I tried using built in dualsense mic as well as a headset (hyperx cloud), both don’t work in arma reforger but do work in other games and mic settings.
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Sat, Feb 15
Tue, Feb 4
Mon, Feb 3
Sun, Feb 2
Starting to think I have an issue with the controller itself that only shows during this game. If the game had dead zone adjustment for the triggers I could test this. It would allow the full press to come sooner.
Sat, Feb 1
In T188405#2749831, @Geez wrote:Resolved for 1.3 release.
Fri, Jan 31
Hello again.
Is this still an issue on the current version? As we cannot seem to produce this on our end.
Hello Hladysheva.
What type of microphone are you using? And has the issue occurred during some specific scenario? And could you describe the steps taken prior to the issue occurring?
Resolved for 1.3 release.
In T187264#2749773, @komakloss wrote:Is there any news about this issue? Two minor updates later it is still pretty much unplayable with this horrible screen tearing in performance mode on the PS5. Also the edge jittering / no Anti aliasing or whatever it causes is also really bad. And graphic mode (or however it's called) is unplayable due to very low FPS.
Is there any news about this issue? Two minor updates later it is still pretty much unplayable with this horrible screen tearing in performance mode on the PS5. Also the edge jittering / no Anti aliasing or whatever it causes is also really bad. And graphic mode (or however it's called) is unplayable due to very low FPS.
In T187490#2749568, @Geez wrote:Resolved for and higher.
Resolved for and higher.
Thu, Jan 30
I dont want to create another topic but I have similar problem on Ps5 with mouse and keyboard. My is little different but really anoying. When Im moving my character with WASD, quite often it moves in that direction on its own. This issue is a real problem when you want to just move a inch and character keeps moving, when I press radom WASD key it stops.
Wed, Jan 29
By the way, it seems you mention this in all of your tickets which is a bit unnecessary
Mon, Jan 27
Sun, Jan 26
Sat, Jan 25
Fri, Jan 24
I hope I'm registering this in the correct place.
Thu, Jan 23
I wonder if this may be tied into the fact that PS5 does not currently have the ability to run mods (coming in the future) but its till doesn't make sense why we still can on official servers but not on our own rented server. Any help would be appreciated. We love the game and simply want to fully enjoy it by creating and saving our own scenarios in Game Master.
Wed, Jan 22
Mon, Jan 20
Jan 18 2025
Jan 17 2025
Jan 16 2025
Jan 15 2025
Also occurs in Xbox
When rapidly toggling the inventory menu a hardly visible prompt for the M249 SAW to accept STANMAGS in the same caliber is displayed.
However on selection this action fails either from script error or lack of animation texture's
I’m not entirely sure what lines are disabling this I clearly see it when toggling the menu at a rapid pace but prompts for M249 SAW to accept STANMAGS are invalid or being canceled by animation textures
Jan 14 2025
Jan 13 2025
@Geez He is probably talking about antitorque pedals
Hello Giorgos78GR.
Can you please specify what is Anditorgue?
Hello Ectosllat.
This will be resolved for the 1.3 version.
Jan 12 2025
if needed, I can join a specific server at a specific time to help reproduce or demonstrate the issue
I’ve found posts from several players specifically on ps5 that have the same issue, i.e. this is not a single case.
Jan 11 2025
Jan 10 2025
Jan 9 2025
Good afternoon dear developers! I bought your wonderful game because I am a fan of this series. But unfortunately I encountered difficulties. Why are Bans distributed left and right in the game, regardless of the player’s actions? I just might get banned for not liking my godfather!!! Not because of some illegal or incorrect actions of mine, but on the basis of personal negativity!? Is this normal in your opinion!?
Hello Localv2.
Players can learn how to fly in GM. In Multiplayer we cannot recognize if crashing with other people was intentional or not. If there was no other damage applied (for example enemies shooting at helicopter) it would be pilot which is blamed and that's correctly considered team-killing.
I’m on a 32 inch tv. I have 20/20 vision and I’m having to move right up against the tv to read the writing it’s to small and no adjuster to make it bigger
Jan 8 2025
Jan 7 2025
Also occurs in the playstation version btw.
In T187490#2733286, @everelizalde wrote:I can confirm this issue on XBOX as well. Game feels smooth on Fidelity, but Performance makes it very unstable, and it stutters when I move the camera to look around. Very distracting.
I can confirm this issue on XBOX as well. Game feels smooth on Fidelity, but Performance makes it very unstable, and it stutters when I move the camera to look around. Very distracting.
Confirmed. The performance is just horrible no matter what mode. Hardcore screen tearing and low fps and dips.
Confirmed. Way too small. Needs options to adjust.
Confirmed. There is definitely something wrong.
HDR and SDR on LCD 4k TV absolutely unplayable. No sliders to adjust anything.
My guess is that HDR is not implemented properly on the PS5.
Jan 6 2025
Relates to T187625
Hello JogaJaga.
Please describe the issue in English language and include all required information.