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- User Since
- Sep 13 2013, 9:35 AM (597 w, 10 h)
May 10 2016
You would see the need for extra voip channels if you played TvT (PvP) like TacBF where there can be squads of 10+ players that can be divided up to 3 fireteams (FTs). Now imagine all those 10 players using the same group channel and what mess it creates. When the FTs could be using their own FT channel for FT related chat and only use Group channel to coordinate with Squad Leader.
This feature is desperately needed in PvP. Without it ppl will just abandon the built-in comms and move on to Acre/TFR etc. cos they provide this function (+ a lot of other voice comm related stuff that A3 is lacking or are broken/suck e.g. bad attenuation of 3D voip atm)
Related to
(Same phenomenon but with different distances and no attenuation at all for voice comms when 3D voip is not functioning in the server).
Ticket about the attenuation and distance of 3D voice comms:
Severity should be raised. Functional 3D voip is quite important in public gameplay + immersion. And fixing this would decrease the "add acre to A3" topics, I imagine.
And the topic for this issue could just be "Direct Communication (3d voip) is not directional". The direction isn't "wrong", but rather there is no direction atm. You just hear voices in your head without any directional info.
Bring back the 3D voip, pls.
Any updates from BIS regarding the mid-range texture issue?
May 9 2016
Confirmed. This issue is still present at 1.10.
Fullauto firemode gets changed back to single-fire mode in various situations, mostly noticeable when you change between AT/sec.weapon and rifle.