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- User Since
- Feb 14 2013, 10:06 AM (631 w, 5 d)
May 11 2016
These objects were meant to be only as a part of some background scenery and players weren't supposed to get near them. But since people are using them, we will improve the colliders so that they work properly.
Valid issue, thank you.
I have adjusted the APXS scan and this shouldn't be happening anymore. Fix should be in next dev build.
Skip time now works also for Mars Yard.
Excellent, thank you for the information :-)
You are right, we forgot to synchronize the science target version so right now the fix would only appear if someone started the campaign from the beginning. Hopefully will be fixed in next devbuild, thank you very much for the information.
Should be fixed in next update of Development version.
This has been fixed, thank you for the report, should be fine in next development build.
This feature is a very good idea and will be added into the radial menu. Thank you for your input.
Thank you for the detailed report, should be fixed in next build.
Development build is being updated continuously, you get access to it by right-clicking on Take on Mars in your game Library and selecting Properties->Betas->Development. There is also changelog in the bottom right corner in the Main menu, where you can see all the changes that has been done to the game. Main build will be updated tomorrow on Tuesday 13.8. (all the changes from Development build will become available in the Main build).
Mission ref. 7123 needs fixing, (different surfaces in Soil probe science target, material is set to sand).
Mobility is set to false, while there is a distant APXS.
Steam only allows players to play the latest version of the game. If the game runs, it has all the available updates.
We update the Steam development version in batches, usually once a day, but that might change anytime.
Right now the version number which you see in main menu changes only when the exe file is updated. If we make fixes in the data, it doesn't reflect in the number. We are planning to modify this system so that any change in the game changes also the revision number. For now, your best guide of what is new is probably the changelog accessible from main menu.
I understand completely what you mean, but there are some technical limitations. Right now, the science targets can only have a circle shape, while the dark streak is a long stripe. If I would try to fit the whole streak into a circle, the area covered would be too huge. Also any area where lander is supposed to land must be carefully reviewed, since the terrain is not flat and player can easily land in some depression unable to take any photos. The terrain around the two craters is uneven and it cannot be guaranteed, that player will always be able to finish the mission, if it's moved there. Thank you for your input, but for now, I will leave the mission as it is.
The passive instruments provide immediate results (check the conditions) every 10 seconds, so there isn't any progression of the analysis. Right now there isn't any simple way how to add this.
This issue is probably caused by some external device like joystick. I was unable to reproduce it with mouse and keyboard or gamepad.
Some system of photos and analyses outside the regular missions to generate extra cash will be implemented.
Same problem as in issue 42. For now, please try to adjust the '3D Resolution Scale' bar in the Options menu until this problem is fixed.
It is possible to move the window, but it is very hard to find the right position where to click (move the cursor to the top while in the game and the correct area where to click and hold is right between the ingame area and windows title bar). This of course isn't a perfect state but changing it isn't a simple fix. We might look into it in the future.
This issue should be fixed in next dev build, but I will close it since there are other reports about problems in this specific mission. Thanks everyone for your cooperation.
Could you please send a screenshot of this issue? Thank you.
The shape of the oval should always be wider between east and west beacuse of the rotation of the planet, but with more updates, players should be soon allowed to manually control the landing sequence and choose the exact spot they want to land on. Nevertheless, thank you for your input.
Confirmed, I can reproduce it. Value of glitchy 3D resolution might be different on different computers. In construction room it seemed to happen when player goes to option menu while mouse cursor is highlighting something on the screen.
There are multiple reports of this issue and one of them has already been marked as acknowledged, so I'm closing the remaining ones.
There are multiple reports of this issue and one of them has already been marked as acknowledged, so I'm closing the remaining ones.
We were unable to reproduce this issue, everything seems to be working fine. If it's still happening, please attach your save file. Thank you.
APXS range has been slightly increased, so scanning rocks with it should be somewhat easier. The problem with mission not registering succesful scan has been fixed and should be fine in next development build.
New mechanic which allows players to earn some extra cash will be implemented.
Thank you for the report. Right now this issue can be fixed only by seriously limiting turning possibilities of the mast itself, which is not desired solution. Maybe some other solution will come up in the future.
May 9 2016
Ready to close. Antivirus issue.
Voting works but not perfectly in every browser:
Chrome: works fine
Opera: voting works, but doesn't display colour bar, only text with percents
Firefox: voting works, but neither colour bar nor text with percents are shown, so in firefox voting progress can't be tracked
IE: same as Opera, only percents are shown, no colour bar