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User Since
May 7 2014, 11:08 PM (564 w, 4 d)

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Feb 8 2019

Stilton created T136781: TrackIR Binocular and Compass View Rotation Issues.
Feb 8 2019, 2:17 AM · DayZ

May 11 2016

Stilton added a comment to T111696: Game needs Easter Eggs - of well known urban legends/virals.

As you say, they and this discussion serves no purpose...

..But it would cost money to implement.

8.5/10 for troll, thanks dayz community using this bugtracker as it was intended for.

May 11 2016, 6:01 AM · DayZ
Stilton added a comment to T111696: Game needs Easter Eggs - of well known urban legends/virals.

Just so we're clear as well, i'm not having a go at you personally...

So you can understand why i agree with the guy saying 'this is a terrible idea':

...Of your original 'examples' bigfoot and the dancing baby are the only ones i have even heard of, and i feel neither of them is appropriate in dayz.

May 11 2016, 6:01 AM · DayZ
Stilton added a comment to T111696: Game needs Easter Eggs - of well known urban legends/virals.

I was actually working off your original list which included such 'classics' as:
Honey Badger
Dancing Baby
Nyun Cat
Rage comics
Amazons: Three wolf moon T-Shirt (MUST HAVE)!!!!!
Charlie the Unicorn walking through the woods.

But you are correct, bigfoot is not a 'flavour of the month', it is indeed a classic trope. But it still has nothing to do with dayz?

The majority of these, however, are 'flavour of the month' (hey guis remember the DANCING BABY from 1997? - flavour of the month 10 years ago); a lot of these things are going to be hit-or-miss for a large proportion of the playerbase (excluding (obviously) things like bigfoot or the loch-ness-monster for example).

So you have to (if you have any idea how business / game design works) weigh up why would it be a good idea to take up developer time to model, texture, animate and create logic for these new mobs considering you still haven't even given a purpose for this 'idea'.

'examples are just examples'
Thanks for that, that did make me smirk.

May 11 2016, 6:01 AM · DayZ
Stilton added a comment to T111696: Game needs Easter Eggs - of well known urban legends/virals.

Also i'd like to just say... I don't so much have an issue with this being under 'feature request' as much as i have issue with it being a really bad/stupid idea.

Are you, Seth Macfarlane? (Stop watching Family Guy.)
Making "references" is not the same as being funny, it is not enough to be called "humour",

References also only work for the short time they are relevant... When you jam something full of pop-culture references that were famous during a specific week/month -- it helps to date something very quickly.

Look at all those retarded american 'comedy' movies, that only children find funny, and then they forget about them. [ Just look up any Jason Friedberg movie and you will hopefully understand what i mean. ]
Relevant for about a week, now nobody ever talks about it except in examples of how bad/dated it is and how it lacks any "jokes". (like this)

Compare that to a 'classic' comedy, the humour is not a bunch of flavour of the week 'references'.


May 11 2016, 6:01 AM · DayZ
Stilton added a comment to T111696: Game needs Easter Eggs - of well known urban legends/virals.

Not a bug

May 11 2016, 6:01 AM · DayZ
Stilton added a comment to T111674: Game randomly CTD to desktop with no error with fresh spawned character near cherno..

wow that was a quick response...

Would you mind going into more detail about the nature of the issue?
if there is some way i can play the game for more than 15-30 seconds by perhaps changing settings?

But if it's out of my control and something just not jiving with my setup.. Obviously I'll just have to wait till it's fixed.

May 11 2016, 6:00 AM · DayZ
Stilton edited Steps To Reproduce on T111674: Game randomly CTD to desktop with no error with fresh spawned character near cherno..
May 11 2016, 6:00 AM · DayZ
Stilton added a comment to T106292: First Person Camera Needs Work.

I only play 1st person.
The first-person-camera is a disincentive though and, to one of my friends nauseating... (He will not / cannot play the game because of the camera)

It always seems very 'twitchy' when moving around and 'floaty' (constantly moving on its own) when invoking all these new animations...

For an easy example, try running/sprinting in first person, your camera 'tilts' forward to stare at the ground a little, then when you stop running it resets. When you are constantly moving around ingame, this constants resetting of your camera orientation lessens the consistancy of the experience and your feeling of precise control.

This should not be, the only person who should be moving the camera is the player. Unless the player is not in control?

To be more concise/specific with my complaint(s), in first person:

There are no transition(s) for camera movement/position.
There is no dampening in the transition / animation from first person, so even with no headbob, it is nauseating.

Finally, if you actually run trackIR you are constantly having to fight against the ingame camera... This was not so in the original arma.

Whilst saintofthesystem may think it's 'ok' and this isn't 'high priority' i disagree...
At least the original arma engine was far more consistant, and this should be of higher priority to the people working on player-control, this game is (last i checked) a first-person-shooter...

Therefore the basic first-person-controls/view should be one of the highest priorities?
[ I do understand however this may be viewed as 'something we can fix later' -- i just feel this should not be overlooked/underestimated/forgot about, as smooth player control / consistant view is a fundamental of a good FPS game ].

May 11 2016, 2:53 AM · DayZ
Stilton added a comment to T106188: Suggestion of "0" head bob as default in options.

I agree with this 100%.

I have never used this in arma, and i have always advised people to turn it off; headbob has always felt forced and unrealistic to me.

Headbob seems to be trying to artificially recreate something that isn't really percievable in the real world as it is... (to me anyway, not when i'm sober.)

Let's call it how it is, if you turn on headbob, your character looks like he's drunk..

Finally, something you haven't touched on yet, (and this is why i imagine most people turn it off) headbob also makes it harder to identify things when you character is moving... Therefore if you leave it turned on, you are leaving yourself at a (however small) disadvantage in a competitive environment.

May 11 2016, 2:50 AM · DayZ
Stilton added a comment to T105385: Experimental won't launch, throws error message box: Error compiling pixel shader PSNonTLHeatHaze:0.

Hmmm... i have resolved this issue.

I had renamed Dayz.exe to Arma3.exe in order to force Dayz to use the arma3 SLI profile.
..For some reason, steam was launching that arma3.exe instead of the Dayz_experimental.exe

I'm not sure if you devs are aware of this behaviour, but that's what was happening
(i noticed because the dumpfiles getting created were arma3.rpt - etc)

So my 'issue' is fixed, i'm not sure if this 'loading the first exe in the folder' is intended behavior though, so i'm replying here with the cause/solution...

May 11 2016, 2:18 AM · DayZ
Stilton added a comment to T105385: Experimental won't launch, throws error message box: Error compiling pixel shader PSNonTLHeatHaze:0.

Hi JStewart,

If you read 'Additional information', you will note the first thing i tried was your suggestion of steps 1-4.

i will attach the requested crashdumps

May 11 2016, 2:18 AM · DayZ
Stilton edited Steps To Reproduce on T105385: Experimental won't launch, throws error message box: Error compiling pixel shader PSNonTLHeatHaze:0.
May 11 2016, 2:18 AM · DayZ
Stilton added a comment to T104603: Footwear damaged to fast.

I think i have found a bug with this system to be honest...

I ran into a building and my screen gave the effect of having been shot/hit by a zombie... But my trousers had gone from pristine to ruined... and the rice inside them had become ruined too, but not the bullets...

I was on stable, on an empty server and there were no zombies about...
I'm not sure if this is 100% accurate, because i don't know exactly how the system works but this happened whilst seeing various 'my feet hurt / are sore' etc messages..

Could this be a bug with the footwear degredation? Or an invisible zombie? Which i have yet to see (badum cshhh)

May 11 2016, 1:47 AM · DayZ

May 10 2016

Stilton edited Steps To Reproduce on T81135: AI fog visibility is not consistent with actual visiblity..
May 10 2016, 10:21 AM · Arma 3
Stilton added a comment to T79626: Surround audio glitch with the CH-67 Huron.

It is also fixed for me, on the Dev branch!

Good job

May 10 2016, 9:28 AM · Arma 3
Stilton added a comment to T79626: Surround audio glitch with the CH-67 Huron.

up-Voted, i'm using 'Roccat Kaves' 5.1 surround and a realtek onboard soundcard...

Only happens in arma, only happens in first person, only happens with this specific DLC helicopter.

Call me an asshole but I'm going to speculate its not a hardware issue :)

May 10 2016, 9:28 AM · Arma 3
Stilton added a comment to T75569: destroyed building ruins Cause players to be thrown in the air..

Just registered to post this bug, i experienced it on Samtra's king of the hill mission actually... I could probably find the id of the exact building if helpful.

Something additional: I believe this also causes server-wide lag whilst the person is being continuously thrown up into the air and falling back down -- my friend confirmed he was getting lag when he saw it happening to me..

..then we both got shot and someone ran over to our bodies (for ammo i presume)

...and it started throwing them up into the air, causing me lag despite being dead. (which i took as further evidence it was causing server-wide-lag, but it could've been because i was observing it)

May 10 2016, 7:39 AM · Arma 3
Stilton added a comment to T71826: Turning your head makes the clouds move and change. And odd rotational effect at the edge of screen..

[Im not saying this to get special attention :D ]

To be honest, i couldnt really notice it on the videos shown..

But it is a noticable issue, and is quite pronounced at triplehead resolutions...

I assume the wider fov increases this effect/issue? :)

I'm going to fraps a video :)

May 10 2016, 5:56 AM · Arma 3
Stilton added a comment to T71064: AI Flinch after being shot.

@gutsnav: If the ragdolls are indeed activated allowing the body to go into free-fall... Then i agree with the reply who said the A.I should just fall down for a full second.. (like TPW_fall mod, or like when you hit them with vehicles)

Currently the instant re-engagement and the flinch is incredibly 'freaky' and unrealistic (and just plain bad) looking..

I hope BIS keeps variation though...
It may not look so bad, if it wasn't _every_ AI in a squad doing this flinching. In a large firefight it's very comical looking..

To have one of them doing it, might make him look like a bad-ass amongst his squad.. who are all falling down. To have a whole squad doing it.. It looks like whack-a-mole.

@ Dr_Death: Nobody -here- cares about your complaints with BIS. Take it to the forums. Also, This ticket is not about vest balance.

May 10 2016, 5:34 AM · Arma 3
Stilton added a comment to T71064: AI Flinch after being shot.

I don't get whats with all the jaded responses... Fair enough if you've got 'issues' with BIS (and i'm not talking about bugs here) -- I've wanted a fix so i can use vehicles for almost a year now. [ SLI flickering fix..]

...But the bug tracker _really_ isn't the place for non-constructive whining?
Stay classy internet.

May 10 2016, 5:34 AM · Arma 3
Stilton added a comment to T71064: AI Flinch after being shot.

It looks especially bad in crouch-stance.
Personally, it seems the amount they 'lean' when hit looks too-much in that specific stance.. Perhaps it's the same, perhaps it was one instance..

But it seemed more pronounced -- To the extremes of ridiculous looking.

May 10 2016, 5:34 AM · Arma 3
Stilton added a comment to T67681: Flashlight is too dim, unfocused, never blinds you, especially when you wear NVG and it lights though walls (In short, it SUCKS).

I guess part of the problem with this bug/ticket is the fact that it's not a singular issue being reported...

It's several issues reported as one bug.

I see the reason behind 'rolling all the issues' into one ticket, but at the same time, people may not agree with all the points.. Or certain issues being raised may require different developers.

Some issues being raised may be harder to fix/implement than others. [f.e, simply editing the radius of flare illumination would be easier than fixing the issue of dynamic light sources clipping 'around' buildings, since that issue goes back to the first version of the game [ofp] ]

May 10 2016, 3:29 AM · Arma 3
Stilton added a comment to T67681: Flashlight is too dim, unfocused, never blinds you, especially when you wear NVG and it lights though walls (In short, it SUCKS).

..oh? Are you sure? :)

Well good luck with that.
Must be a language barrier thing then..

May 10 2016, 3:29 AM · Arma 3
Stilton added a comment to T67681: Flashlight is too dim, unfocused, never blinds you, especially when you wear NVG and it lights though walls (In short, it SUCKS).

It says reviewed not resolved, as far as i understand, that means the problem has been looked at, reviewed and taken into considertion. Not fixed, not abandoned?

@ RogerX:
That was the first time i've replied to you i believe... Ever. So i dont know where 'again' comes from.

If i misinterpreted you, its because what you wrote isn't what you were trying to say?
Unless you specify you are talking to someone 6 posts back about duplicates, how is anyone supposed to 'read between the lines' on a 4 word reply.

If you were trying to say something different... Maybe you should have wrote that instead / been more clear :) Perhaps its a language barrier thing.

May 10 2016, 3:29 AM · Arma 3
Stilton added a comment to T67681: Flashlight is too dim, unfocused, never blinds you, especially when you wear NVG and it lights though walls (In short, it SUCKS).

His point was very succinctly stated in the 3 sentences he wrote.

"If flashlight brightness is fixed/increased, AI behaviour should not be defaulted to using them in open fields."

Not hard to mis-understand/miss his point, unless you're trying.

Sadly 2/3 are the real 'game breakers' for me anyway.

  1. Light through walls
  2. Light not blinding NVGs.

Dynamic Lights should never 'clip through stuff' and i don't see how it's still happening in the third iteration of this game/engine. But it seems to go back to operation flashpoint, so ill just move on because that seems like its never going away... and if it was fixable, i assume they'd have done it.
It ruins any sort of night missions where you aren't reliant on NVGs, breaks immersion and just looks awful.

People are slagging Battlefield, but at least there the combination of flashlights / NVG's added a sort of 'meta' gameplay involving getting blinded and using the appropriate countermeasure...

Arma: use NVGs or thermals. Countered by.. nothing.


  • Use smoke and Thermals.. (see people through the smoke with your thermals)

Countered by: Lasers would blind / counter the thermals

  • Use nvgs / ir lasers.

Countered by: Flashlights could blind/counter the nvgs.

Please just say 'dont make it hollywood' and people will understand, but to say 'dont make it Battlefield', when Battlefield currently does it better, is stupid. I'm trying not to insult any individuals, i understand people are quick to jump on a 'hate bandwagon' -- But, If Battlefield actually has working features that provide an extra layer of gameplay, why would you try to crap on it for that?

May 10 2016, 3:29 AM · Arma 3

May 9 2016

Stilton added a comment to T59444: Snakes can open doors.

Still happens

May 9 2016, 6:56 PM · Arma 3
Stilton added a comment to T58803: PIP screens flicker, most likely caused by SLI / Crossfire..

Still present on latest version...

...This ticket needs to be updated.

It's not 'most likely' it is 100% crossfire/SLI related ... and the fact it's only on certain vehicles is incredibly important for narrowing down the cause... If BIS ever look...

Sure, it's 99% of the vehicles, but the fact some work proves:

  • it can work.
  • it can be fixed.
  • it's not a driver/graphics card issue.
  • it's specific to the game and CERTAIN VEHICLES.
May 9 2016, 4:02 PM · Arma 3
Stilton added a comment to T58803: PIP screens flicker, most likely caused by SLI / Crossfire..

No 'fixes' yet.
Unless sound bugs are 'fixed' by disabling sound.

Can we get an update? dev replied, requested info, gave info... Nothing.
cya in another year ? :D

May 9 2016, 4:01 PM · Arma 3
Stilton added a comment to T58803: PIP screens flicker, most likely caused by SLI / Crossfire..

Yes, it is still present on the specified vehicles...

still present on the Hunter GMG for example, but not on the Hunter Unarmed.
I am using driver version 334.89

[ If this was specifically related to drivers.. It would be on all vehicles? - Not trying to be a dick, just pointing to where you can easily see the issue, might want to look at the difference between the hunter GMG and the unarmed's mirrors :) ]

May 9 2016, 4:01 PM · Arma 3
Stilton added a comment to T58803: PIP screens flicker, most likely caused by SLI / Crossfire..

Put all mirrors using the same shader/rendering technique as unarmed hunter... problem solved?

Works fine as blackfoot pilot also, gunners camera looks ok?

disabling SLI fixes the issue, but its obviously not an option as it cuts your fps by half :)

May 9 2016, 4:01 PM · Arma 3
Stilton added a comment to T58803: PIP screens flicker, most likely caused by SLI / Crossfire..

Isn't it significant (title worthy) the fact it's only on certain vehicles and others work fine?

Because the title says 'all vehicles' -- And the mirrors work perfectly, from what i can tell.. On the unarmed Hunter

May 9 2016, 4:01 PM · Arma 3