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- User Since
- Mar 5 2013, 9:14 PM (624 w, 15 h)
May 10 2016
There is already mods for this (virtual box), bohemia could ask to use such addon, and put in game.
unrealistic a carrier in a war on a island.... LOL
that should be a right priority just for "publicity" porpouse
Same with zafir 7.62
just need an ajust on penetration values that is already in arma 2 and 3
voted up, i fogot to make the request, fórum thread
we need a little more gore to compenset that ragdoll
all bullets have value of bullet penetration, maybe the wall you tested don't have (also logs can't be tranpased)
I think if mid range textures can be fixed, and trees improved, the game will look stunning. At close range the game really looks great
wikipedia link not working, good ticket! agree 100%
some missions, you can choose what to put in your weapon some don't, and i don't find a create with attchaments in editor, but it's work well (beside wihat make a gun silent is no the supressor, but ammo, and supressor)
have many games with right shadow, and the arma deserves to be one of them vote up
May 9 2016
what is the point of this extra dot, one is for 100 other to 300? something like?
Solution,if you are closer than 30 meters, ai don't get down or run or take cover, just shot back, also make the turn rate faster..
gread idea!
did you ever see the coast of arma 3,2 is ungly, waves don't breake.. i don't think they will do any change on this..
play in server with no name tags solve one of your problens, or just stop streaming if you don't wanna get killed
I love the bullet penetration systen, on all games, and in arma 2, is a really fun thing, kill something or someone behind a semi hard cover, with a powerful gun
in arma 3 , is a little wrong indeed
i play with no pp at all, and it's fine for me
Just here to say that arma 2 cross, also is a direct hit