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- Mar 12 2013, 6:51 PM (622 w, 4 d)
May 10 2016
Server crash files added
No, only 3 units on map from given class.
If their isnt a problem on dev branch we can wait for the path next week and see what happened.
Problem should be fixed in actual stable version too.
Please close the ticket.
1.43.xxxxx - no longer reproducable! pls close the ticket.
1.43.xxxxx - status since the ticket was create? Nothing changed? If the animation are removed for A3 pls let us know trough the wiki-documents.
By reason my other ticket was closed as duplicate of this here comes some further notes to the problem i had described in my closed ticket:
In dependence from damage source and in dependence from the first hit to all following hits the damage EVH bring different values back.
main problems:
- a new output, overall damage at the first hit, only by grenades
- NULL output for the damage source at every damage event (first output)
- changing frame during a event (against the notes wiki)
- a different damage output after the frame has changed
With this "undefined/changing" output values it is very hard for mission designer or modder to work with this event.
mission start - damge only trough grenades:
first hit:
"Frame: 273797: [p1,"head",0.299985,<NULL-object>,"GrenadeHand"]" <--- NULL?!
"Frame: 273797: [p1,"",0.73864,Shooter,"GrenadeHand"]"
"Frame: 273797: [p1,"",0.73864,Shooter,"GrenadeHand"]"
"Frame: 273797: [p1,"head",0.299985,Shooter,"GrenadeHand"]"
"Frame: 273797: [p1,"body",0.171576,Shooter,"GrenadeHand"]"
"Frame: 273797: [p1,"hands",0.29755,Shooter,"GrenadeHand"]"
"Frame: 273797: [p1,"legs",0.35811,Shooter,"GrenadeHand"]"
"Frame: 273804: [p1,"",0.739428,Shooter,""]" <--- overall damage in another frame
// second hit:
"Frame: 275578: [p1,"head",0.351021,<NULL-object>,"GrenadeHand"]" <--- NULL?!
"Frame: 275578: [p1,"",0.105894,Shooter,"GrenadeHand"]"
"Frame: 275578: [p1,"",0.845322,Shooter,"GrenadeHand"]"
"Frame: 275578: [p1,"head",0.351021,Shooter,"GrenadeHand"]"
"Frame: 275578: [p1,"body",0.199912,Shooter,"GrenadeHand"]"
"Frame: 275578: [p1,"hands",0.346067,Shooter,"GrenadeHand"]"
"Frame: 275578: [p1,"legs",0.413056,Shooter,"GrenadeHand"]"
??? <--- where is it?! summary output only at the first hit?
mission start - damage trough bullets in the torso/body (same distance):
first hit:
"Frame: 299633: [p1,"head",0.0156636,<NULL-object>,"B_65x39_Caseless"]" <--- NULL?!
"Frame: 299633: [p1,"",0.316172,Shooter,"B_65x39_Caseless"]"
"Frame: 299634: [p1,"",0.316172,Shooter,"B_65x39_Caseless"]" <--- a new frame started: the output above start twice
"Frame: 299634: [p1,"head",0.0156636,Shooter,"B_65x39_Caseless"]"
"Frame: 299634: [p1,"body",0.505136,Shooter,"B_65x39_Caseless"]"
"Frame: 299634: [p1,"hands",0.0790496,Shooter,"B_65x39_Caseless"]"
??? <--- where is it?! no summary output but its the first hit
// second hit:
"Frame: 300118: [p1,"head",0.0406294,<NULL-object>,"B_65x39_Caseless"]" <--- NULL?!
"Frame: 300118: [p1,"",0.857814,Shooter,"B_65x39_Caseless"]"
"Frame: 300119: [p1,"",1.17399,Shooter,"B_65x39_Caseless"]" <--- a new frame started: the output above start twice but now with a different damage?!
"Frame: 300119: [p1,"head",0.0406294,Shooter,"B_65x39_Caseless"]"
"Frame: 300119: [p1,"body",0.589541,Shooter,"B_65x39_Caseless"]"
"Frame: 300119: [p1,"hands",0.164116,Shooter,"B_65x39_Caseless"]"
??? <--- again nothing...
Example mission is attached here:
1.43.xxxxx - nothing changed... status after 1.3 years?
Thx .kju!
_size = getNumber (configFile >> "CfgWorlds" >> worldName >> "MapSize");
mapcenter = [_size/2,_size/2,0];
_m = createMarkerLocal [str(mapcenter),mapcenter];
_m setMarkerTypeLocal "b_art";
Problem still present in actual dev-build.
No, the problem is not the explosion self. And it's also not a fix if you didn't had an explosion after you set it up but the car make a respawn.
This is only an other bug you had found in the dev build. ;-)
And if you cant produce a explosion by respawn in the dev build it's another bug especially in this version.
@Fireball, i think thats enough feedback. :-)
Sorry, i won't use the dev version. Anyone else who can test it in the dev build?
Hi, this are the settings of my test:
Delay: 10
deserted Delay: 15
Wreck: delete with an explosion effect
All other settings is default.
Thx for testing it!
I cant longer reproduce it.
problem fixed?
1.43.xxxxx - status not changed... pls close solved tickets...
1.43.xxxxx - nothing changed... round about 1.5 years later
In that case it is a design mistake cause if the trigger should be detect the players inside are much better.
Why i should sync everyone when i can detect them with the trigger self? And what happens after a respawn? --> lol
Ups, sorry. You're right. In that case confirmed too.
edit: nonsense
This an stupid bug!
It is essential to define a side. Also a return value is needed to get all crew members in an array. (f.e. to delete them later...)
Command are useless atm...
This story line is exemplary for nearly every ticket in this alpha-3-fail-tracker. What can be more important as working EH's?
They need nearly two month to assaign the ticket first time (and switch them sometime back again)! German departments work like machines compared to this company of slugs.
BIS sucks!
Tested: the work around works. We can handle multiple hdeh's now. solved.
thx, for solve this ticket.
but, new issue opened:
The hole Bi-Team had needed round about 7 month to do anything at this thing. So let me please some days to found the timespace byside my normal work for switching to dev-build and test it detailed. :-)
Na endlich!
Now let's take a look if it do what it should be to do.
This isn't a solution - Have a look at the real problem that was reported here. It's enough to read the topic header again.
I think it's senseless to discuss with you Dark Druid.
Thank you Xeno. ;-)
The problem is not that the event is not triggered. The problem is that the return values are not correct if you use more than one HD-EVH at the same time. It is simply the wrong way to put an EVH on a player object to handle some internal engine processes. (or whatever BIS_hitArray do)
Confirmed for stable version too.
Ok, it works for me too. My mistake - can be closed.
Edit: duplication of #0005513
Confirmed with killed EVH.
Whats the status of this bug? Many people like and need this command.
The rockets are planned as HE's. It doesn't matter what Wiki says about DAGR.