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- User Since
- Mar 13 2013, 10:54 PM (622 w, 3 d)
Sep 18 2022
It has now been possible to bind all controls except Common > Talk over radio (Toggle), which appears to be stuck on 'Double Caps' and does not rebind or unbind.
Sep 6 2022
Some progress has been made with selecting and assigning keybinds, perhaps with build updates.
More control keybinds can now be assigned, though with intermittent consistency and either no action taken, or varying combinations of actions apparently triggering editable status, such as:
- unbinding a keybind
- resetting the default key
- changing the control page and going back
- accessing control settings when pausing the game
- exiting the game and accessing settings from the main menu
Aug 2 2022
Aug 19 2017
May 10 2016
I have collective raise (analogue) and collective lower (analogue) assigned to the throttle z axis +/- on my Saitek Cyborg Evo and it works fine.
I am left handed and always set keys based around o k l ; instead of w a s d
There are actually more usable keys that end of the keyboard. For years I've used the same keys for all games as far as possible and they have become second nature.
It can take a long to set up keys initially in ArmA ... and it was especially annoying when they were reset between alpha and beta without warning. Fortunately I mostly copied my usual ArmA configuration and recorded it in a spreadsheet.
The problem with a left handed preset is that there is no historic precedent to follow like wasd for right handers.
There are heaps more controls in the game than are displayed in the configuration pages. I get warnings for editor bulldozer controls that aren't in the UI.
To be honest it appears to be a bit of a mess in the background. Open [user].ArmA3Profile with notepad and take a look ... fixed wing flaps and landing gear, helicopter brakes and batteries, a mysterious "keyHeliRopeAction", submarine, bulldozer and seagull controls, etc.
Whilst not disagreeing with backwards compatibility for ArmA 2 series content, BIS have what they believe to be priorities and reasons best suited to their ArmA 3 roadmap.
Release of the ArmA 2 content library to the community has been announced, so in part at least, perhaps it is more a matter of patience than voting for stopgap fixes in the hope of bumping it up the priority list.
In particular, as marvellous an achievement that AiA has been, I for one really don't want to keep the ArmA 2 series installed indefinitely and have to load it all up every time a certain mod calls for ArmA 2 content.
You're right about a problem with helicopter flight, but I'm not sure its the controls, more the flight model itself. Control sensitivity can be reduced, at least with a joystick or mouse.
Helicopters in ArmA 3 are suffering from
a lack of inertia
excessive thrust and acceleration
a lack of auto-stabilisation, an almost universal feature of modern helicopters, in particular military types, which damps short term flight error automatically.
As said above, this is only apparent with digital collective input. I also use analogue collective with a joystick throttle. Not only does it stop the "auto" collective, but produces a much greater collective response range as well.
Initially I had mistakenly bound digital collective to my throttle and it was terrible. Once switched to analogue it transformed collective response.
That, however, does not mitigate the current horrible flight model much, with its lack of inertia, excessive acceleration and lack of auto-stabilisation that modern helicopters possess ... but that is another issue.
Upvoted. Who woudn't want to see an end to anomalous mid range ugliness?
May 9 2016
Upvoted if it isn't already implemented for fixed wing aircraft.
Absolutely not for helicopters, as the only way of inducing even the briefest g-force effects sufficient to affect the occupants, would be to crash at speed.
Upvote ... as long as it is implemented correctly.
How can this be even considered as over powered, given that nobody will be able to hit a barn, let alone its door, at speed, especially off road.
Heck, in most ArmA vehicles the view from inside is quite limited for the driver, let alone the passengers.
They don't tend to fare well under concentrated fire for the most part either.
The whole idea still doesn't appear to be stacking up as either invincible or deadly.
Upvoted though I'm late to the party.
You're right about a problem with helicopter flight, though its hard to pin down the cause.
Helicopters in ArmA 3 seem to be suffering from
a lack of inertia and a sense of mass
excessive thrust and acceleration
a lack of auto-stabilisation, an almost universal feature of modern helicopters, in particular military types, which damps short term flight error automatically.
The high percentage of down votes is understandable, given the unfortunate tendencies of the vocal gamer demographic:
acne and an aversion to light and water
an affliction for listening to shouty guitar noise
morbid fear of "the other gender" which leads to substitution of social interaction with pixel killing (and listening to the shouty noise)
Storm in a teacup, get over it. Women serve in all arms of the military in increasing numbers and its not just infantry depicted in ArmA games.
As attested by many, wheeled helicopters taxi routinely and often extensively.
Rolling take-off and landing is used when operating near all up weight.
Non-wheeled helicopters hover taxi and can slide or skid on suitable surfaces.
Ground taxiing is achieved by use of collective thrust directed with forward pitch to provide translational lift for motion. Directional control is provided by tail rotor thrust and either castoring wheel(s), or nose wheel steering if equipped.
Helicopter main rotor shaft axis tends to be tilted a few degrees forward of vertical, to optimise transmission loading in normal flight and reduce downward tilt of the fuselage.
As a consequence, application of backward pitch is difficult, if not dangerous or impossible on the ground. Spot turns tend to replace the loss of reverse movement.
In the hover, the fuselage tends to take a backwards tilt with the tail rotor nearer the ground. Application of excess backward pitch leads to instability, loss of visual ground reference and increased chance of tail strike, or in extreme cases, main blade strike with the tail structure. Hence it is not a practice taken lightly, if at all.
@ Devilsmercenary: Cormorants? Been around their Merlin cousins for years, big beasts eh?
I'm with cychou.
Not at all happy with yet another set of controls for grenades and being able to throw them whilst using a weapon.
However, that is worth its own issue being raised.
On the subject of how fast it is, yes it would be good to see an "out pin and throw" animation, along with maybe even slinging or low porting of weapons first.
That being said, I don't get particularly agitated about anything in game currently, as there are probably many incomplete features, place holders and experiments in use right now.
The ability to deploy weapons, especially bipod LMG's, on any suitable object should be a fundamental feature of combat FPS games.
Not just window sills though. If it is solid, relatively horizontal and has a collision mesh, then it should be a potential deployment surface.
This has become a standard request in combat FPS games and I'm mildly surprised it still needs asking to be honest.
ACE did it for ArmA2, Project Reality did it for Battlefield 2 with some messy compromise and it was one of the things Red Orchestra 2 got right after a fashion.