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May 28 2024
May 26 2024
As an aside, you can also do this:
In T181377#2612108, @speedwaystar wrote:however, what I DO think isn't intuitive, is the difference between the US and USSR clackers. the US clacker can be equipped and immediately used with R. the USSR clacker by contrast is less straightforward. I think it supposed to be deployed (on the ground) before it can be used (like an old-school TNT plunger), which isn't immediately obvious.
If Hold-F causes the detonator be be USED from the inventory rather than just equipped, then that's inconsistent and should either be changed or become a new standard behaviour. AFAIK hold-F doesn't work on any other inventory items (for example, you can't attach a bayonet by opening the inventory and holding-F on it, which WOULD be consistent behaviour).
In T181377#2612298, @KStrike wrote:
May 25 2024
In T181377#2612126, @AkiDaWolf wrote:USSR one can be equipped and detonated with R as well.
however, what I DO think isn't intuitive, is the difference between the US and USSR clackers. the US clacker can be equipped and immediately used with R. the USSR clacker by contrast is less straightforward. I think it supposed to be deployed (on the ground) before it can be used (like an old-school TNT plunger), which isn't immediately obvious.
I suspect R was chosen deliberately, since F is used for many different actions, and if it was also used to detonate explosives, there's a high chance players might do so accidentally while trying to interact with something else, not realizing that the clacker was equipped.
May 23 2024
problem persists in
May 22 2024
to be fair, the damaged engine catching fire when started that seems like a feature rather than a bug.
May 20 2024
confirmed in new Game Master session in Experimental with empty map, placing down just one squad and giving it a normal movement waypoint.
Oct 15 2022
Oct 6 2022
also, the leaf sight's markings do not in any way match the zeroing setting chosen.
Oct 3 2022
the experimental changelog incorrectly states that this bug has been fixed.
Aug 26 2022
this occurs when the gamemaster swaps between different characters. on swapping back, the number of radio channels doubles or triples.
Aug 24 2022
amusing though this might be, a simple functioning ban system would be preferable. note that currently, admin bans do not work.
Aug 14 2022
issue persists in
issue persists in
Aug 13 2022
tested in and unfortunately, and contrary to the changelog, a new bandage is *not* assigned to the quickbar after use.
Aug 11 2022
bug is still present as of
bug is still present in
fixed in
Aug 3 2022
i have not noticed any improvement in
Jul 23 2022
a report of this issue from the steam community forum: https://steamcommunity.com/app/1874880/discussions/0/3419934180315602618/
this didn't appear to be happening on my old system, but on a newly built i9-12900k and rtx 3080 rig it is now happening consistently, it does indeed seem to be linked to how often i open the map in-game.
Jul 20 2022
This is a VERY common reason for disconnection.
Jul 14 2022
Jul 4 2022
"Weapon Camera Shake" by Xorberax on the Mod Workshop adds this functionality, although it would be nice if it was baseline.
"Pastas Radio Sounds" on the Mod Workshop adds this functionality, although it would be nice if it was baseline.
a number of tickets have actually been fixed, but are still listed as "open" in the bug tracker. for intance, T165329
tested in appears to now be fixed
note that this bug only manifests on a dedicated server connection. a workaround when you are the only person using the armory is to open it from Vicinity. however, if other players are accessing the armory at the same time, you will still see items jumping around.
Jul 3 2022
Jul 2 2022
after you spawn, swap to your second weapon, then press the jump key.
this magically fixes the bugged weapon in slot 1.