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Black Map background with icons and low FPS
Awaiting internal Testing, NormalPublic


Game Version number:

Issue Description:
I do not know if this bug is PS5 only or affects other platforms.
This happens rarely but enough time and one will encounter it.

Map background goes black and FPS drops in the map view a lot. Usually in-game FPS goes down as well. Especially if looking to some direction other than ground. We are talking about single digit fps values at worst.
Sometimes the bug might go away by itself or sometimes the game just crashes. So you should have gotten PS5 crash reports that are related to this.

A reddit thread that has a pic and ppl confirming the issue:

I've gotten this issue with 2 separate PS5 consoles on several occations on official and community servers.
I could not find a ticket about this so I made one.


Operating System
Windows 7
Steps To Reproduce

No certain way to reproduce. This happens so randomly.

  1. Play Reforger on PS5
  2. Repeat 1. until you encounter the issue :D
Additional Information

a picture of the issue, taken from reddit as I have not screenshotted this myself yet.

Event Timeline

AtkinsA created this task.Mon, Mar 17, 12:29 PM

This has happened since the release on PS5 so the latest update is not the culprit.

AtkinsA edited Additional Information. (Show Details)Mon, Mar 17, 1:01 PM
AtkinsA updated the task description. (Show Details)Mon, Mar 17, 1:04 PM
AtkinsA renamed this task from Black Map backgroud with icons and low FPS to Black Map background with icons and low FPS.Mon, Mar 17, 1:26 PM
Geez changed the task status from New to Awaiting internal Testing.Mon, Mar 17, 2:02 PM