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- Aug 18 2014, 8:02 PM (550 w, 10 h)
May 11 2016
I have noticed this to. I though maybe everything was already taken but after server kicked me due to restart spawned back in near cars and no new loot.
If your character says I am slowly cooling it doesn't affect you at all. Already a thread for this. No need to open another.
Just watched your video have you tried wearing a beenie hat isntead of a helmut? I know this is an issue with somepeople but every one I talked to kept saying they werent wearing gloves or a hat and was getting annoyed which is why i said layers but adfter seeing what you were wearing it seems you should have been fine... but, I will be trying different variations of clothing (not just different jackets or boots).
I will let you know if I find anything like a beenie hat is better than ball cap.
Went back and tried rain coat wool coat and other variences with every article of clothing I could fine (Hat, Gloves, face mask, Jacket, Pants and boots) and I never got hypothermia also launched in several different servers to see if it was an issue on just the server but couldnt get hypothermia. This is not what you guys want to hear but once Hypothermia sets in there is nothing you can do. If you are cold and than put on layers it may not be enought to bring temp back up to normal and the constant state of being cold may very well lead to hypothermia than death. Get clothing as fast a possible and if needed start a fire and warm up a bit. My and my buddy had to stop 4 times to warm up before we got fully clothed.
I had a Gorka jacket on, Green cargo pants, gloves, boots, ski mask, hat and sunglasses and I was getting spammed with I am cooling off but after playing for about 4 hours I never got hypothermic. Getting cold means you need more layers. Manage your character better. I have NO issues.
I have ran into this once with my buddy, he had alt tabbed out to go to his music and was clicking on some songs but he was firing in game.
Just stop reading my comments than.
Like I said the only cure for Hypothermia is IV antibiotics. The brown viral thingy and a syringe and your good. The problem is having someone there to give it too you.
Once you get to the Hypothermia stage you are done without another user there.
Just like in real life. My suggestions to you is find clothes as fast as you can.
Also if you would like a buddy to play with you can always ask. I love playing this game!
I have NEVER died from or gotten Hypothermia. Back when they first released the temp control I used to get Hyperthermia alllll the time. But Hypothermia is only cured by antibiotics. And cause you cannot give yourself IV antibiotics with the syringe yes you are pretty much screwed once you get hypothermia.
Just played today and yes your character does say I am slowly cooling off (which is fine as we are always sweating and running every where) and I played for 4 hours today and never got Hypothermia. You need hat, gloves, boot, jacket, and jeans to prevent hypothermia. If your hands or face and/or head is exposed its like it is in real life. Your ears start to get frost bite and your hands start to go numb.
This feature is not unmanageable. I where a military gorka shirt, cargo paints, gloves, chest holster, backpack, Hat, ski mask, sun glasses and boots and I never get Hypothermia or Hyperthermia. Manage your character better.
If you are switching from a sever with Persistance off (also not stated on or off) to persistance enabled the charecter resets. I have noticed this. Please check the types of servers you join.
Also like Dawgstyl mentioned do not get attached to your charecter. Dayz has no mercy.
Holly cow that guy sucks at that game. No wonder he needs cheats lol.
This is actually a good idea (#walking dead did it lol).
I knew you were going to put this on here HAHAHA!. You should also be able to craft a trip wire air horn to a door entrance to alert you of nearby palyers. All these things are also in the new game Survive the Nights that will come out in Alpha feb 2015 and beta in March 2015. Already lightyears ahead of DayzSA except for the graphics.
Can confirm this happens! I have also noticed the arrow drop on the improvised bow is way too much compared to what it should be. I was 10 feet from a zombie aimed at the head and it hit the floor in front of it.
This happened to me 3 times in a row. What happens is when you run up the stairs it will say a limb is broken like leg or arm than you die. The first time I was pissed. Went back to get my gear same thing. Third time was to see if I could replicate it and I did. I went back a fourth time and walked ever slowly up the stairs and it didnt happen again. I than ran up the stairs after it didnt kill the fourth time and it killed me. It seems to be an issue with some balconies and top floors. I walk up the stairs and on landings 2nd story and above now.
Known issue. resolution of this is to crouch and drink all than there is no falling animation.
GooglyEyes and I ran into this issue where we killed approxametly 20 zeds and saw zeds spawn in 20 feet away from us. In a Zed apocolypes there should be a set amount of zeds that spawn when entering a town and not like COD with random spawns.
How do you know someone didnt come steal it? 5 days is a long time.
There is no sound on the flash bang either. I wanted to see how long a player is blinded for so I tried it on my buddy and there was no flash sound so I didnt even know it had went off. He was blinded though.
You are the lucky one than haha. My and My friend played all weekend for about 2 hours a day and didnt find ANY :(
I have searched 5 heli crash sites and EVERY army base and airfield over a week and havent found a single ammo box. I found Flash bangs and gernades but no ammo box.
This happens when you hold down the number button its assigned to it does it for EVERY item if you do it this way. If you press the button key while running he stops and changes 90% of the time.
That is a fantastic Idea. It would free up a slot in the inventory too.
Right now I am not sure if its my FOV or the compass itself but it seems to be hidden away at the bottom of the screen whenever I try and view it. It is definitely difficult.
This only happens when Drinking all. Crouch and drink all and it wont do the animation.
I think this is a good idea BUT instead of reg Zeds and crawlers there needs to be packs of walking zeds around buildings and in them awaiting around corners. Three types of zeds would be EPIC. But I say more walkers than runners and crawlers runners.
I am not sure how much hands on experience you have with guns but a pocket full of bullets is easily reloaded in a MAG while sprinting. I try and shoot on a weekly bases with my .308 and 9mm. and Kudos on the eating and Drinking comment as well. I cannot tell you how many times I wanted to just jog to the next town whilst eating fruit or drinking water.
This would be a good Idea IF! they allow the reload animation to be done on the "run". If you have to stop to reload a magazine than whats the point of being "realistic" if you cannot reload on the run like the Mag reload animation.
May 10 2016
I actually saw a zed spawn in a building right next to me before. BURN DOWN HOT TOPIC!
I agree with itchypantz, Zombies killing myh charecter are about less than me dying of Hypothermia (itchypantz knows haha) but one hit to the head and they are down for a bit. If you cannot find in axe the Hoe is a GREAT two shotter to pick up. one suggestion to you is to run them in a tight circle they will swing and miss 90 percent of the time. Fitting three zombies with a baseball bat at once and I was still victorious.
I want this. This would add a third threat. There are Zombies, Bandits and than there are cannibles who sit in the shadows and stalk there prey than without warning they attack you and eat you. ITS PERFECT.!
This is a FANTASTIC IDEA but Survive the Nights already added this and will be out in feb 2015 for alpha and is already LIGHTYEARS ahead of DayZSA. It even surpasted Arma DAYZMOD in my opinion.