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- User Since
- Mar 27 2014, 8:44 AM (574 w, 21 h)
May 10 2016
confirmed that bug.
ok here is how to fix that: just delete your appdata/local/dayz/BattlEye folder.
this is still no fps shooter, they will not do this.
this is no fps shooter.
pls try to crawl with a weapon in your hands and look what is more realistic. (+ speed)
that is true, but i guess their speed is not rly the problem. the problem is their (current) weak AI behaviour and their super power of noticing every shit thats right in front of them and not further away than 400m.
their new respawn rate is just too damn high as well.
all these factors cause the issue, that zombies became a real thread ever since the last update.
(i still think its way better than before)
sprint towards a wall and jump on it in the last moment, then hurry and exit the game (works best while you are still in mid air), relog and you should spawn correctly.
try to sprint/ jump, crawl or roll through the edges of the room you are locked in.
if none of these help, try to join a server where your character gets a reset or contact any server admin.
maybe you'll find a solution here:
best thread i read so far :D <3
this depends on the server, try to join on "official" servers with no custom clan name or whatever. servers that can be trusted are eg hosted by "MultiplayGameServers" or "Vilayer"
please write if this issue still occurs after you tried to play on servers of these hosts.
yep thats true, but you should always keep your eyes open in dayz, shouldn't you?
@Alentejos: in the case you have a bleeding at the start, you can craft rags from your shirts and use them to cover your wounds up. learn to dodge the zeds' attacks. dont fight them without a good weapon just run away until they get slow.
There are ways to survive the early game easily.
Yes zombies are still unbalanced but its alpha and the alpha is playable, so its fine.
ok here is how to fix that: just delete your appdata/local/dayz/BattlEye folder.
can confirm this bug - but please be aware of that this game is still in alpha version, so as this bug is not game changing it will probably fixed at a later point in time.
i can confirm this, there is still a "bullet impact" sound effect sometimes if you hit a bush
ok here is how to fix that: just delete your appdata/local/dayz/BattlEye folder.
zombies are much better than before.
they are faster yes, but after 20 - 30 seconds or so they slow considerably down, what makes it easy to kill or escape them.
the spawn rate of zombies atm is more annoying, sometimes they just respawn right by your side after you killed 1.
(this issue appears in a great amount between the two towns "stary sobor" and "novy sobor" (if you want to reproduce it), this could be because of the zombies' spawn areas of both towns overlap and more zombies are spawned than expected)
sometimes its desync, sometimes its not. happens on my favorite server where i never had a desync, as many players have the same problems since that wednesday server maintenance i guess somehow something went wrong...
alright here is the video i made, hope it will help
ok, so it worked as often as I wanted it to work for me. I got from 8 ammo to 50 very easily (stopped then because.. yeah its kinda not intentional in the game)
i didn't have a 10 round clip btw, i had nothing than two sks, (lucky to find 2, because a friend wanted 1) a backpack and just 8 bullets for the sks.
as soon as i find another sks im gonna reproduce it and try to make a video.
im about to record it (will take some time because i have only a test version of fraps :/)
here is an update on the bug:
-works with sks
-you have to relog to empty the sks you picked up and then to relog to reproduce more ammo
it's an alpha... this is rly one of the minor problems... just search for new pants and new stuff - fixed
i find those sticks like EVERYWHERE. maybe you guys should look into buildings where "shit loot" spawns, because in those these sticks are rly common. btw dont look for any item you search in towns that are near spawn areas because bambies take everything they find with them.
This is easy to fix, just put the item with the iventory slot thats not working on the ground, put it back on - fixed. i think its just a small bug atm.
same problem... rly annoying and scares the crap out of me
everybody can do this so its a "fair" bug, with brightness and gamma up it's brighter yes, but still darker than by day ain't it? and btw you wont see a dude lying under a bush with camo by night.
this glitch is well known, what caused the warning to only use ladders at OWN RISK!