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- User Since
- Jan 17 2014, 12:01 AM (583 w, 11 h)
May 10 2016
I think it should be possible to walk with broken leg for a really really small amount of time, and trying to walk should also cause a lot of damage to the player, we know that in real life you can pass out with such an extreme pain as a broken leg, so it should be possible but VERY risky. also the movement should be slow and with new animations like trying to jump in one leg.
Also broken legs shouldn't be that frequent, I falled from a 1 meter height and broke my legs, that doesn't sound realistic to me
Don't worry the KoS thing happens in every server, so don't hope on having more chances to survive in other country's servers. Still mixed nationalities would seem fun, the difficult thing is identifying if you are either friendly or not or trying to cooperate when they don't speak the same language.
I'm curious because I'm from latinamerica and I can only access usa servers
Sorry for any spelling mistakes, I don't really speak english
Yeah I also thought about that! The fact that people won't be sure if sounds came from "their minds" or from someone nearby will make them feel nervous as it should be after such things as killing someone.
Paranoia effects should decay in a period of time, but the "Guilt meter" would still be filled, so that even though you killed someone and the paranoia effect ended, if they kill someone else the effects will get worse!
That's what I've been thinking, off course doesn't have to be like that but I think would be great for the game
I don't want to make murder in this like like something that will ruin your game, since murder is part of the realism of postapocalyptic scenario, but in this game murdering seems such a simple thing when in real life is not like that, even during such a scenario. My intention is to give a consecuence to murder in the game as also allowing players that decide to take the bandit way to be able to adapt to those consecuences. I understand that right now we call "bandtis" as people that kill for no reason, but the idea of bandits is not that one, those people are new players that believe this game is just as every other shooting game when it's not.
Bandits are people that steal and kidnap other players to earn any purpose (loot or power over a group of persons), not killers that are happytriggers. That's why I believe you should be able to let adaptation of paranoia. Also good players that help other freshspawns and other players should be able to lower their guilt since they are helping other people survive, making them feel better about their purpose on the game.
Not sure if I made myself clear in this huge paragraph, basically I want to say that guilt should be able to be lowered, also because then it would become annoying to anyone knowing that they can't kill anyone else because then they're game would be fool of random sounds ruining their gameplay
:) hope you people think it's a good idea
Please make a comment saying why you like it or not!
Thanks a lot!
So I have seen that people don't fully understand the concept as I know it would happen because it's hard to understand and it's a lot harder when the one explaining doesn't speak english haha. I tried to complete the information in the post because I have been developing the idea in the comments and people aren't reading them (and it is comprehensive to not read the comments).
AvengedJoker I updated the info so that you can understand the whole concept since information was missing. I think people from the mod that are familiar with "humanity" will actually understand this concept perfectly, since it's technically the same but adding something that allows you to understand how much humanity you have while in-game.
Also, I don't know if your humanity only lowers with murdering, but maybe there could be thought other ways to lower your humanity without killing someone, therefore without the paranoia effects.
I do know KoS is also something that is part of dayz, but shouldn't be that frequent in the game, as it is right now both on the SA as in the mod, because this game is more enjoyable trying to interact with others. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to erradicate the KoS but iI'm trying to lower it a little because it spoils everyone's game, and people have to enter empty servers in order to be able to loot wihtout getting mjurdered every five minutes, also making this game just a kind of singleplayer zombie experience.
DarkDevastooor I like your ideas! The first one i posted as becoming bandit, which is the same like people that have killed so many other people that actually like stop feeling guilt for them!
The second one seems really great, since stayuing with a player is meaning of cooperation and therefore you're helping someone in a way by only staying with them, although should sink guilt slow, I think I'll post this ideas in the additional information
Thanks for your comments! With your help this could be possible and enjoyable!
AvengedJoker alright now I'm starting to get what you are trying to tell, and I see the problem now, maybe a solution for heroes is giving negative guilt, so that if you are already without any guilt but still helping and doing all this stuff, your guilt will become negative, meaning that in sometime you would be able to kill someone without gaining any guilt at all. Tell me what you think about it. Maybe that could also happen with bandits, and since bandits will not gain as much guilt when killing someone as other players, they would also be able to kill people without getting guilt quite easy.
As I have seen, usually the most hardcore players will already be in either hero or bandit stage, meaning their guilt and paranoia will be a lot less frequent almost none at all.
Also, as I've seen, most hardcore players tend to play with other people, making it a suitable solution what DarkDevastooor said, making your guilt lower faster by just being nearby someone for long periods of time.
Please respond and tell me what you think, if you think they're suitable I'll add this ideas under your name to the additional information, if not well we could still discuss how to make this suitable for everyone.
Edit: After reading this again, I must say that it is better to give negative guilt to everyone, not as I stated there as only to heroes and bandits.
Arturkulig I undertand completely your point, and I do feel that despite level and experience on game everyone should feel guilt, but AvengedJoker says something that I think may be more important at this point. There's a point in games where more realism doesn't bring more fun to the game. Now, I've never said heros and bandits will not feel guilt anymore, the idea of having negative guilt will allow you to kill someone in such cases where you get forced to kill without getting "screwed" by paranoia, but that doesn't mean they will be able to kill a lot of people and not feel guilt at all.
This feature should be realistic, but also should be fun for everyone, so we need to understand at what moment this stop being a great thing and becomes annoying.
Haha yeah doesn't matter how much we plan this guilt and paranoia thing, in the end is Dev who decides if he likes it and how to make it work :)
Arturkulig I would like you to explain me a little more your idea of cool pro killer a little since I'm still not getting what you're trying to tell me haha
Killing on sight is not a problem when you have reasons, like fear of loosing your stuff, I know that, or even some times for fun! I know it's a game and killing on sight is not a real issue. But this times killing on sight is hiding in a mountain with a mosin, and waiting for people that are trying to play to kill them with no reason at all, no contact, no fear at all, since most of the time those people don't even have a knife and are hundreds of meters away, and that is a problem, because is not allowing everyone to enjoy the game.
AvengedJoker Yeah I know that, but if we could lower it a bit, then that's just a hooray for me :)
Steinmarder, about the group of bandits removing their guilt I thought that not as a bad thing but as a good thing, as long as you are trying to cooperate with others would seem fine to me that they could help lower their guilt.
But, with the player that kills everyone... I have nothing to say and you are right about it, I'll post that problem so that everyone sees, maybe someone could find a logical way to solve it, or maybe we could all find that this is just not going to happen
Thanks for saying it
Alright, Jaybopper and Alyngwen_C:
I've read both your comments and get what you say. And I think you're both right.
Before making any conclusions about KoS, we should all remember that this SA is just a little scratch of everything that it's going to be DayZ, and because of that there's nothing you can do after gearing yourself than well using your gear, and the only way to do it is killing other people... So I think we just have to wait and see.
The gun damage seems really good, as also as real and I do hope it gets implemented because is a great solution for this.
"Brute force and ignorance" haha it's sad to hear something like that but I also understand it, it's like forcing people not to killby punishing, and nobody likes that.
I'll post both things right there and leave this topic for further development, who knows maybe someone find a simple way to implement something like this.
Arturkulig Didn't get your comment the first time. I guess we should keep developing this topic and see what people think, I think for now its understandable and could be applicated without much effort, still those things people are saying that is wrong with this should be taken care and would be great if you help me finding solutions to this, as you have done well with alot of things haha
sheLLHD Yeah been thinking about that, Alyngwen_C also mentioned increasing damage in fireguns once shooted, which also seems a really great and simple idea to control KoS
arturkulig I wrote the good and bad KoS not because I think there is a circumstance in which killing is accepted and another in which is not. I wrote that because some people were disliking this by saying that KoS is part of DayZ,since they weren't getting my point I had to say that I understand KoS is part of the game but the other type of KoS (the one I classified as bad KoS) shouldn't be since it spoils the game completely for players that are trying to survive. Both good killers on sight and bad killers on sight will have the same effect, as also as anyone that kills someone else by sight or by interaction, just wanted people to understand what I meant by saying that KoS was a problem
Forester155 I like your ideas a lot, and posted some of them in the additional information, still much of what you say depends on how the mechanics of guilt and paranoia will work. The only thing I wanna say is that even though I like that your solution will allow good players to paly as normal while bad players to suffer consequences, but as I have been said a lot through the comments, this guilt and paranoia state shouldn't be considered as a punishment for bad palyers only, but as gameplay everyone should feel and enjoy.
Don't get me wrong I'm not saying your ideas are bad, I do like them a lo,t the only thing I would change is the fact that you would require "VERY MANY kills" to reach paranoia, instead maybe "some number of kills", since people want to see some kind of realism without getting too far, maybe making the paranoia state more accessible and less intrusion (my english is failing me there haha) so that is not a punishment but an enjoyable feature.
Right, a lot of people including myself have said that to me, don't focus on this right now since the game is still being developed and we are not sure what will they come up for in order to control this situation, as also as gameplay right now in the standalone is not that awesome before of its lack of survival. Still this issue is still being developed for the people that considering the game as it is in the mod, still would like to have something like this in the standalone
Thanks for your comment!
Sd I understand, it is supposed to happen with stuff you carry on your pockets in pants and hoodies as it would in real life, but the backpack?? I'll vote +1 because loosing your backpack for swimming is unrealistic. Still I wan't to say that loosing stuff is supposed to happen while swimming
I have also been attacked from under the floor. I was looting in Elektro, got a zombie aggro, so I entered the firehouse and ran upstairs. While looking around, the zombie attacked me from underneath leading to bleed.
Yep zombies actually glitch through almost everything. I think its a great idea to make zombien being unable to go through doors without forcing it... well it's realistic, and I also believe would make the game alot challenging if you get into a house with no double entrance and being followed by a horde (considering that later on there'll be more zombies around)
I think it isn't about recognizing the friendly people but making people understand this game isn't a KoS game. This game becomes amazing when you understand how troubling it is to find someone without knowing if he is friendly or not, and taking the desition of wheter trusting him or not. Sorry any english mistake
Yeah! you can enter the server again as a new survivor and your dead body from the last character will become a zombie with your stuff!
It would be great because also the zombies that have great stuff tend to be the most protected, for example a player with good stuff tend to have the military helmet, making the zombie a little stronger.
At least I imagine that would be great
I also believe this would be great for gameplay. Considering first of all that in a zombie apocalpyse, one of the factors that makes this really scary is how your friends can become your enemies.
Imagine this:
- If you're killed by a zombie when you where alone, in a period of time, your body will become infected, carrying your stuff, maybe loosing some of what was been carried in your pockets. That means you will have to look for zombies in order to find your stuff.
- You're looting somewhere when you spot a zombie with a backpack or a gun in a holster... now zombie hunting has sense because you know there's something valuable you can get from killing a zombie.
3)Double Tapping would become important in a battle, if you want to retrieve someones stuff later without it walking away.
Basically once you get an axe in the game, zombies loose all their importance, if this happens, it would make the game so much interesting considering this is a zombie survivalgame, and an scenario like this one may happen a lot on a real zombie apocalypse.
I have also thought about this a long time, but I also understand how hard it would be to be implemented.
actually, if they could wear our stuff once we die, then the zombies generated by players would often be mroe dangerous, since we are always trying to protect our character more, if he dies with lets say the military helmet, then he becomes a little stronger.
I've been playing all this days since february 7 and during night I can see the moon. Furthermore, and i'm not sure if I'm crazy or something but I have even seen that the moon phases are the same as in realtime at least for me. Now as I understand we are nearing full moon so it may be a glitch that the moon is in the new moon phase at this time. Not quite sure, just wanted to state that I believe it may have to do with moon phases in the game if there are any.
Happened to me about an hour ago, like if I began a new game
Watch this video, may be long but explains EVERYTHING about this issues that may be actually considered bugs because of lack of information about the mechanics of the game
Blood causes saturation, HEALTH causes blurred vision. Watch this video and try to make others watch it, since people are reoporting "bugs" because of lack of information about the game mechanics!
Eat and drink alot if you haver blurred vision, If you get "my stomach feels fulled" message or something like that stop for a while, and then drink and eat again. Eat everything you can when you find it and you'll get a message where you see the thirsty and hungry and bleeding message saying "Healing" or "Healthy", that means your Health bar is getting filled therefore no more blurred vision.
You can't die if you loose all your blood but you CAN die if you loose all your health but still have all your blood.
I think the same, and the best solution is what you say about hardcore servers, that way people that enjoy forcing everyone a first person view and knowing it¡'s a fair game for everyone will enter those servers, others just go to another server! I think it's great
This gives me an idea! Maybe there could be like guilt so that when someone kills another player they'll start suffering from random sounds that will make the player get nervous. Depending on how much murders you do, the worser the guilt gets, therefore more scary noises appears like a gun reloading or even gunshots nearby. Could make the game really interesting, increasing horror and giving reasons to stop killing on sight! I have a post suggesting this if you wanna check it: [^]
I'm not trying to spam as I'm posting this on a related issue and I'm just hoping people that may think this a good idea will find it's way through this
This gives me an idea! Maybe there could be like guilt so that when someone kills another player they'll start suffering from random sounds that will make the player get nervous. Depending on how much murders you do, the worser the guilt gets, therefore more scary noises appears like a gun reloading or even gunshots nearby. Could make the game really interesting, increasing horror and giving reasons to stop killing on sight! I have a post suggesting this if you wanna check it:
I'm not trying to spam as I'm posting this on a related issue and I'm just hoping people that may think this a good idea will find it's way through this