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Heli custom controls dont work properly . Plesae fiix it
Assigned, NormalPublic


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Windows 7
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I fixed the heli buttons like the battlefield 4 legacy but anditorgue left and tight dont work. This is the setup:

Collective up: R2
Collective down: L2
Anditorgue left: R stick left (DOESNT WORK)
Anditorgue right: R stick right (DOESNT WORK)
Circling forward: R stick down
Cycling back: R stick up
Cycling left: L stick Left
Cycling right L stick right

Aslo the speed forward looks a little slow from users with other setup....but it might be my fault

Event Timeline

Giorgos78GR renamed this task from Heli custom controls dint eork properly . Plesae fiix it to Heli custom controls dint work properly . Plesae fiix it.
Giorgos78GR renamed this task from Heli custom controls dint work properly . Plesae fiix it to Heli custom controls dont work properly . Plesae fiix it.Jan 11 2025, 11:01 AM
Geez changed the task status from New to Need More Info.Jan 13 2025, 1:47 PM
Geez added a subscriber: Geez.

Hello Giorgos78GR.
Can you please specify what is Anditorgue?

@Geez He is probably talking about antitorque pedals

Geez changed the task status from Need More Info to Assigned.Jan 14 2025, 12:00 PM
Geez added a comment.Jan 31 2025, 3:23 PM

Hello again.
Is this still an issue on the current version? As we cannot seem to produce this on our end.