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- User Since
- Aug 2 2020, 6:42 AM (240 w, 21 h)
Aug 22 2024
Jun 17 2024
Some but not all Infected are also walking through closed doors of,
Jun 7 2024
Ages old bug still one of the game breaking issues 1.25
Still a issue update 1.25
May 24 2024
This issue affects many community servers for a few updates now, just being a player not server owner or coder I have no clue how, essentially break a leg get k/o'd or get k/o'd by a infected to get a new spawn and if press start and restart get stuck on a permanent red screen.
This has been a long time bug or feature essentially only able to open can with can in hand, not with can in inventory, I can't speak on experiences with can on ground as I don't do that.
Apr 27 2024
WeirdXone we definitely on a similar page,
@Geez you got spam bots in here 👀
This is a known bug but I can offer a solution for it to never happen again to you until fixed,
This bug might be a little hard to reproduce, maybe try messing with field of view set to wherever, apply, exit menu, then try messing with aiming or looking sensitivity, apply, exit menu.
Tyvm Geez keep up the great work, long live DayZ 🫡🙏🏻
Apr 24 2024
PSO-1 & PSO-1-1 are 4x magnification same as 4x ATOG and Western Forces also have 6x ATOG. PU Scope is 3.5x magnification.
Apr 23 2024
As you can see in video can not access pouches or backpack inventory while walking and can't drag battery to either inventory while walking too second half of video via RT or LT only can complete action if stop walking and use D-Pad or Right Joystick
Feb 29 2024
Jan 21 2024
I can only assume you mean official servers?
The new recoil system full auto guns definitely going to be much more noticeable and harder to adjust to for us console players on controller, PC players make it look easy but prior to 1.24 EXP recoil is and can be a handful on controller 🧐 LAR probably greatest example prior to 1.24 EXP
I hate to say it but with classic controller scheme Xbox inventory management and current button preset is fine, and with time becomes hyper fast and efficient.
Nov 8 2023
PC has this feature why don't we on console?
New update so here I am asking for this Quality of Life addition 🙏
Nov 6 2023
You need to use a blowtorch, pipe wrench is no longer method as of a update ago or so.
Nov 5 2023
Can confirm convoys working no issues I find many even on official, infected can remain in area after convoy despawns for a very long time. Bad luck Mdplumber87, best advice I got hangout in general area and do something like cook or whatnot to increase chance one spawns near you, don't expect every convoy site you go to, to be there.
Nov 3 2023
LAR also spawning at military convoy crash sites not sure if intended 1.23
Try to clear alternative Mac address in network settings, in advanced tab. Probably won't do anything but helps with Mic / Voip issues
Xbox is currently in the process of changing their 3rd party hardware accessory policy to go into affect this month, and banning tons of devices and while changes aren't rolled out yet people already experiencing issues, a lot of news outlets saying m&k's won't be affected but some experiencing issues various games, there's a lot going on in the background by Xbox.
Geez this bug has been a thing for ages possibly all the way back in 2020 update 1.07 when I started playing game 7k+ hours later playtime, it is not every time and very inconsistent even on official servers is a bug, putting gun away and taking back out in to hand doesn't even fix issue, you have to open inventory and manually combined a mag which sometimes fixes issue next time try normal method of holding Y. Or use a different gun sometimes fixes and so on it's a very real bug experienced with extended play time due to other factors and actions to reproduce will require to play for a extended period of time and preform various actions, use a silenced handgun and fight zombies that way often will probably be fast track way to experience bug can happen with all mag fed guns.
Oct 30 2023
It's definitely a random crappy bug sometimes can be fixed by jumping or pressing start, I sum it up to dsync via performing too many interactions with items or storage playing for a extended amount of time without reloging sucks. I personally think official servers should restart more often, experience a lot of dsync especially when playing with friends or trying to use inventory of storage or vehicles same time so much so we don't even try.
Can confirm punch cards spawning on Official as I've found one on a captain military infected with medical scrub hat just yesterday on Official SG server, also looted 2 from another player after finding their truck parked near a permanent gas zone.
Oct 26 2023
Oct 23 2023
Oct 6 2023
Please I beg "like every update" add, 1st Person Only Search Filter for community servers on console would be huge QoL addition for those who wish to play 1pp only.
Sep 13 2023
Mar 10 2023
@HailSithis Thanks for adding to post <3 Now if only we can get some acknowledgement from @Geez ;p
Mar 9 2023
When using inventory menu to see items on ground in vicinity doesn't update without closing menu and opening again or there will be a delay for it to refresh ever since update 1.20
This bug or feature I don't know but wasn't always a thing and I am aware it's a know issue:
Some Xbox experimental servers are 1st person only they just don't say it in server name that's probably what you are experiencing
Feb 21 2023
Thanks for reply Geez, the new hold to check pulse and crouch animation is fine everyone agrees on that. What we are suggesting is to also have poke and in my opinion simply tap the same key instead of hold is best option because if a emote wheel emote will never be the same as was, not as fluid and even if can keybind it that won't help console players as can't remap controls, poking players is a classic pass time of DayZ and arguably the most interactive action in game so sad to see this go. :(
Feb 18 2023
I should also note .30-06 vs .308 at range beyond 400-500m to touch on original subject by JerseyD911 and why .30-06 just might be that perfect round for DayZ. Of course it's just a game though because IRL good luck hitting anything past 400-500m with a M1"D" Garand 2.2X M84 scope.
If there was only 1 gun they will ever add again "let's hope not" I would want a .30-06 M1 Garand C or D model those models use a scope. With en bloc clip, to spice a update like that up bring back sks / mosin stripper clip, and if feeling very spicy add magnum and double barrel shotty speed loaders back.
Feb 17 2023
My suggestion on subject would be tap for poke no info given just a poke, hold for check pulse.
Mar 2 2021
Happens on xbox too, if press B to back out inventory, doesn't happen if press back button middle left of controller, but sometimes back button doesn't work, so have to press B.
Long time bug, when remove them will show dead
Same for Xbox can not press x to move item from a dead zombie to inventory have to put in hand first, basically making you have to loot dead zombies without a weapon in hand. It's the same when looting dead players I believe too, and also can't pick up guns off dead players back, have to either have a open spot on back or cut player up. I will need to test more and report back with more or more accurate info.
Imo patrol, bdu, cuu, would be cool if at least high insolation. Unfortunately field jacket, hunters jacket, hunter pants or cargo pants pretty much the new meta
Go to rear of truck drag barrel down to normal inventory of truck, walk to side and can then remove from side into hands or on ground. That is only solution I've figured out "if barrel is empty", if barrel has items in it I haven't had any luck or know what to do and barrels get permanently stuck in truck for me, but my friend has been able to get barrels out of truck with loot in them a few times by moving truck.