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- User Since
- Mar 14 2013, 4:20 PM (624 w, 4 d)
May 10 2016
It's not a bug, it's a feature. Since it takes to much resources to render grass at long distances the engine simulate the camuflage of hiding in grass this way.
Agree, the parachute in game actually look more like a civilian one, and the lack of room for medical/combat stuff make it impossible as a way of insertion.
Double tapping just zoom in, and every time you aim with your rifle it goes back to default.
This is a must, since AI pilots when in combat just start to fly back and forward like idiots.
Vote up.
Also, I would like to see those stances for Binoculars and Rangefinders too.
Frontal coverage just doesn't make sense.
Agree, when engaged the first thing they should is find cover, return fire and eventually move to a better position.
Right now they just go prone and fire back, same if they can't identify the enemy position, they stand there without cover looking searching the enemy.
This is a must, BI can't ignore it.
May 9 2016
What if you're looking from above? Like from a chopper...