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- User Since
- Dec 17 2013, 3:56 AM (585 w, 15 h)
May 10 2016
I really like this idea and have been thinking about it also.
First, you can eat natural foods like apples, oranges, and bananas. If some of the orchards that are in the game became clickable you could gather apples/oranges/bananas and eat them.
Second, and this would be really fun for me as a rper, if you find the right books laying around in game, you can learn which plants are edible and which ones are poisonous. Once you read the book, which could take some amount of time per chapter, your character would then unlock different plants, or skills as they learned more.
Simple idea, might be hard to implement.
You disagreed but you then said you could see it working exactly how I said. Do you mean that you like the idea but don't think the devs want the game to work like that?
Medzo completely gets this topic. Read his post over and over until you understand what he is saying.
- It would not be easier to get weapons like the m4 using this system. It would probably be harder because and m4 can spawn ANYWHERE.
Imagine spawning in next to Berezino. The first thing you do is rush to get enough food so that you can make it to an airbase for a high powered weapon or gear.
Now imagine you spawn in under the system we are proposing. Spawn by Berizino and now you have no idea where to find a weapon. Its likely not at the airbase anymore because it could be anywhere on the map. What's the best strategy for finding a weapon now? Looking around in every house. That's the point of this way of doing it. It makes you actually look around.
- Dayz is not supposed to be day 1 of a zombie apocalypse. It's set well into the future so guns would not be where you would expect them to be stored. PEOPLE WOULD HAVE MOVED THEM. Just like you do when you loot the airbase. You pick up a gun and carry it until you die. Do you go back and die in the airbase barracks??
Hey Elwo, I actually think we understand each other quite well. One thing I will say is that the argument that military weapons in a city is "Game Breaking" is kind of a cop out. You don't know that it would break the game without data and play testing. I know this because I am a game programmer.
I've taken game design classes and I know that changing one variable can have drastic effects, but when you think about the % we should be considering, the chance should be quite low, especially when you consider how easy it is to get a m4, or any assault weapon for that matter, at the military barracks. This would amount to a lucky day for some player who stumbles on a AK or M4 in a church or school or anywhere.
So in the end, I think it would work and not be game breaking, but the only way to know is to try it and collect some data.
How is it rediculous??
Here is the simple easy to understand scenario that would probably happen in a zombie outbreak.
Military comes to town to protect the citizens. Asks them to group in an easy to protect facility like a school. DIES IN THE DEFENSE OF THE SCHOOL and their weapons are left for YOU to loot.
It's not hard to argue and it's not illogical. YOU SIMPLY DON'T WANT IT TO HAPPEN.
Well TITAN, that's ridiculous. Please explain to me then - how did it happen that defender put the gun on the shelf, and then took it's magazine out? Or maybe zeds did that? Seriously - what the fuck guys. There should be a magazine lying close on the ground because it doesnt make any fucking sense right now.
You are confusing two things: Realism and Game Mechanics. If we are going for REALISM then there are countless reasons why a gun would be on a shelf, on the floor, or in a backpack. Literally ANYWHERE a human being can go in Dayz there is a chance someone died there with a weapon or left it there for later use.
Im not saying to dislable the weapons spawn in cities - im saying that there should be more civilian weapons like pistols and shotguns (and again - not that US/NATO shit, i mean old 2barrel shotguns or some hunting rifles).
What you are concerned with here are Game Mechanics. This has nothing to do with realism. Stop using it as a reason for spawning everything in a military barrack or a shotgun in a barn because it is not realistic to LIMIT weapons to those specific places. If you want the game to have certain Spawn points for weapons it's fine, but do not say it is REALISTIC.
I'm not sure I follow your logic. I am probably misunderstanding your meaning. Are you saying that m4 would never be in a residential neighborhood because it's not "realistic" or because it's not good game mechanics? If you are implying that it's not realistic to find m4's in peoples home you are not thinking correctly. Military people have them in their homes in the real world, although I don't know if they would in Russia.
In terms of game balance I don't see how having a small percentage of finding an ax in a home or a gun in a supermarket will destroy the delicate balance of the game.
Also, are you implying that having them spawn only in military places is spreading players out? Because it isn't. It's grouping the players up at those choke points where people need to go to get the m4. And the game is an m4 deathmatch already.
The game is based on realism. You wouldnt find a ACOG scope at a petrol station, or an M4 at a school.
This is false. Don't think about the fact that loot is spawning. When you find weapons it's because someone died with that weapon there or there was a cache hidden by someone.
If you think about it in terms of survival, weapons should be everywhere, in cars, homes, supermarkets, and gas stations because people who find weapons are killed by zombies everywhere.
In "realistic" terms, it would be more true to find weapons everywhere because people have been everywhere.
hah, ya this happened to me also. There is a cancel action button but it's too damn slow. I accidentally drank some cleaner once while trying to click a soda but the damn thing wouldn't cancel and i died from sickness.. :|
Yes I am having this issue as well. Sacriel also noticed it during a live stream and it happened to him twice.
The basic idea so far as I can tell is that when you run for about a minute in a straight line the game warps you backwards about 1k, like you said. It must be a network thing where it thinks you are dced.
It needs to get fixed with the amount of running in the game.
Same. Multiple play through with different suppressors same effect
I understand how it is working in game. I'm saying, I shouldn't have to open my inventory. I should be able to click on the tool bar and expect the specific item i placed there to be selected. Players when this game is live will expect that functionality.
It was not a kill. I have had it three times now. always up stairs. in the fire station and a restaurant.
Insta death on 2nd floor of a restaurant style house in Zelonogorsk. I may stop going into 2nd floors. :>
This happened to me at the Northern air base. I was completely healthy with full food and water. Suddenly my character groaned and then died a second later.
I was also on the second floor, as others above have noted, of the compound with the Jail inside.
I posted this before and got laughed at, but this needs to be addressed. A baseball bat to the head will kill a person, not to mention a fricking crowbar or pipe wrench.
Got a response to a thread on the forums. Melee will be addressed soon and everything is changing so you can assume nothing in the game matters atm.
This needs to be done. It's ridiculous to have to click over and over, especially with the stupid animations. Also, it takes way too much food to fill your character.
I have a completely healthy character, with the Healthy tag when you tab, and I just ate 3 cans of tuna, and two cans of beans and I am still not full. Think about how much food that is!!
I had this issue, but only when trying to put away my compass
I had another issue today as well. Can someone else confirm.
Take a compass put it on hotbar.
Place weapon on hotbar.
use compass and press your weapon slot to swap to it.
Compass is put away, gun comes out and then is also put away.
That is so not what raytracing is.
The issue is that the Arc created by the melee weapon does not pass through the target reticle. This is why we miss more than anything because the perceived strike path is not maintained.
Imagine a batter swinging but he always swung a bat a foot lower than where his eyes (reticle) are looking. He would always miss the ball unless the ball ran into his bat on accident.
It's a very simple fix, but one I wouldn't worry about to much because I was told on the forums that a big melee change is coming so much of what we are discussing will change soon.
I agree with the premise of this thread. Nighttime should never be pitch black. I grew up in the desert and it's quite bright out at night even without a moon. With the moon it's incredibly bright when there is no cloud coverage.
I do think there should be a small blue tint to nighttime, simply for the gamer in me that doesn't want black. However I would love to see something implemented that allowed your character to adjust to lower lighting.
Just kill them ... axe to the head is an instant kill.
I like 3rd person but would not be mad if this game was first person, however they need to raise the camera on first person mode as you cannot see the tops of certain shelves so you can't get to items that are up there sometimes.
The biggest problem for me is how much you have to eat to fill your stomach. I wouldn't mind if it emptied quickly, but I shouldn't need more than a couple cans of beans to fill it. If you think about it. That is a lot of food.