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DayZ Console Inventory Mechanic~ impractical, unresponsive and unappealing to new players
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It's quite well known how difficult efficient inventory management is for console players of DayZ, from storing and sorting items, to simple things like picking items up to hands/Inventory, DayZ's console players have always struggled to productively manage their stuff. Here is a list of issues stopping players from being able to smoothly manage their inventory.


  1. Items cannot be dropped whilst sprinting
  1. Items that are picked up whilst running past or over the item often do not pick up. instead, the animation shows as if it had worked, forcing players to double take
  1. There's no button to transfer items from right to left (from player inv to storage container) making for painstakingly long periods of time spent storing items via the current tap n hold method
  1. With no auto-sorting when picking up items, players are left unable to put away their weapons/equipt items when space is in fact creatable by moving some things around in the inventory.
  1. No help! no tips, hints, guides or ease of access when it comes to managing inventory UI on console DayZ! resulting in the mauling of many new players as they fumble to get their items/inventory in check before a hoard of zombies demolishes their chances of a good first experience!


Operating System
Windows 11 x64
Operating System Version
Xbox One

Event Timeline

Seeloe5417 changed Operating System from Windows 7 to Windows 11 x64.Jan 20 2024, 8:55 PM
Seeloe5417 set Operating System Version to Xbox One.
Seeloe5417 updated the task description. (Show Details)Jan 20 2024, 9:15 PM

I hate to say it but with classic controller scheme Xbox inventory management and current button preset is fine, and with time becomes hyper fast and efficient.

I have a saying if grew in the time of spamming cheat codes GTA then can be fast and efficient on controller DayZ too.

Although there definitely is room for Quality of Life improvements and ease of use like,

If put my gun away and there's a opening slot on back it should always go to back that's annoying when doesn't.

Standing up with the players body slightly swaying making items on ground appear and disappear in vicinity so annoying.

Some way to sort items in inventory like PC's grid system and it remember where item was and return to same spot when taking items from inventory to hands back to inventory would be nice.

Geez changed the task status from New to Feedback.Jan 22 2024, 10:16 AM