The database was wipped, everyone lost their chars ;) [^]
The database was wipped, everyone lost their chars ;)
yes i know, but this time it is xP
Did you guys made sure not entering a private hive?
Happens to me too after Patch#2. It starts the animation while running but stops the character to finish it
I think the tiredness system is disabled for the moment. About the hunger thing, it may be related to the fact that you may have eat a lot and now your hunger is so low that it takes a lot to get hunger again. It happened the same thing with me but with thirt, I drank so much water from the well that it took me about 2 hours to be thirst again.
Normaly this is worked around with the "illeness" system, that makes you sick if you drink our eat too much, but i guess that system is down too so that probably whats happening
Duplicate of 0000037
Try, logging in other server. I was stuck inside the floor too, change serveres about 3/4 times and it autocorrected my position :)
Did you check your desync? That happen to me too, when i was having 100k desync lol
But not even the lamps on street cast light, so if you dont have a lantern you are basicly unable to play.
It kinda sucks seeing all the lamps turned on and you still cant see anything, it doesnt sound too realistic to me.
np, just wanted to let ppl know ;)
closing now
Did you make sure it wasn't toogled? If you double click Alt it toogles so you will turn your head with mouse moviment by default. Double clicking Alt again should fix that.
This has been answered like 1000 times. Its a steam problem, rocket has already contacted steam about it
I also have a payday mask and my screen became all black and white :(
I didn't notice it was because of the mask, I thought it was because of hunger or thirst.
I never got injured so I know for a fact that's not the problem, thing is there's no way to prove its the mask fault either since we cant see our blood level.
agreed with hexploit. Tried new update and its working already ;)
Same here, nothing seems to work on opening the cans
Yes, my char is still from pre-update. I get the notifications but nothing else seems to happen.
PS: I haven't got any Hunger ou Thirst notifications on char's state but I do have "Sick" notification so i guess they are working at some level
Seems like having a fresh new character solves this problem. Now i get the Hunger and Thirst notifications and I can confirm that drinking from wells works :)
Have you tried pressing second mouse button?
Here too, but if you watch videos from Dayz:SA before it was even released you will notice the exact same problem, so they are very aware of it :)
Doesn't seem to be working anymore. Now even the lamps on street wont cast any light :/
Did you guys made sure not entering a private hive? [^]
The database was wipped, everyone lost their chars ;)
yes i know, but this time it is xP