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- Mar 11 2013, 3:18 PM (626 w, 1 d)
May 10 2016
Not for me. Still have an invinite can and cannot eat anything. However i didn´t get hungry so far.
As c0n4orm said: painkillers don´t help. I´ve tried that already.
Absolutly a must have! But i´m pretty sure this is on the to-do list.
I wouldn´t know how else he should´ve gotten a stack of 50 bullets.
This issue also occurs with some items that are on or under a bed. There simply is no way to reach them.
Seems you are right. Yesterday i encountered the same thing once more. A guy just sitting there, fully geared and doing nothing but strange headbanging. After 10 minutes i decided to kill him ;)
Did you wait about 15-20 seconds after that? I realised that on some servers it takes lots of time to show some things after switching.
You can fix this by entering the graphic settings and clicking around a bit. At least that did it for me.
Found some more of those trolling roadsigns. Don´t trust them!
Must remember to take screenshots next time though...
Sure. it gets a bit harder there but it´s perfectly possible. There are enough little cities that make it possible to know where you are. Just make sure if you walk into one direction, to NOT change it ever!
I once thought i walked the same way just to find myself at the coastline again 3 hours later...
You can try to resolve this by running against a wall, then hitting esc and exit.
So you character continues to run for some seconds before you log out. When you log back in, you should be out. Well, at least i was.
Exactly the same thing happened to me just right now.
Suddenly i had the loot button pop up and i wondered why. So i opened it and saw my own inventory, including the bleeding effect. First i thought of some desync thingy however, my stats were just fine.
About 10 seconds later i was unconcious. Another 4 hours lost. Aw well, Alpha ;)
A fun thing about this is, that when friends of mine are fighting some Zs and they are on the other side of the map, i can hear it.
Freaks them out every time i ask them "you fighting a Z right now?" and in most cases they are (about 90% i am right, the other 10% are based upon my paranoia i guess^^)
So, could it be the sounds aren´t random at all but have an origin from some player on the map that is fighting a Z?
Same issue.
After trying for like 20-30 times i was able to finally connect to a server (i couldn´t connect to before).
I can confirm this as well.
I can comfim this as well. At first i thought it was the fault of on of my mods however, switching to "normal" ArmA still didn´t change anything.
Yeah, absolutely right. Removing anzins from the starting parameters worked perfectly.
Now running without any problems again. Thanks!
Would indeed have helped me a lot if i at least knew where to search for the error.
Hi again.
Well, i did all of that yesterday (thanks, i needed to rearrange my desktop icons because of that qq ) but sadly that did not help.
So far i don´t have any other game running into trouble. Right now i am downloading Tomb Raider, will give feedback if there are any problems or not in dx11 mode.
Arma 3 Alpha.rar (12.8 MB)!VoMHQLxB!foaU8zTARAPMqltK06etJHslrkU5hHL-hZAwJZsZ7kU
DxDiag.rar (7 KB)!95V0iTII!Av4tO0oT4uiaMnNXEwE2kjE_hm9MFVY8lYS0CBwfqhE
Sorry, can´t tell you since there isn´t a way i know off to tell you the latest maps i played.
If there is, please tell me and i will update the post.
Also messed up here :/
Here the normal version, sry...
And again - right version added:
Sry... uploaded Thumbs :/
May 9 2016
Would be great & more realistic so +1!
Having the same issue.
I´m downloading newest drivers now first to check if it might be driver-sided.
Giving feedback about that later.
Obvious must have!