..

Same version ? Maybe it got small update, cause I played yesterday on 30.113860, drinking a lot of times didn't changed my dark orange thirst status, only when I drank two cans of soda, then it changed.
Just how small/big is your meaning on word "little" when you said it ? "little" is not enough, practically not working.

May 10 2016, 4:53 PM · DayZ
smaddeus edited Steps To Reproduce on T89306: Drinking from well/pond doesn't help your thirst..
May 10 2016, 4:53 PM · DayZ
smaddeus updated subscribers of T89303: Sickness!!.

@warren Peace - who said it's a bug ? I never said nor my thoughts were that this is a bug. Problem here was that I did not know how to stop my sickness which resulted color loss. I mentioned that in "additional notes". Please read everything before assuming something and having wrong thoughts.

May 10 2016, 4:53 PM · DayZ
smaddeus added a comment to T89303: Sickness!!.

As I mentioned already, it kinda vanished, at least the indicator and my character isn't saying anything either, only problem is colorblindness that I can't figure out how to fix, many people say about colorblind issue that you should eat many cans of food and in 45 min color should be back, or so they say, but I still have colorblindness, yet I'm still alive, I have even streamed today's gameplay on twitch, all gameplay is in black and white, or grey, but still playable.
I wish I could find some antibiotics or something, haven't found any yet, all places are deserted, nothing to find except in deeper regions, which still are low on items, but at least something I can find and use, cause nobody spawns in deeper regions except for experienced players that finished there and continued their gameplay.

May 10 2016, 4:53 PM · DayZ
smaddeus added a comment to T89303: Sickness!!.

K, seems I understand how it works. Sickness will fade away after you are healthy so to say, and if you have backup food and drink just in case (not rotten), only thing that's left is colorblindness, need to reproduce blood which doesn't make any sense, cause I haven't lost any, just got sick.

May 10 2016, 4:53 PM · DayZ
smaddeus edited Steps To Reproduce on T89303: Sickness!!.
May 10 2016, 4:53 PM · DayZ
smaddeus added a comment to T89287: Blood regeneration.

So basically it's the same "coal", but I know what you are talking about, now that you described it. English is not my native language/tong, so I did not understood you. But is that item available in game ? Developers kinda said that all kinds of stuff that are available as basic and a bit advanced in real world are available in-game too.

May 10 2016, 4:52 PM · DayZ
smaddeus added a comment to T89287: Blood regeneration.

@mech - what's a charcoal ? never saw such item. Never found alcohol + I didn't mentioned I got hit by zombie or that I have an actual wound, sickness that I got was from not eating nor drinking a lot.

I already said, that it vanished, so I have no problems for very long time now, but thanks for some recommendations.

May 10 2016, 4:52 PM · DayZ
smaddeus added a comment to T89287: Blood regeneration.

Nope, not a single cough nor vomiting, he only said that he wanted. Btw, I just played and in time it vanished, the sickness vanished, but the colorblind still shows, ate and drank a lot of stuff, nothing happens, I even streamed my today's gameplay.

May 10 2016, 4:52 PM · DayZ
smaddeus added a comment to T89287: Blood regeneration.

Dunno about this problem, but my character got sick after I was extremely hungry and thirsty for very long time, and this sickness turned my vision into grey color, just like when you are about to die or lost a lot of blood, it got more grey till it got to limit, and I hope I wont die from that sickness, cause I got a lot of pretty cool military stuff. Still searching for a way to cure it, cause medic pack doesn't have items that could help my sickness, nor eating anything fresh or drinking.

May 10 2016, 4:52 PM · DayZ
smaddeus added a comment to T89266: Fresh fruit to rotten.

Same thing happened to me :D I found fresh apple, even by looks it was fresh and it was written too, orange was on table too, it was fresh too, but when I ate, it said "I just ate rotten...", something like that.

May 10 2016, 4:51 PM · DayZ
smaddeus added a comment to T89213: Weird mouse feeling.

What "root" wrote, that link, I wanted to say it's just an Mouse Acceleration that you can't turn off. Mouse acceleration is when you look around and speed goes up when you continue to look around without stop, it speeds up your viewing as you keep looking around without stop. It's like, If you wish to look to your right, it'll accelerate like a car, from 0 to some sort of speed which makes the feeling that you are looking faster and faster, it gives the sense of realism, but it's kinda annoying and hard inside some close quarter places like rooms, buildings etc.

May 10 2016, 4:49 PM · DayZ
smaddeus added a comment to T89213: Weird mouse feeling.

Then it's your mouse problem, cause I have the thing when you move your mouse, the cursor moves faster. And 1:1 is slow actually, cause it would mean that you have to move your hand/mouse in the same width as your monitor is. I'm using Razer Diamondback 3G, it's pretty old mouse, but has good 1800 dpi, decent mouse I say. It must be at your end if what you are saying is that you have the second option, that you have slower cursor drag than your mouse speed actually should. Use mouse sensitivity :D

May 10 2016, 4:49 PM · DayZ
smaddeus edited Steps To Reproduce on T89107: Can't run jump..
May 10 2016, 4:45 PM · DayZ
smaddeus added a comment to T89079: Hardly no items.

Kinda minor issue actually, but you are right, don't want to even get in the game cause it's boring without items nor zombies, but I like to explore and want to help devs.

But it has items, you just had bad spawn place, cause obviously somebody was in there before you, for example, I got cool stuff in some server when I was in Cherno, but I lost it when I died from not so high place jump :D There is food, there are clothes, but I don't understand why put jeans in game if you already wear, I know that you can get rags from clothes and use as patches to stick yourself up and stop bleeding as alternative to bandage.

May 10 2016, 4:44 PM · DayZ
smaddeus added a comment to T89071: Zombie gets stuck or falls into house floor....

What's with the stupid spaming all over the places ?!

May 10 2016, 4:44 PM · DayZ
smaddeus edited Additional Information on T89071: Zombie gets stuck or falls into house floor....
May 10 2016, 4:44 PM · DayZ
smaddeus added a comment to T89065: Death after server restart.

Yup, I had at the very first time same issue, server connection lost, then I went to another and all stuff was gone, it wasn't like I got pretty much stuff, nor rare, but it's still an issue. I suggest auto-saving option when there are connection issues on servers, should implant some auto detector just in case and see if that could help, dunno if it's possible for developers, but that's my suggestion.

May 10 2016, 4:44 PM · DayZ
smaddeus added a comment to T89062: Controls and Chat.

"Ok, I think I found solution.
Do not let "chat" key to be the same "Enter" key, "enter" key will post what you have written in chat. Cause I changed to "right-shift", and it toggled the chat, so I can finally write and works as it should."

I already made it clear in notes, seems people never read what others are saying huh.

May 10 2016, 4:44 PM · DayZ
smaddeus added a comment to T89062: Controls and Chat.

Ok, I think I found solution.
Do not let "chat" key to be the same "Enter" key, "enter" key will post what you have written in chat. Cause I changed to "right-shift", and it toggled the chat, so I can finally write and works as it should. Only problem left is "chat channels", can't change.

May 10 2016, 4:44 PM · DayZ
smaddeus edited Steps To Reproduce on T89062: Controls and Chat.
May 10 2016, 4:44 PM · DayZ
smaddeus added a comment to T88803: drinks not working.

:D hilarious answer @earcl.
Personally, I drink at least 2-3 cans after I haven't drank for quite some time, so that my character wouldn't ask after 1 min that he is stupidly thirsty, dunno if in reality I would ask again after I haven't drank for quite some time and then...after I have already drank few more bottles of water or something else...would I ask or want another bottle ? + Soda most likely is not sugar free, just like coca-cola, sprite and such, they make you want to drink more after you have tasted few mouths of it, but if you drink water, you could survive without whining that you are thirsty for longer period than drinking soda. I got lucky that I found refillable water bottle, and ponds are in each small/big town anyway, so I can refill water in any time, and just in case I have enough room for medic bag that contains water purifier, dunno how you can tell if water is poisoned, but I haven't been gone sick when drinking a lot of that pond water. I didn't had such problem. I had problem that I posted about pond water, that it is not giving me the effect as it should, but people answered that it gives, but it only takes about 20-30 times from pond for thirsty status to change.

May 10 2016, 4:34 PM · DayZ
smaddeus added a comment to T88390: DayZ Alpha.

It's hard to vote up/agree to something, cause then there is a issue that shouldn't be an issue, cause there isn't even implanted such thing in a game, for example, vehicles, those are still in production, they will be added in future, but not so soon, it'll be near the end of game I guess, cause it's not a main problem nor factor in this game, but it'll be and that's for sure, for now developers want to know what kinda issues on what OS versions are currently with main factors like chat, animations, movement etc. Like you said about zombies, I can agree there, it was an issue in "mod" too, but main factors for now are chatting, animations, movements, interactions with basic things, maybe some item collecting issues and such...generally an basic things, then all reporters/testers will slowly move onto next issues, more advanced, like item spawn, how rare or what items should be considered to spawn, some minor weapon attachments. Just like everyone else said, you are using this "issue reporter" wrongly, describe one or two issues that are connected between, like I have my report about chat and controls, I have problems always with chat, that I can't switch channels and that chat isn't toggled, something like that. Make something about controls and then write all controls that are working wrongly or by your personal view not like they should.

May 10 2016, 4:19 PM · DayZ
smaddeus added a comment to T88063: Can't open a can - Receiving....

Right-click ? you have to drag items, haven't you asked how your friend does it ? If that's not the case, then a bug definitely, try to change video settings or something, some portion of games have this weird thing that turn something "on/off" or "higher/lower" you can do stuff you couldn't do before, maybe try servers that have lower ping for your connection. It can be latency too.

@mzltv - Maybe your friend network connection is better than yours and that's why he doesn't have such problems. Try to switch some video setting lower, like post processing off or some render options.

May 10 2016, 4:04 PM · DayZ
smaddeus added a comment to T86812: Tip of flashlight always glows even when it is turned off.

Mine works fine, I can switch off and on and it works like it should. One problem there is personally, that "light" button which is "L" for me, it doesn't work, I have to switch it off either with command bringing on screen, or manually go to inventory and right mouse button to switch off.

May 10 2016, 2:46 PM · DayZ
smaddeus added a comment to T86591: Headlight not alligned.

Personally the headgear light is not working for me nor any other light emitting item like flashlight or portable gas lamp, I can turn them off and on, but they don't show any light effect

+ (I'll go off from main issue here)I haven't played where is dark/night, how can you play at night ? I always have daylight. Does it matter of servers where they are ? for example, if server is European and there is day currently by time in clock, and in US servers has a night time, so it means that in their servers gameplay happens in night, but Europeans in day ? I have played till 3:00 in the morning, All the time daylight, how come ? Those are European servers too in which I'm playing and I'm an European myself.

May 10 2016, 2:00 PM · DayZ
smaddeus updated subscribers of T86496: Character save loss [PRIMARY REPORT].

@guest - that's right, it gets annoying that people keep posting notes/comments saying "I get this too..." etc. It's no use + there's already 1000+ people posted their comments and approvals. Just...stop people...okey ? What's the reason to add another comment saying "I have the same blah blah..." to 1000+ another same going nowhere...only spamming.

May 10 2016, 1:26 PM · DayZ
smaddeus added a comment to T86496: Character save loss [PRIMARY REPORT].

@StychizGriM - :D you just said it yourself "It exists for bug fixes." :D well, some people are whining too much, but it shows how major this issue is, and it should be fixed no matter if server jumping or what, that's why this place was created, for developers to see results of our gameplay, what problems we have encountered etc.
As I said, some or maybe whining, but without whining nobody will understand how big some problem can be, that ruins specific gameplay, so it's kinda useless for you to say, what you just said, no offense. I understand you, but not everyone is like you and me, being patient about this and keep playing even after we lost enough precious things without raging over it. I reported and agree to them, but I'm not spamming here, I already commented my conformation a long time ago, but I do not check names of how many people already repeated their messages just because they are mad and angry, but it's good for someone to remind, that we were warned. Only thing that annoys me, that there were no new updates whatsoever, not even minor, even if some members of developers are making servers better, some are making more stuff etc. but there is a group, that can fix things too, maybe...

May 10 2016, 1:23 PM · DayZ
smaddeus added a comment to T86496: Character save loss [PRIMARY REPORT].

@surrealalucard - nope, cause you just found one :D which isn't anything new, but still :D

May 10 2016, 1:21 PM · DayZ
smaddeus added a comment to T86496: Character save loss [PRIMARY REPORT].

@contemplativity is a bug...server went down and that made me to fall unconscious, cause then I couldn't connect back to that server...are you even reading and paying attention to what I was saying ? + fell unconscious from nothing...that's second bug, but reason was because of server shutdown, and this is Alpha, not even a Beta, nothing is stable in here, so I can easily blame bug in any scenario, I even streamed my gameplay and still 'em, there is visible, that I couldn't connect to that server anymore.

May 10 2016, 1:21 PM · DayZ
smaddeus added a comment to T86496: Character save loss [PRIMARY REPORT].

Could be the problem, it was something similar in Mod if I remember correctly, that in each serer there was a different character. Developers said, that they are working on servers, changing them so that servers could produce more zombies and let more people play, they are working on protection on servers too, but currently not on VAC, but mainly on strong game...forgot what they said, but on strong game functionality or something, so that it would be hard to bypass something and make some injectors to work, then they will strongly aim for VAC security. Mainly all major things regarding game itself will come in early 2014, only something about zombies and servers we can wait in near New Year.

Hah, I just got it too, second time through my entire gameplay at the moment.
I fell unconscious and I had to exit game, I didn't wanted to restart, so I exited, when I wanted to continue it dropped server list, so I assumed that server got shut down in which result I fell unconscious, practically the same as being dead, cause I saw that I was bleeding for no reason. Well, I'm optimistic person, so I'll say that at least I can play again back in color not all the time in gray :D but I lost mountain backpack that has 35 slots, two ammo mags on M4, main M4, military full gear, three masks from Pay Day game, Noxton, Wolf and Dallas (only mask that was a bit damaged), pistol and few other things...what a shame.

May 10 2016, 1:21 PM · DayZ
smaddeus added a comment to T86496: Character save loss [PRIMARY REPORT].

I once posted here my answer where I said that it didn't have had happened to me since I first time started this game, which was 2 - 3 days ago. It was when I had connection problems and I kept playing, then I got dropped out and switched servers for that reason, and I lost my stuff. Now...since then I haven't experienced such thing and I'm playing in same server continuing my yesterdays gameplay/exploration.

May 10 2016, 1:21 PM · DayZ
smaddeus added a comment to T86496: Character save loss [PRIMARY REPORT].

I kinda don't have such problem, only when server is resetting or lost connection and got dropped out before I made to exit myself, then I lost all my gear. When I usually went in and out with my own decisions, like "exit server" or something, then my gear is saved and I can get back in some other server and continue.

Btw, you have to place game version, current version is 30.113860 that you can write in, longer numbers somehow cannot be written, so write game version 30.113860 in which the problem exists.

May 10 2016, 1:20 PM · DayZ