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- User Since
- Mar 30 2013, 12:34 AM (622 w, 3 d)
Jan 24 2021
Jul 12 2017
Jul 9 2017
May 14 2017
May 1 2017
There are now enough topics about that, only scroll down the tracker ;)
Apr 30 2017
Try to start the server again - but this time with steam running and logged in. This one made the server work again (on my dedicated VPS). But as soon steam is not running anymore, it crashes again.
Apr 29 2017
After many tests (and upgrading my VPS to Server 2012) I still had crashes.
Apr 28 2017
Samme happend to me - it is on Linux with Wine but also have the same error since the last dev update:
Apr 27 2017
Apr 26 2017
Feb 11 2017
Feb 10 2017
Jun 16 2016
Jun 15 2016
May 31 2016
May 10 2016
This bug is still present in 1.42. This should be fixed as it looks really ugly.
- Get MCC4 Mod
- Place objects via Zeus on map
- Use scrollmenu to login into MCC
- On the bottom right, hit Save/Load
- Hit Save All (SQM)
- Tab out of the game and open editor and paste the code into it, save it as misison.sqm
- Create a folder and put in the sqm file, call the folder (e.g. MyMission.Stratis) and move it in the missions folder in the arma directory or documents folder
- Have fun!
You know this is still everything WIP right? I'm sure they are aware of it and will be fixed upon release.
Oh you menat dev...
I also tested it now in dev branch, yep now it's fixed.
No it's not fixed, still there.
Asus Xonar DGX (with Uni Xonar Driver)
Superlux HD 685
Exactly, can also approve that:
The crackling is only when the chopper is in 1st person and the engines are not touring up. When they are on max touring then the crackling is also gone.
My Audio:
Asus Xonar DGX (GX mode disabled)
some cheap Phillips Headphones
It's not only on my headphones, the same is with the integrated speakers of my monitor (Asus VE228HR)
Tried it with the todays small patch, still bugged.
Finally assigned :) hope it get's into the game soon!
No I let them roam to stomp everyone who wants to revoke this issue :P
Oh sorry for that, now it should be visible for you.
Edit: It is solved for me, I think it was a driver issue on my side.
The uniform must be in the backpack. If the uniform is in the uniform, then it can't work ;)
You can't delete the first profile, you have to make a new one and this one you can change.
And don't use 1 ticket for 2 different problems...
- This game is as you said, a war game and hell they should swear all the time!
- This game is rated pegi 16+, so what you expect?
- How do you want to filter it in multiplayer, the main aspect of Arma?
"Urgent" priority for this? You serious?
Chopper get fully damaged within 1 second and you die.
And only because it doenst explode on collision with the water this is "immediate" priority?
Arma 3 is my first Arma/OPF or whatever. After 15 minutes I already knew all controls so it's not difficult to learn, you just have to take a look at them and try things ;)
May 9 2016
Parachutes will find their way into the game, MAYBE in the beta but for 100% in the full. It is already confirmed
This is a MUST HAVE feature in a millitary sim shooter.
Ty for fixing it, after 1 1/2 years ;)
I made this benches only for this topic, I use my own settings and then I can play with 40 FPS and more. This were just for testing.
The funny thing is, the higher the render distance is, the lower your GPU is working.
Render distance max. GPU @70%
Render distance medium GPU @~85%
Render distance low GPU @99%
My specs:
Win8 Pro 64Bit
ASrock Z77 Pro3 @i5-3450
8GB XMS Corsair clock @1600
Asus ENGTX 560Ti @920/2200/1.05V
My startup parameters:
-maxmem=6144 -maxvram=1280 cpucount=4 -exthreads=7 -nosplash -skipintro -nobenchmark
And this one is EVERYTHING on low or disabled
Resolution: 640x480 @Render Resolution 320x240
WARNING, you can get eye cancer of this picture:
I don't know why the CPU is working lower on higher settings and higher on lower settings... the same thing for the GPU.
Okay in this bench CPU nor GPU has to do any work, but the statement is meant for the benchs above.
Now again (Multiplayer, local server, alone)
And FYI: This is now totally maxed out with FullHD downsampling. (the benchs above were on Ultra except; PP-Normal, Terrain Detail-Very High)
Distance low:
Distance high:
Nope but this time (same server, but I rejoined), something different happens:
This engine is totally f* up... even for an Alpha