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- User Since
- Mar 5 2013, 11:25 PM (628 w, 6 d)
Nov 14 2018
Sep 5 2018
I see in logs that "Filler PBO" is being used. Can you try without it?
Feb 23 2018
It was fixed in CSAT showcase, but if you want in your mission to have "new" Marid, you need to use in missions "v2" variant - O_APC_Wheeled_02_rcws_v2_F or O_T_APC_Wheeled_02_rcws_v2_F. The "new" Marid is the only one you can spawn in Eden or Zeus now, old one is now hidden and should not be used anymore. It was left in game just got backward compatibility.
Sep 27 2017
Jul 26 2017
May 29 2017
Don't worry, you should be able to mount GBU-12s and Mk-82s in tomorrow's dev branch update ;)
Apr 15 2017
Mar 16 2017
It's not two minutes fix.
Feb 14 2017
May 28 2016
May 10 2016
^ It's really highly frustrating!
Nice work, BI.
Even ACE has got it...
Well, you are have gun in stone on your screenshot, so the crosshair shows where the bullet will end when you shoot :)
I'm getting it too!
As akp said, you can't animate RPG7 also, it's really anoying when you have multiple rockets and you have to make separeted model for each one. Also changeable magazines is next thing you can do then. I don't really see problem with this being implemented, if DayZ had it in first release, why not Arma?
Absolutely, if it could help ACRE!
Ehm...This ticket was made by Kju, so chill out man.
I think it is by design, some sort of medical tool or something.
May 9 2016
It looks like it's fine now I haven't any crash for long time.
Dxdiag is in attached rar, Kid.
This was second time, sadly I deleted my RPT log after first crash, but It happens to my friends, too. Some of them can't even go to windows because their game crashes every time.
Yeah, but look If in ACE2 could be AT4 disposable (also Inkompetent made it too), why not NLAW in A3? This is evidence it COULD be done.
I hadn't any crash so far
Thanks for info! (BTW Nice nick :D)
I don't know...I tried it 15x and game didn't crash. I don't really know maybe I was caused by something else there were five other players but I don't know what they were doing :(
This happened without any mods and It was custom mission, I will attach it.
BTW It happened only once when I took mags from ammobox.
(Is it here ENG only? Can I write here Czech? :P)
EDIT: Mission is up. You simply try to take those caseless mags from ammobox (There are about 3 ammoboxs, you have to find out which has them, sorry). It happened after few restarts of mission.
All you need is in that A3 crash.rar (Dxdiag, rpt, bidump...)
It happened to me while I was playing custom MP mission. But I don't have my setting as high as you have. I also uploaded screen.
07050595, it's on that small island.
I don't know how to change it, DevHeaven is better for reporting bugs
Something very similar is in ACE2 for A2, so you can inspire there.
@iKingyx; That's not true, with this parameter you can set only -maxMem=2047, everything else will fall back to default.
Can be perfectly seen in this video: