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- User Since
- Jan 22 2014, 1:45 PM (577 w, 1 d)
May 10 2016
i thought that was the point of EARLY ACCESS.....stuffs gonna go wrong.....if you don't like it, why do you buy EARLY ACCESS?
sounds like a repeat of 0007655
@itchypantz: I think what app0815 wants is to come off a server with a back pack and other awesome gear and set that as the default so he always joins with the awesome gear, personally I don't think that's what the "Set Default" option is for...
Set Default is the starting clothing which you can adjust the colours of your jeans t-shirts and athletic shoes so that you have some degree of customisability on what you look like when you respawn
that may be intended as a punishment system, instead of a ban after 5 kicks, you lose your gear....course I could be wrong
aren't berries only in the experimental build?
or am i missing something there
you know you can take your shirt off, tear it into rags and use them as bandages?
as for the bugs, its not like you weren't told.... " Please be aware that our Early Access offer is a representation of our core pillars, and the framework we have created around them. It’s a work in progress and therefore contains a variety of bugs. We strongly advise you not to buy and play the game at this stage unless you clearly understand what Early Access means and are interested in participating in the ongoing development cycle. Please keep in mind that we do not expect to reach Beta status sooner than the end of 2014." - Taken From The Front Page Tumblr Feed on
I get this with rocks as well
you'll probably find, like with a lot of reports on this, the Zed didn't actually open the door..... in fact its more likely to have passed through it as though it weren't there
cleaning wounds with alcohol appears to give the sick status although unconfirmed (personally) as to the extent of the effect
I have an update on this,
The "Sick" Effect you gain after using alcohol to clean wounds is NOT sickness, its an effect which cleans your wounds, i assume it would simulate the effect of that stinging sensation you get when you put sanitizer on you hands and rub into a cut you didn't know you had, it clears up after a while so the bug here isnt the sickness, its the effect name
Is your "Taunt" button Sticking?
Had it with various Hats and shorts, common issue is when the clothing is on a raised platform, such as a chair or cupboard top, but ive had it on the floor as well as well
tried picking it up from the "Gear" menu's vicinity tab?
I have had this before on regular occurrence when I don't even have a beret, shortly after getting my second error I did find a beret and had no problems with it,
just a point with your screenshots...steams default screenshot hotkey is F12, alternativly you can always alt+prntscrn to capture the "Active Window" just saves the time wasted colouring in your facebook bits...
asfor the crazy disco rave....i think your dude may need to visit rehab and get off LSD....
its actually a feedback form for all feedback/issues,
doesn't say anywhere this is just for bugs,
That being said, there is a Suggestion section on the forums where these would be *better* placed:
same with "Readied" axes your left wrist looks like your left wrist is in agony and possibly even broken, only noticed it with axes though, cant comment for other melee weapons, i'd expect them to be the same though
have you tried double tapping the shift key?
from my experience double tapping shift seems to toggle walk sometimes,
I have found this happens to me where its not toggle usually after sprinting and walking up stairs into a house so it could also be a fatigue thing....
Cans are also upside down when you drink from them, the hole that would be made with the ringpull is at the wrong side of the can, so as you drink the fizzy its goes all over your face and makes you sticky wet and still thristy
have you tried the un/reinstall cycle? perhaps a config file has been corrupted by the magical force we call the internet?
do you have some sort of retro 3D thingy turned on? if im wrong and its not at all related try adding a screenshot so we dont have to guess?
consider the search feature, this is one of the many over duplicated issues
Having only been a member of this community less than 3 weeks, I dare say I could have done worse, we all have to start you'll pick up on the fact the only 2 reports I made were in themselves duplicates, let's just say leanring curves and leaveit there for another time and another place,
And then consider that this report was left untouched since it was posted and somehow made it onto the top lines of the view page it stands to reason a newbie would make a mistake such as necro-ing a post like this.... Someone had to
We all have 20/20 hind sight, let's us look upon this as naught more than a learning curve, hopefully this issue gets fixed soon,
Safe scavving, successful reporting,
may just be noob talk now, but let's leave the off topic-ness here and perhaps try to be a little moreproductive (more aimed at myself than anyone else)
Perhaps other new reporters will see this and learn from my mistakes.... I probably won't ;)
i've seen this a few times, bandaged a couple of unconcious one stood/crouched seen a few prone and some stood randomly,
if these people have items in their hands and you "loot" it from their still dripping corpses they appear to be holding the item still...
I'd also like to see double step climbing (taking stairs 2 at a time) and chance of slipping off stairs or missing steps and causing small shock damage just because this actually happens...
Eat Until full should only have an effect if you'd be full before emptying the can
i agree with maakai, seems to fit when i usually hear them near a lake or some island village someplace
I don't know if the standing book is still in the game but i do know when you inspect any book its always upside down :/